Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.

Mrs Hello.
I know that it will surely gone your heart to have received my mail, I am Sharon Bemba Saolona, Am a beautiful young girl looking for real friendship and protection, I have gone through your email , I am very happy to contact you for us to know ourselves. You know that distance, age and indeed color cannot stop true friendship. Please, I would appreciate if you send Email to my private Email box: ( d1sharon@msn.com ) So that i can send my pictures and more information about myself to you. I would love to tell you more about myself, but only if you are interested in my friendship then don't hesitate to mail me to my private box: from there we see where things will go.

You are very special and that’s why I feel honored to be your friend.

Your ardent admirer
Mrs From: Sharon Bemba Saolona. <d1sharon@msn.com>
Sent: Thu, March 25, 2010 3:31:26 AM

Hello my Dear,
How are you today?.
I appreciate your reply to honor my request,I hope you are in perfect peace and health with your family, my heart is filed with gladness that you honor my request because relationship do not care for age, color, distance or tribe if we like each other, rather, we shall make impossible to become possible to meet together if God's purpose no matter the distance or tribe.i want to share things in common with you,compare our past life, present and future experiences to exercise joy and happiness all the days of our life.

Meanwhile,my name is Sharon Bemba Saolona,a citizen of Congo Republic but i am living presently in Dakar Senegal, i am a girl of 23years old, never been married and no kids,i am fair in complexion and of average height ; my pictures explains to you better,I love to laugh and smile with good friends. I enjoy going to dinner, movies, beaches, mostly all outdoor activities. I am a confident, responsible,I like to spend at home with a movies at resting hour. I am easy to please if you treat me with graciouly,i have great sense of humor,loving,caring,humble, faithful,trustworthy, slow to anger,compassionate, I am glad to get in contact with you because i have been searching for a nice person,kind, caring, some one i can trust in my life, who will take care of me, somebody i will ensure my life into his hand, a some one who i can express my greatest and sweetest love and share things in common with him as long as i live. and my heart is telling me that you are the person who God have sent to my life .

I promise to be a nice girl to you as long as we continue in this communication and i strongly believe that God have a purpose for our relationship in future.i want you to tell me about yourself, your social life,your country, your occupation,do you like my photo?, I will tell you more about myself in my next mail with my contact number.
Thank you for your understanding, Waiting for your soonest reply.
Yours faithfully,
Sharon Bemba Saolona.
This is my photo
Mrs From: Sharon Bemba Saolona. <d1sharon@msn.com>
Sent: Thu, March 25, 2010 10:25:04 PM

Hello my beloved one,
How are you today?, l hope you are fine. i am your beloved Sharon, indeed,your corresponding has shown me that you are the real person which my soul has been desiring for a long time, as for me, i am bored since my living in this inconclusive environment, i am writing to you from the office of the reverend pastor Moses Abel in a particular church inside Red cross center under United Nations Refugee Authority where i am living as a refugee after my father's funeral. i use this opportunity to tell you more about myself, it is very painful in my soul to say that i became an orphan since i lost my parents,my father from Congo republic died last year 3rd July 2009 after brief illness, and my mother died 10years ago, but unfortunately,i am the only child to my mother because it is a polygamous family,truly, the life has been so difficult to me because of the hatred from my father's relatives, the misfortune and sudden event made me to ran away out of my country to take asylum here in Senegal as a refugee because my step mother was maltreating me so badly,gave me many alligation over my father's death,and seized all my belonging, gave me poinson so that i will die,and they conspired to set traps with bad boys that will rape me and kill me because of my fathers WILL against his property because i am the only daughter and my father loves me so much but all was evain because God said No that i will be alive today.

Meanwhile, when i found out that the conspiriency againts my life, on a particular afternoon, i decided to leave the country because my life is most important more than every other thing, i began to search if i will have access to any of my fathers property according to his WILL to enable me continue my life some where without the knowledge of my step mother, i searched where by father uses to keep his important documents and i found some certificate of documents which proved and convinced me and according to his WILL over his property that my father deposited the sum of $3.8m Dollars in a particular International Bank with my name as the next of kin hence i am the only child to my beloved mother, i felt happy and didn't waist time to take the documents immediately and ran down here to Senegal to hide for my life sake, and since i came here, my life has been so ridiculous, there is no food to eat, no good water to drink, the air is polluted because of the bad environment, non of my father's relatives knew where i am now because they will definitely kill me because they conspired together against me because of my father propety, now, my plan was when i come here i communicated the bank to withdraw the funds to continue my life, so, I made the Bank to be aware of the death of my father and my plans to recover my inheritance but unfortunately, the bank refused to transact any business with me because of my refugee status according to their bank rules and regulations rather they advised me to find a free person that will stand as my trustee with them in other for them to transfer the money to his account for the person to help me, base on the above explanations, i will like you to assist me to stand on my behalf as my trustee to enable the bank transfer this money to your account so that you can withdraw some money from it and send to me to pay my refugee freedom dues, get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet you at your country, but if you decided to sponsor my coming to meet you on your own expense to come out of this bad condition immediately to meet you at your country before we start the transaction, i will also appreciate it the most.

Nevertheless,it is my solemn pleasure to tell you all these secrete, do not say i don't know you or you don't know me,our relationship is a divine connection because God want to increase your financial capacity with one love, soul, heart for eternity as well as to help me to come out of here in good faith, i have invested all my trust in you before releasing this wonderful secrete hoping that you cannot betray me, i gave you this offer out of love and caring which binds us together since we knew each other,i pray hardly before i came to this conclusion knowing that you will not betray me because God recommended you as a nice person, My ambition is that when the money gets to your account and i come to your country, we shall invest in all kinds of business according to your recommendation which will bring up the growth of our family if you marry me but if you don't marry me, i will map out 25% for the good work and trust confounded in you after the transaction ok. please make sure that you keep this secrete to yourself only ,i don't want to loss my life and the money because this place i am living with my documents is not safe. hope you understood?,please, send your phone number, your address and photo in your next message OK so that i will put things in action for the bank to transfer the money to your account pending my arrival to meet you. please call me through the reverend pastor phone number ( 00221-774393395 ) so that i will speak with you to hear the sound of your voice ok,I shall stop here, make sure you take good care of yourself while waiting to hear possitively from you soon. God bless you as you agree to rescue me out of this difficult situation.
With all my love,

If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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