Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.


From: Mr. David Morgan < server@merschmanseeds.com >
Date: Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 5:42 PM
Subject: How are you doing today???


Sometimes, I do wonder if you are really, really with your senses. How Could you keep trusting people and at the end you will loose your hard Earned money, or are you being deceived by their big names? They Impersonate on many offices, claiming to be overnors,Directors/Chairmen of one Office or the other. Their game plan is only just to extort your hard Earned money. Now, the question is how long you will continue to be Deceived? Sometimes, they will issue you fake check, introduce you to fake Diplomatic delivery, un-existing on-line banking and they will also fake wire transfer of Your fund with Payment Stop Order  and even send you fake atm cards etc.

Anyway, by the virtue of my position I have been following this Transaction from inception and all your efforts towards realizing the Fund. More often than not,I sit down and laugh at your ignorance and That of those who claim they are assisting you, it is very unfortunate That at the end you loose. Although, I don' t blame you because you are Not here in Nigeria to witness the processing of your payment in Nigeria.The problem you are having is that you been told the whole truth About this transaction and it is because of this truth they decided to Be extorting your money. The most annoying part is even fraudsters Have really taken advantage of this opportunity to enrich them selves At your expense. Those you feel are assisting or working for you are Your main problems.I know the truth surrounding this payment and I am The only person who will deliver you from this long suffering if you will abide  by my advice.

I also know that recently you have been dealing with people claiming to be the EFCC. They claim that they are helping you and you forward all the fraudulent e-mails you receive to them. At the end they do nothing about the fraudsters. Soon they will ask you to pay money to receive a compensation of $1,500,000. Do not pay any money to them because they are only interested in your hard earned money and you will never receive any compensation in return, they will always keep coming back to ask for more money.

Please I beseech you to stop pursuit of shadows and being Deceived.Feel free to contact me immediately you receive this mail so that I can Explain to you the modus-operandi guiding the release of your Payment. Do not panic, be rest assured that this arrangement will be Guided by your Embassy here in Nigeria.

N/B: You are urgently requested to provide me with the following information

Full Name
Telephone Number

Contact me upon the receipt of this mail if you wish to receive your fund and stop wasting your hard earn money.

Thanks and remain blessed.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Datum: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 23:51:38 +0200 (EET)
Van: stane@ukrpost.ua
Antwoorden aan:stane@ukrpost.ua
Onderwerp: PAYMENT
Aan: stane@ukrpost.ua

Desk of: Sir. David Morgan
The Secretary-General
World Bank Group
London SW1P 4QP England
United Kingdom

Attention:Owner Of Fund,

RE:Release of Your Fund

I am Sir. David Morgan, Bill and Exchange Manager/Secretary General,
Head of the World Bank Finance Group, London Branch, set up to fight
against scam and fraudulent activities worldwide. This Group is
responsible for investigating the legitimacy of unpaid contract,
inheritance and lotto winning claims by companies and individuals and
directs the paying authorities (banks) worldwide to make immediate
payment of verified claims to the beneficiaries without further delay.

You are being legally contacted regarding the release of your long
awaited fund. After a detailed review of your file, the World Bank
Group has mandated that your fund should be release immediately the sum
DOLLARS ONLY) has been approved in your favor via my desk.
I therefore wish to inform you that your payment is being processed and
will be released to you as soon as you respond to this Email.

Please re-confirm to us the following:

(1) Your Full Name:
(2) Your Address:
(3) Phone, Fax and Mobile Number:
(4) Profession, Age and Marital status:

Note that the above fund have been cleared from terrorist or fraud
related activities.Kindly respond via this email

Thanks for Your Cooperation.

Sir.David Morgan
World Bank Group

Mr Datum: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 23:08:45 +0100 (CET)
Van: World Bank <worldbklondonuk@gmail.com>
Antwoorden aan:worldbklondongroup@gmail.com

Desk of: Sir. David Morgan
The Secretary-General
World Bank Group
London SW1P 4QP England
United Kingdom


RE:Release of Your Fund

I am Sir. David Morgan, Bill and Exchange Manager/Secretary General,
Head of the
World Bank Finance Group, London
Branch, set up to fight against scam and fraudulent activities worldwide. This
Group is responsible for
investigating the legitimacy of unpaid contract, inheritance and lotto winning
claims by companies and individuals
and directs the paying authorities (banks) worldwide to make immediate payment
of verified claims to the
beneficiaries without further delay.

You are being legally contacted regarding the release of your long
awaited fund.
After a detailed review of your
file, the World Bank Group has mandated that your fund should be release
immediately the sum of US$7,500,000.00
approved in your favor via my desk.
I therefore wish to inform you that your payment is being processed and
will be
released to you as soon as you respond to this Email.

Please re-confirm to us the following:

(1) Your Full Name:
(2) Your Address:
(3) Phone, Fax and Mobile Number:
(4) Profession, Age and Marital status:

Note that the above fund have been cleared from terrorist or fraud related
activities.Kindly respond via this email

Thanks for Your Cooperation.

Sir.David Morgan
World Bank Group
Miss Young

If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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