Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.



> Od: "Rita Cyilima" < ritacyilima@hotmail.com >
> Datum: 31.03.2012 18:52
> Předmět: Reakce zpět k vm

Dobr den,můj mil,
Jak jetvůj den! Douf m, žem te skvěl den!.
Jsem velmi rd ve sv odpovědina můj mail, zatm, jak jsemv m řkal , mojejm no jeslečna Rita Cyilima , je mi24 letvěku z Rwandy ve vchodn Africe, 5.7ft/173cm vysok , veletrh vpleť, nikdy se vzaldř ve. Ale v současn dobějsem sbydli těm v uprchlickm tboře v Dakaruzde Senegal (v zpadn Africe) v důsledkuobčansk v lky, kterbyla svedenav m zemiRwandě. Jsem dcera pozdn Dr. Felix Cyilima , můj otecpozdn Dr.F. Cyilima působil jako vkonn & yacute; ředitela generln ředitel společnostiodst. ropn společnost) FelyCyily & Associates(Ltd ), a onbyl takosobn m poradcem b val f uv d vesv zemi Rwandě před povstalci napadli n důmjeden časnrann azabil jejspolu s matkoua moujedinou milovanou mlad sestrouv ech chladnokrevně , je to jenmě, že jenaživu za to, žejsem bylve kole během Incident, po kterm jsem muselběžet na můjhol životas pomoc Červen ho křže ;Charity mi podařilo, abysvou cestudo tto země,Senegal , kdežiji nyn vuprchlick m tboře jako uprchlk , a tento počtač i použitv komunikaci sV mi jepř slu nost kotci reverenda , kterse staro mal ho kostela vysazeny zde bsp;v prostorch uprchlick ho t bora ze stranyOrganizace spojench nrodů.

Nicm ně, prosm, můj drahChtěl bych, abysmi vc o sobějako člověk, coděl te v současn době, valibosti a nelibosti, a jenjednou zajin věci, kter chcetemi řct něco o sobě, budu velmir d, žea v m, želep , protožej vm s tejněřeknu vce osobě v mpř t mail , zatm přikl d m moje fotkytu pro Vs , jen jsemdoufal, žese vm budou lbit , i kdyžj nejsemv echno, tak fotogenick .

Bůh vm žehnej, jak simaj př jemn čas.
J ček nazpr vy od vs nejdř ve ,
S pozdravem,
Rita .

- - - - - - - - - - -

Hello my dear,
How is your day!! i hope you are having a great day!!.
I am very happy in your reply to my mail, meanwhile like i told you, my name is Miss Rita Cyilima, I'm 24 years old of age from Rwanda in Eastern Africa, 5.7ft/173cm tall, fair in complexion, never married before. But presently i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal (in Western Africa) as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country Rwanda. I am the daughter of late Dr. Felix Cyilima, my father late Dr. F. Cyilima was the managing director and CEO of (an oil company) FelyCyily & Associates (Ltd), and he was also the personal adviser to the former head of states in my country Rwanda before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed him alongside with my mother and my only beloved younger sister all in cold blood, it is only me that is alive today for the fact that i was in school during the incident, after which i had to run for my dear life and with the help of the Red Cross Charity Society i managed to make my way to this country Senegal where i am living now in the refugee camp as a refugee, and this computer i use in communicating with you is belonging to a Reverend father that takes care of the little church planted here in the refugee camp premises by the United Nations.
However, please my dear i would like you to tell me more about yourself as a person, what you are doing presently, your likes and dislikes, and just every other things you wish to tell me about yourself, i will be very glad to hear and know you better as i will equally tell you more about myself in my next mail, meanwhile i am attaching my photos here for you, i just hoped you will like them even though i am not all that photogenic anyway.
God bless you as you do have a pleasant time.
I awaits hearing from you soonest,
Sincerely yours,

my photo 1
my photo 2
Miss Young

If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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