Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.



Od: "Monica Louis" <monica.louis89@live.com>
Dátum: 17.2.2014 11:55

Vážení One ,
Som viac než šťastný vo svojej odpovedi. Ako sa dnes máte ? dúfam , že fine.Mine nie je príliš v poriadku vzhľadom k mojej utrpenie stavu tu v názve Dakar Senegal.My je slečna Monica Louis , ja som ( 24 ) rokov , slobodný a nikdy sa vzal , 5 stôp 8 palcov vysoký , 55 kg hmotnosti , čierne vlasy a hnedé oči , som zo Sierra Leone v západnej Afrike a v súčasnej dobe ja som s bydliskom v kostole sirotinec doma tu v Dakare v Senegale v dôsledku občianskej vojny , ktorá sa odohrala v mojej krajine pred niekoľkými rokmi .

Stratil som obaja rodičia počas tejto smrtiacej politickej vojny . Že poškodené tisíce nevinných duší v Sierra Leone.My rodinu bol medzi prvou ciele rebelov , pretože môj zosnulý otec úspešný podnikateľ a tiež politík podporuje súčasnú vládu , keď problémy sa chystal začať . Vzhľadom k tomu všetci členovia mojej rodiny bol zavraždený v chladnej krvi a naša rodina dom bol nastavený blazed.I bol Lucky a unikol smrti , pretože som bol v roku hraničí , keď to smrteľný incident sa konal .

Je to len ja , kto je nažive , a teraz sa mi podarilo , aby svoju cestu do Senegalu , kde som zostať a nikdy sa modliť , alebo myslíte , že krok nohy v tejto krvavej krajine s názvom Sierra Leone .

Chcel by som vedieť viac o vás . Vaše ľubovôle a nevôli , vaše záľuby a čo robíte v súčasnej dobe .. Poviem vám viac o sebe v mojej ďalšej mail.Attached tu je môj obrázok .. Dúfať , že počujem od vás najskôr .

S pozdravom navždy milovať .
Monica Louis

Dear One,
I am more than happy in your reply. How are you today ? l hope fine.Mine is not too fine due to my suffering condition here in Dakar Senegal.My name is Miss Monica Louis, i am ( 24 ) years old,single and never married, 5ft 8 inches tall,55kg weight,black hair and brown eyes,i am from Sierra Leone in west Africa and presently i am residing in a church orphanage home here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country some years ago.

I lost my both parents during this deadly political war. That damaged thousands of innocent souls in Sierra Leone.My family was among the first target of the rebels because my late father a successful businessman and also a politician supporting the present government when the problems was about to start. Due to this all the members of my family was murdered in a cold blood and our family house was set blazed.I was Lucky and escaped death because i was in bordering when this deadly incident took place.

It is only myself who is alive now and i managed to make my way to Senegal where i am staying now and never pray or think to step my legs in that bloody country called Sierra Leone.

I would like to know more about you. Your likes and dislikes,your hobbies and what you are doing presently. I will tell you more about myself in my next mail.Attached here is my picture. Hoping to hear from you soonest.

Yours forever love.
Monica Louis

Monica Louis
Monica Louis
Od: " Monica Louis" < monica.louis89@live.com >
Dátum: 20.2.2014 14:46
Predmet: Ako sa dnes máte ? VÁŽIM SI VAŠEJ POŠTY.

Ako sa dnes máte ? Vážim si vašej pošty .
Môj drahý ako som vám povedal o mojom poslednom maile , ktorý som stratil svoju rodinu vo vojne , ktorá vypukla v mojej krajine , môj zosnulý otec Dr Francis Louis bol medzinárodný business man aj politík na podporu súčasnej vlády . Teraz som pobyt v cirkevnej ubytovni v Dakar Senegal dôsledku občianskej vojny , ktorý bojoval v mojej krajine .
Nemal som žiadnu inú osobu , ktorá by mohla byť schopný mi pomoct , jediná osoba , mám teraz je .
Rev Pastor Paul Timothy ( St Jude Church )
Jeho kancelária telefón ( +221773769198 )
Tu v dome Orphanage bol Odchádzam teraz v ženskom hosteli .
Môžete mi hovoriť svojím telefónnym číslom kancelárii , bude mu poslať pre mňa od hostela , aby sa do svojej kancelárie pre príjem hovoru .

To je prísne tajné mám vklad certifikát a úmrtný list môjho zosnulého otca , keď bol nažive , že uloží niektoré množstvo peňazí v prednej finančné inštitúcie , ktoré on používal moje meno ako najbližší príbuzný , daná suma je ( 4,2 miliónov dolárov Us dolárov . ) štyri milióny dvesto tisíc amerických dolárov .

Chcem , aby ste mi pomohol previesť tieto peniaze na svoj účet na lepší život a pomôž mi investovať tieto peniaze vo vašej krajine po tomto prevode vášho účtu , budete mi pomáhať s prípravou svoje cestovné doklady a letenku prísť do stretnúť sa s vami , pretože som stratil medzinárodný pas a ďalšie cenné cestovné doklady .

Pripravil som list , ktorý budem musieť poslať do banky , akonáhle som dostal svoj
Vaše celé meno -------------------
Váš Adresa ---------------------
Váš telefón ------------
povolanie --------------------------------
vek ----------------------
Váš Národnosť -----------------
Pošlem list do banky , Mimo to pošlem k vám kontaktné informácie , ktoré vám umožní komunikovať s mojou bankou , ktorá sa poradia o tom , ako možno najlepšie tento prevod vyrobený do vášho účtu .

Som trpezlivo veria , že Božia milosť , ktorá priniesla vás bude viesť a chrániť ma , ako ste moja jediná nádej pre život reštaurovanie . Prosím , napíšte mi ihneď po obdržaní tohto e - mailu .

Tvoj milovaný One
Monica s bozkomEmojiEmojiEmojiEmoji

Monica Louis
Monica Louis
Od: " Monica Louis" < monica.louis89@live.com >
Dátum: 21.2.2014 13:49
Predmet: Najdrahšie.

Najdrahšie jeden .
Som rád , že počujem od vás znovu a že ste prijali , aby mi pomohol . Dúfam , že ste sa ma nezradí . Tieto peniaze v banke , je jediná vec , ktorú pre mňa riadiť svoj život po smrti môjho zosnulého otca a matky v občianskej vojne .
Nepotrebujem , aby hračka alebo hazardovať s tým , že je dôvod , prečo som kontaktoval niekoho , ako si ty , ktorého mi môj duch hovorí, že ste láskavý a úprimný . Som meškanie toto tvrdenie , pretože chcem , aby sa zabezpečilo , že sa dostanem do rúk pekné človeka , ktorý sa bude investovať a riadiť sa ziskom s peniazmi . Prial by som si , aby sa moje sny prísť true.After smrť svojich rodičov , bežal som do Senegalu a som kontaktoval banku s nádejou na odstúpenie od zmluvy nejaké peniaze ako najbližší príbuzný na účet a začať nový život , bohužiaľ ,
Nevedel som , že môj otec podpísal dohodu s bankou , že peniaze by nemali byť prepustený priamo ku mne . Dohoda stanovuje , že by som mal vymenovať správcu / investorom a správcom kedykoľvek chcem , aby sa peniaze z banky , ako som 30 rokmi . Chápem , že investor je investovať a spravovať peniaze pre mňa v dobrom podniku . Takže banka ľudí mi poradil , že od tej doby som ešte ani 30 rokmi a nie sa vzal ,
By som mal hľadať niekoho , kto stojí za mnou pohľadávok v súlade s ich súhlasom s môjho zosnulého otca . To je dôvod , prečo som kontaktoval vás . Po druhé , mám rád svoju krajinu a chcem tam žiť a pokračovať vo svojom vzdelávaní , ako som bol v mojom 2. ročníku na univerzite , kedy kríza začala a ja som nepokračoval v dôsledku úmrtia mojich rodičov . Vzhľadom k tomu , nemám prístup k tomuto peňazí , nemám žiadne alternatívne prostriedky na prežitie , a tak som šiel do OSN v utečeneckom tábore tu v Dakare , kde som v súčasnej dobe zdržiava .
Aj odosielať a prijímať e - maily v kancelárii úradu reverenda pastora Paula Timothyho . On je pastor tu v utečeneckom tábore v Dakare Senegal . Bol ku mne tak láskavý , pretože som sa stala blízko k nemu počas jedného z jeho navštívenia na klinike v tábore , keď som bol chorý . Budem rád , keby ste mi zavolať vo svojej kancelárii s týmto číslom [ 00221-773-769-198 ] tak , že môžem povedať viac o sebe . Ak voláte povedať , Rev otcovi , že chcete hovoriť so mnou pošle pre mňa u žien hostel.you vedieť , prečo som veriť , ako som urobil tento kontakt s vami aj prosiť Boha , aby so mnou muža , ktorý ma povedie na pravej Chanel niekto , že sa mi to prezradiť , ale môžete si vieru , pretože niekedy aj meet you moja myseľ mi povedať , že ste boli dávaš od Boha počúvať , budem robiť všetko , čo urobiť , aby si bola šťastná .
Všetko , čo potrebujem od vás , je mi ukázať svoju ochotu zaslaním mi svoju plnú kontaktnú adresu s telefónnym číslom , takže môžem použiť ho poslať list do banky , aby ich informoval o vás tak , že rozpozná , keď ste v kontakt s nimi , potom po ktorej som vám poskytne bankový kontakt na vás obrátiť, aby vedeli , možnosť prevodu peňazí na váš účet .
Môj plán je , že potom, čo transakciu a budete mať celú peniaze na vašom účte budete mi poslať nejaké peniaze od tam , spracovala moje cestovné doklady , ktoré budem používať prísť a stretnúť sa s tebou vo vašej krajine pre budúce investície , pretože som opustil môj pas , keď utekala som od mojej krajiny , a ja potrebujem , aby si jeden tu s povolením na pobyt , aby vyšiel z tábora a tiež získať vízum tu pre vašu krajinu .

i bude čakať na počujem od vás čoskoro .
Pekný deň a zostať požehnal .
monica LouisEmojiEmojiEmojiEmoji


From: "Monica Louis" < monica.louis89@live.com >
Date: Aug 15, 2014 3:43 PM

Dear One,
I am more than happy in your reply. how are you today ? l hope fine. Mine
is not too fine due to my suffering condition here in Dakar Senegal. My
name is Miss Monica Louis, i am ( 24 ) years old,single and never married,
5ft 8 inches tall,55kg weight,black hair and brown eyes,i am from Sierra
Leone in west Africa and presently i am residing in a church orphanage home
here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in my
country some years ago.

I lost my both parents during this deadly political war. that damaged
thousands of innocent souls in Sierra Leone.My family was among the first
target of the rebels because my late father a successful businessman and
also a politician supporting the present government when the problems was
about to start. Due to this all the members of my family was murdered in a
cold blood and our family house was set blazed.I was Lucky and escaped
death because i was in bordering when this deadly incident took place.

It is only myself who is alive now and i managed to make my way to Senegal
where i am staying now and never pray or think to step my legs in that
bloody country called Sierra Leone.

I would like to know more about you. your likes and dislikes,your hobbies
and what you are doing presently. I will tell you more about myself in my
next mail. Attached here is my picture. Hoping to hear from you soonest.

Yours forever love.
Monica Louis

From: " Monica Louis" < monica.louis89@live.com >
Date: Aug 18, 2014 1:30 PM

Hello Darling,
Good Morning my sweetheart and how are you doing today with hope all is well and fine thanks be to God almighty who gives you health in more abundantly Amen. I thank you once again for your kindness towards me. Remember Honey age does not matter what matters is love i trust you my dear that is why i am giving you all this information' s.
My love is for you and you alone, l will like to hear your voice every time with the Rev. Pastor Paul Timothy' s number [ +221773769198  ] I have informed the bank about my plans to claim this money and the only thing they told me is to look for a foreign partner who will stand on my behalf due to my refugee status and the laws of this country.
You will have 20% of the total money helping me In this regards and l have mapped 10% for any expenses that might come in this transfer and the remaining money will be managed by you in any business of your choice. l will like you to contact the bank immediately with this information,tell them that you are my foreign partner and that you want to know the possibilities of assisting me transfer my $ 6.2 Million Dollars deposited by my late father of which i am the next of kin.
The contact information' s of the bank are as follows,      

                         "  FIBI BANK OF UK PLC  ' '

Address of headquarters < > < > 24 Creechurch Lane London, EC3A 5JX United Kingdom.

                 Contact Phone +447031791813 , +447031881236. 

                 E-mail = = =  FIBI_Bank@linuxmail.org
                             = = =  Mr.mmbregman@gmail.com

                Contact Director: Mr M.M. Bregman

Operations Director of Foreign Transport Remittance Department


Name of my Father: Dr Francis Louis.

Country: Sierra Leone.

Next of kin : Miss Monica Louis.

Amount deposited: [  $ 6.2 Million Dollars  ]

Account Number: LD0340092163018KSQAH.

Contact them now on how to transfer the $ 6.2 Million US Dollars deposited by my late father of which i am the next of kin. My dear i am glad that God has brought you to help me out from this situation and i promise to be kind and will equally need you in every area of my life plus investing this money since i am still too young to manage it. As i told you before,this camp is just like a prison and my prayers is to move out from here as soon as possible. Please make sure that you contact the bank for more in-formation OK. l am waiting to hear from you soonest.

Yours forever,
Monica Louis

Mr From: Monica Louis <monica.louis89@live.com>
Date: 2014-11-06 12:24 GMT+01:00

Dear One,

How are you today ? l hope fine. Mine is not too fine due to my
suffering condition here in Dakar Senegal.

My name is Miss Monica Louis, i am 24 years old, single and never
married, 5ft 8 inches tall,55kg weight,black hair and brown eyes,i am
from Sierra Leone in west Africa and presently i am residing in a
church orphanage home here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil
war that was fought in my country some years ago.

I lost my both parents during this deadly political war. that damaged
thousands of innocent souls in Sierra Leone. My family was among the
first target of the rebels because my late father a successful
businessman and also a politician supporting the present government
when the problems was about to start. Due to this all the members of
my family was murdered in a cold blood and our family house was set
blazed.I was Lucky and escaped death because i was in bordering when
this deadly incident took place.

It is only myself who is alive now and i managed to make my way to
Senegal where i am staying now and never pray or think to step my legs
in that bloody country called Sierra Leone.

I would like to know more about you. your likes and dislikes,your
hobbies and what you are doing presently. I will tell you more about
myself in my next mail.
Attached here is my picture.
Hoping to hear from you soonest.

Yours forever in love.
Monica Louis

Monica Louis
Monica Louis
Mr From: Monica Louis <monica.louis89@live.com>
Date: 2014-11-10 15:38 GMT+01:00
Subject: HOW ARE YOU TODAY ?‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏

How are you today ?

My Dear, as I told you on my last mail, i lost my family in the war
that broke out in my country, My late father Dr. Francis Louis was an
international business man also a politician supporting the Present
Government . Now i am residency in the church hostel in Dakar
Senegal, as a result of the civil war that fought in my country .
I did not have any other person that could be able to help me out, the
only person i have now is.

Rev. Pastor Paul Timothy in St Jude Church
His office telephone +221-773769198

Here in the Orphanage home were i am leaving now in woman's hostel.
You can call me with his office telephone number, he will send for me
from hostel to come to his office to receive your call.

This is a top secret i have my late father's deposit certificate and
death certificate when he was alive he deposited some amount of money
in a leading financial institution, which he used my name as the next
of kin,the amount in question is ( $ 6.2 Million Us Dollars. ) Six
Million Two Hundred Thousand American Dollars.

I want you to help me to transfer this money to your account for a
better living and help me to invest this money in your country after
this transfer in your account, you will help me to preparing my
traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you
because i lost my international passport and other valuable traveling
I have prepared the letter which i will have to send to the bank, As
soon as i received your

Your Full Name -------------------
Your Address ---------------------
Your telephone -----------------
Occupation --------------------------------
Your Nationality -----------------

I will send the letter to the bank,Beside this i will send to you the
contact information which will allow you to communicate with my bank
who will advice you on how best this transfer can be made into your
I patiently believe the grace of God which has brought you, will guide
and protect you for me as you are my only hope for life restoration.
Please email me back soon as you receive this email.

Yours Beloved One
Monica with kisses


Monica Louis
Monica Louis

Miss Young

If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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