Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.


De: FROM BANK OF AMERICA < www.boan@gmail.com >
Fecha: viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010, 05:31 am


Attention: Fund Beneficiary

This is to inform you that the Payment amounting to US$6 Million United States Dollars Unpaid Funds in your name is approved and ready for payment release to you as the beneficiary of the Fund. The Accrued Interest Amount of the fund which the fund generated while in process is also added to the fund. Upon the confirmation of your personal details to conform to the details on the payment file as listed, the payment shall be released to you. This Fund has been overdue for payment and has been officially approved for immediate payment release to you upon the confirmation of your details as we at the Bank of America New York have been officially authorized to process and release your payment.
Important Note; You have not received this payment earlier because the officials, representatives and all other persons whom you have been contacting and working with in the process to receive your payment. Our investigations revealed that they have been deliberately working against you receiving this payment.
They continue to request for more and more fees from you thereby frustrating you from receiving your overdue and approved payment. You have paid so many amounts in fees and charges but still you are yet to receive your payment.

These persons have been trying to divert your payment to their personal and private accounts so that you will not receive the payment but because of our intervention, we have been able to stop them from diverting your payment to their private account because your payment is now duly approved to be released to you by the following authorities; the United States Government, the European Union Governments, the G8, the G20, the United Nations and the World Bank as the payment has been in your name and therefore cannot be changed. The FBI and the CIA have also certified your payment and have approved the immediate release of your payment to you. Your Payment Release Codes as issued by these authorities shall be sent to you upon getting your response.

We have also received official report that persons and offices claiming to be FBI are contacting you for the release of your fund. Be aware that the FBI does not contact persons with regards to the release of their funds. The FBI are only investigative officers and only issues fund clearance orders after confirming that the funds are not illegal and are not connected to any fraud, terrorist or drug related activities. Therefore these persons and offices contacting you are not the legitimate FBI and therefore they are fake.
In your best interest to stop any further communication, contact or response to these fake FBI persons, representatives or any office, group of persons with regards to the release of your payment as approved. You are required to send your responses 'ONLY' to us as we have been authorized by the different authorities involved including the FBI and the CIA to effectively confirm your details and release the payment to you.

You are also advised to know that there are too many impostors and scam artist out there wanting to defraud people with the pretense and disguise of assisting them get their payments released to them. This is to warn you to stop any further communication with any office for the release of your payment. The FBI, SSS, CIA and all the Government authorities/agencies have warned and have given us the Payment Release/Delivery Authority to get all unpaid funds to their respective recipients.
You are to only communicate with us to enable us Release and Deliver your payment to you accordingly. Should we get any information that you are communicating with any other office, person or group of persons, we will report you to the FBI, SSS, CIA and all the Government authorities/agencies and your payment release/delivery will be withdrawn and canceled immediately for communication with fraudsters, impostors and scam artist. You are advised in your best interest to strictly follow and adhere to the simple directives as issued to enable us serve you better.

To enable us confirm your details, you are here-by required to urgently contact us with your details as follows;
1. Your Full Name
2. Your Contact address
3. Your telephone numbers
4. Your sex
5. Your age
6. Your occupation

Upon the confirmation of your details, your payment shall be forwarded to our Payment Release Center in NewYork City for immediate release of your payment to you.
You are required to quickly respond urgently without delay.
Faithfully yours,

Thanks and God bless you.


Head, Electronic Payments Unit


If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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