Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.

Mr Date: Thu, 6 May 2010 16:48:12 +0000
From: raghibsaad@yahoo.fr
Subject: DETAILS OF THE TRANSACTION(Take a view copy of my passport, bank ID and family pic.)

Dear Patner,

I thank you for your respond to my noble proposal to accept in assisting me to achieve my objective. I proposed to you for our matured benefit

I have found it necessary to give you more elucidation on this deal and to give you niceties and break down of the modality which we have to follow to achieve this highly beneficial success. I am a banker and an insider. I know the process to be taken officially in the bank to investigate and verify your claim to grant you approval as the Material and Equipment supplied to the Community-based Rural Development Project contract phase one and two.

I have decided to do this project with you because I have worked in this bank for years without achieving anything due to the corruption in this country. It’s true this country is one of the poorest in the world but the leaders are very wicked and corrupt. Even the Aids we receive from Donor countries as well as the international communities are being diverted into the private pockets of the few in authority.

Therefore while the rich are getting richer, the poor masses continue to suffer. Could you believe that an accountant with second Degree upper like me can't even earn a good salary par month, I only have a name NOT money or any material possessions. So this is why when I saw this opportunity, I decided to capitalize on it with my position in the bank and I hope with your co-operation, success will be for us.

I have stated why I am serious to claim this fund and I properly know that the fund exists here in the bank in an escrow account which I have all the secret information to claim without any drawback.

Please, assure me that you are capable to manage this transaction satisfactorily because I have invested a lot of human and material resources to gather together all information’s in respect to this transaction.

This fund belong to the contractor group of Tender Board of Escom group of companies Burkina Faso West Africa, a foreign contractor with Burkina Faso Government under the able control of ECOWAS,

This company executed there contract in the year 2004/2005 and all there payment are been released through our bank, and all there contract file are been dispatch to my office to the Ministry of Mines and Power for final approval of there payment. Definitely I personally endorse the final approval and further dispatch there file to the Ministry of Finance for payment approval and foreign exchange allocation. Subsequently the Finance Ministry authorize our Bank to remit the contract sum to there foreign nominated bank account.

The federal government allocated Community-based Rural Development Project contract to the sum of US$ 880million us dollars for its activities. In the same period the commission carried out various developmental projects amounting to the sum of US$ 830,5 million dollars.

Meanwhile, the Federal ministry of finance has submitted receipts for the sum of US$ 830,5 million Dollars and an approval have been given by the federal government. The balance of ( US$49.5M,(forty nine million, Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars) in excess is what s still pending inside the Escrow account and I as the chief accountant need an assistance of a reputable foreign bank for our benefits.

Every thing concerning the deal will be legal and official I assured you. What we transferred to the foreign contractor is only the amount written in the receipt which is US$ 830,5 million as a substitute to US$ 880million us dollars.

I want you to stand as a contract supplier to the contractor group of Tender Board of Escom group of companies Burkina Faso West Africa for the claim of this fund, while I back you up with all the relevant and vital documents needed to achieve the deal.


I need to emphasize on the need for trust and confidence on both side as the pillar for the success of this business. You need to reassure me that you will not betray me and sit on this fund when it finally comes into your custody.


Immediately the transfer is made, I will submit my letter of resignation from bank prior to my trip to your country to meet you. There will be banking in your country banks and investments in business ventures before thinking of returning to my country, If I find your country very conducive I will go for citizenship after reasonable period. Most of my investments will be understandably under your supervision.


The understanding of this details and accepting to work with me in this deal is the starting point. I require you therefore to declare your decision immediately. I have a time frame to conclude the transfer of this fund to your account. I have 8 banking days to effect this, Immediately your application is received by the bank.

As the urgency implies in this transaction, I need your immediate respond to indicate your stand and capability to handle this transaction,

Please, as the urgency implies to achieve this deal urgently , kindly respond back to me through this private email for security reason. (raghibsaad@yahoo.fr) as soon as possible so that I will urged you on the next step.


Mr.Raghib Saad.

00226 74033698


If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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