Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.



Da: Diana Zeca < dianazeca1@yahoo.com >
Inviato: Lunedì 24 Maggio 2010 15:47
Oggetto: Lep pozdrav Diana
Pozdravljeni Najdražji
Moje toplo Hvala vam, da je veliko zadovoljstvo, da so v stiku z vami v tej atmosferi še enkrat imam pa v upanju, da slišim od tebe, odkar sem vam napisal, kako je vaš dragi življenje in zdravje upam, da ste v redu in v brezhibnem stanju zdravja, prosim oprostite so moje nemoči i sprejeta odločitev za pisanje vam zaradi moje stanje. Bom rad začel z razlago mojega self zelo jasno vam, ker jaz ne more skriti svoje občutke, v vsakem prek prijateljstva, je iskrenost in odprto srce, sem dober srca in odprtega duha dekle, jaz sem pošteno v polti, i am 172cm visok, imam povprečno telo graditi, govorim angleško.

Moje ime je Diana Jerry ŽEČA iz Sudana le otrok od pokojnega očeta ŽEČA g. Jerry, pred smrtjo mojega očeta je bil trgovec področju nafte, zemeljskega plina in zemljišč v razvoju, moj oče je bil ubit s strani uporniških milic veljati znan kot džandžavidov, ki ga je kratek večkrat, preden je umrl je bil pa pri tem, da zasebno bolnišnico, kjer je bivanje in umrl, v tem času je bila državljanska vojna se dogaja v moji državi Sudanu v regiji Darfur od koder prihajam.

moje veliko koristi od mojega očeta, ker me je tako radi, ko je bil še živ, Moj oče je tudi načrtovano, da me v Anglijo, da nadaljuje svoj visok nosilec, vendar smrti vzel moj dragi očka od mene, zdaj zaradi državljanske vojne v moji državi ki me je odpeljal iz moje države, sedaj za mojo varnost, jaz sem zdaj iščejo zatočišče v Senegalu tukaj so stvari, ki so zelo in čeprav težko za mene, da dvakrat jesti na dan je tako težko za mene, zaradi slabih razmer, toda moje največje veselje Zdaj je to moj oče deponira razumen znesek denarja v banke tukaj v Senegalu za mene.

jaz sem tukaj z vsemi podatki o sklada tukaj, in imam stik banko večkrat sem prišel v to državo kot begunec, a je bilo odgovore, da ne bo naredil nič z mano zaradi mojega statusa begunca v Senegalu here , in jim predlagal, naj pogledam za skrbnika, ki bo stala v mojem imenu, tako da bodo tudi oni naredili prenos z osebo, v mojem imenu. Torej draga, rabim vaš dober odgovor, ki vem, da bo vsemogočni Bog se te dotaknil v srcu, ki jim to nepozaben pomoč mi, ker življenje je zelo neprijetno in zelo boleče za mene tukaj.

Prosim, jaz ne morem pokličete ker jaz nimam telefona moje, ampak če hočeš govoriti z mano me lahko pokličete prek Reverend Priest Beekham telefonsko številko Baima +221-763.445.744, ki je v varstvu in navodila za zatočišče tukaj v Dakar province, njegovo ime je častiti Priest Beekham Biama, prosim če pokličete mu povedal, da se želite pogovarjati z menoj Diana iz Sudana in on bo spodbuda za mene in bomo razpravljali OK.
Lep pozdrav Diana4040

Hello Dearest
My warm greetings to you it is of great pleasure to be in contact with you in this atmosphere once again i have being hoping to hear from you ever since i wrote you how is your precious life and health i hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health, please pardon my helplessness i have taken a decision of writing you due to my situation. I will like to start by explaining my self very clearly to you because i can not hide my feelings, in every through friendship, there is sincerity and open mind, I am a good hearted and open minded girl, i am fair in complexion, i am 172cm tall, I have average body build, i speak English.

My name is Diana Jerry Zeca from Sudan the only child of of Late Father Mr. Jerry Zeca, before the death of my father he was a merchant in petroleum, natural gas and land developing, my father was killed by rebel force militias known as the Janjawid who short him several times before he died he was being taking to a private hospital where he stay and died, at this time there was a civil war going on in my country Sudan in the Darfur region where i come from.

my great benefit from my father because he love me so much when he was alive, My father also planed to take me to England to continue my high institution but death took away my beloved Daddy from me, Now due to the civil war in my country which drove me away from my country now for my safety, i am now seeking refuge in Senegal here were things are very though and hard for me, to eat twice a day is so hard for me due to the bad situation, but my greatest joy now is that my father deposited a reasonable amount of money in the bank here in Senegal for me.

i am here with all the particulars of the fund here, and i have contacted the bank several times since i came to this country as a refugee but there answers was that they will not do any thing with me due to my refugee status in Senegal here, and they suggested that i should look for a trustee who will stand on my behalf so that they will do the transfer with the person on my behalf. So dearest, i need your good response which i know that the almighty God will touch you in your heart to render this unforgettable help to me, because life is very uncomfortable and very painful for me over here.

Please i can not call you because i do not have any phone of my own but if you want to speak with me you can call me through Reverend Priest Beekham Baima phone number +221-763.445.744 who is in care and guidance for refuges here in Dakar province, his name is Reverend Priest Beekham Biama, please when you call tell him that you want to speak with me Ms Diana from Sudan and he will send for me and we discuss OK.
Yours Diana4040

419-5-My Photo

Da: Diana Zeca < dianazeca1@yahoo.com >
Inviato: Mercoledì 25 Agosto 2010 23:03
Oggetto: Hvala za vašo prizadevanja mojega življenja
Pozdravljeni Najdražji
Moje tople pozdrave in spoštovanje, da vam za čudovito prizadevanj za moje življenje med mojim grozno dni begunca besedami ne more izraziti svoje veliko spoštovanje do vas.
Zelo sem vesel, da vas obvestim o mojem uspehu pri doseganju, da je moj pokojni oče je denar nakazan v okviru sodelovanja g. Mohammad Tafa iz Saudove Arabije. Torej Trenutno sem v Saudovi Arabiji za investicijske projekte z g. Mohammad Tafa. Medtem, nisem pozabil svoje pretekle napore in pripravljenost, da mi pomaga pri prenosu denarja, kljub temu, da se ni izšlo tako pričakujemo.

Sedaj boste morali obrniti na Rev očeta Beckham Biama ki je bil včasih zelo dober oče k meni, ko sem bil v begunsko taborišče v Dakarju, je zadolžen za cerkev v begunskem taborišču. Njegovo ime je Rev oče Beckham Biama in njegovi neposredni e-poštni naslov je naslednji: revbeckhambiama@yahoo.com Vprašaj ga, da vam pošlje overjeno osnutek banke 250.000 € evrov, ki sem pripravljena in hranijo za vas kot darilo, in odškodnine za vse dosedanja prizadevanja in poskusi, da mi pomaga, ko sem bil v groznih razmerah in krutega tja na begunsko taborišče v Senegalu. zgoraj, je njegov naslov OK, jaz osebno napisal banka osnutek in odpeljite na Reverend Beckham Biama poslati na vas, ko ste z njim stik vi ste edini, ki imajo pravico, da umakne denar v osnutku, ko vam lahko predstavimo bank .

Cenim vse vaše napore v tistem času zelo veliko ljubezni in spodbujanje si dal mi pomagajte mi, da imajo na za boljši dan. zato vas prosimo, in priti v stik s Reverend Beckham Biama in mu naroči, kam poslati denar. Prosimo vas, povej mi, takoj ga boste prejeli, tako da lahko delimo veselje po vsem trpljenju, v tistem času. V trenutku sem zelo zaposlen tu zaradi investicijskih projektov, ki me in moji novi partner imajo pri roki, in ne sme biti sposoben brati svoj email redno spomnim, da sem posredoval navodila za častiti Beekham Biama v vašem imenu za receive ta denar.

Zato vas prosimo, da stopijo v stik z njim in on bo poslal znesek, ki ga brez odlašanja. Bodite pozorni in adijo za zdaj. Takoj, ko ste prejeli to naredil me obvesti, da bom se prepričajte, da ste zbrani v redu, tako da bomo lahko obe skupaj veselijo v redu.
Lep pozdrav vedno Diana

Hello Dearest
My warm greetings and respect to you for your wonderful effort towards my life during my terrible days as a refugee words can not express my much appreciation to you.
I'm very happy to inform you about my success in getting that my late father's money transferred under the co-operation of Mr Mohammad Tafa from Saudi Arabia. So Presently am in Saudi Arabia for investment projects with Mr Mohammad Tafa. Meanwhile, I didn't forget your past efforts and willingness to assist me in transferring the money despite that it didn't work out the way we expect.

Now you will need to contact Rev Father Beckham Biama whom used to be a very good father to me when i was in the refugee camp in Dakar, he is in charge of the church in the refugee camp. His name is Rev father Beckham Biama, and his direct email address is as follows : revbeckhambiama@yahoo.com Ask him to send you a certified bank draft of €250,000 Euro which i prepared and kept for you as a gift and compensation for all the past efforts and attempts to assist me when i was in terrible and cruel situation over there at the refugee camp in Senegal. above is his mail address OK , i personally wrote the bank draft and handed it over to Reverend Beckham Biama to send to you when you contact him you are the only one who have right to withdraw the money in the draft when you present to you bank.

I appreciate all your efforts at that time very much the love and encouragement you gave to me help me to hold on for a better day. so feel free and get in touched with Reverend Beckham Biama and instruct him where to send you the money. Please do let me know immediately you receive it so that we can share our joy after all the sufferings at that time. In the moment, I am very busy here because of the investment projects which me and my new partner are having at hand, and may not be able to read my email regularly remember that i had forwarded instruction to Reverend Beekham Biama on your behalf to receive that money.

Therefore feel free to get in touch with him and he will send the amount to you without delay. Take care and bye for now. As soon as you receive it do inform me so that i will be sure that you have collected it okay so that we can both rejoice together okay.
Yours always Diana
Miss Young

If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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