Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am invited to an employment program and offered a job abroad. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never get the job, because it never existed. Most of these letters are spread via dating sites.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.

From: < altervs2@trtk.ru >
Date: Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 5:27 PM
To: Recipients < altervs2@trtk.ru >


Graham Construction Company have immediate employment opportunities that intend to invite you as skilled individuals/expatriates to render expertise services in our organization.

We encourage you to review our current job openings as follows: Accountant, Account Executive, Geologist, Network Engineer, Service Engineer, Support Engineer, Machine Operators, and Automobile Drivers, IT Support, Finance Manager, Administrative Assistant, Maintenance Engineer, System Administrator, Marketing Manager, Sales Representative, Site Engineer, Safety Officer,Incident Manager, Quantity Surveyor, Associate Consultant, HVAC Electrician, System Programmer, Retirement plan administrator, Media Production Specialist, IT SUPPORT ANALYST, SURF Programs Manager, Senior QA/QC Advisor, Sr. Petroleum/Production Engineer, Structural Manager, Pipeline Manager, Doctors, Project Manager, Project Engineer, Project Coordinator, Electrical Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Welders, Fabricators, Supervisors, Architects, Compliance Technician ,Operation Manager, Corporate International Recruiter, Secretary and Information Scientist.

Therefore, if you met the following recruitment criteria, our starting monthly salary is 7200 US Dollars (Seven thousand two hundred Dollars) and above pending on work experience and field of specialization and other fringe benefits. Applicants who are interested and willing to have overseas career with us and ready to relocate and to work with Graham Construction Company Canada are to send their latest resume/CV in MS Word for any of the position above within 7 days of this advert via:
Email: grahamrecruitmentofficecanada@grahamconstruction.ca.pn

Note: Good working experience would be of advantage  and interested candidates must have a valid international passport.

Office inquiring Tel: + 14074426125
EMAIL: grahamrecruitmentofficecanada@grahamconstruction.ca.pn

From: < altervs2@trtk.ru >
Date: Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 3:41 PM
To: Recipients < altervs2@trtk.ru >

grahamrecruitmentofficecanada@grahamconstruction.ca.pn is not on your Guest List | Approve sender | Approve domain


Graham Construction Company have immediate employment opportunities that intend to invite you as skilled individuals/expatriates to render expertise services in our organization.

We encourage you to review our current job openings as follows: Accountant, Account Executive, Geologist, Network Engineer, Service Engineer, Support Engineer, Machine Operators, and Automobile Drivers, IT Support, Finance Manager, Administrative Assistant, Maintenance Engineer, System Administrator, Marketing Manager, Sales Representative, Site Engineer, Safety Officer,Incident Manager, Quantity Surveyor, Associate Consultant, HVAC Electrician, System Programmer, Retirement plan administrator, Media Production Specialist, IT SUPPORT ANALYST, SURF Programs Manager, Senior QA/QC Advisor, Sr. Petroleum/Production Engineer, Structural Manager, Pipeline Manager, Doctors, Project Manager, Project Engineer, Project Coordinator, Electrical Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Welders, Fabricators, Supervisors, Architects, Compliance Technician ,Operation Manager, Corporate International Recruiter, Secretary and Information Scientist.

Therefore, if you met the following recruitment criteria, our starting monthly salary is 7200 US Dollars (Seven thousand two hundred Dollars) and above pending on work experience and field of specialization and other fringe benefits. Applicants who are interested and willing to have overseas career with us and ready to relocate and to work with Graham Construction Company Canada are to send their latest resume/CV in MS Word for any of the position above within 7 days of this advert via:
Email: grahamrecruitmentofficecanada@grahamconstruction.ca.pn

Note: Good working experience would be of advantage  and interested candidates must have a valid international passport.

Office inquiring Tel: + 14074426125
EMAIL: grahamrecruitmentofficecanada@grahamconstruction.ca.pn

Miss Young

If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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