Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.



Od: martylyn Adams < martylynadam@hotmail.fr >
Data: 5 kwietnia 2014 10:54
Temat: From your friend martylyn

Witam i komplement dnia moja droga .

Moi drodzy dziękuję za Twój uprzejmie odpowiedzieć na mnie, jestem bardzo zadowolony, w celu nawiązania kontaktu z osobą jak ty , które uczucia do swojego brata, była , jak już wyjaśnić, w mojej pierwszej wiadomości, a ja już przez to bardzo dobrze i postanowiłem się z Tobą skontaktować , aby dowiedzieć się więcej o sobie , a także wyjaśnić moją obecną sytuację do Ciebie. Z szacunkiem będę bardzo zadowolony, jeśli możesz mi pozwolić i doprowadzić mnie do prawego kanału w kierunku swojej pomocy dla mojej sytuacji teraz , zrobię moja propozycja znana jakbym miał możliwość .

Chciałbym skorzystać z tej okazji, aby wprowadzić się do Ciebie jako następujące Nazywam się Martylyn Adams , jestem (23 lat) , ale wiek nie ma znaczenia, w prawdziwym związku, tak mi dobrze z twoim wieku , jestem z Liberii w Afryka , 5.4ft wysoki, uczciwy w cerę jedno, nigdy się nie ożenił ) i obecnie jestem przebywających tutaj w Burkina Faso , w wyniku wojny domowej, która toczyła się w moim kraju kilka lat temu . Mój ojciec późno dr Clement Jerome Adams byłDyrektorem Zarządzającym CJA & Associates ( Ltd) diament Consulting Company w stolicy Monrovia (Liberia ) przed rebeliantami zaatakowali nasz dom jeden wczesnym rankiem i zabił moją matkę i ojca, z ​​zimną krwią ,

To tylko ja , że żyje teraz i byłem przeniesienie do Burkina Faso przez West African interwencji zwanej czerwonym krzyżem , gdzie Wyjeżdżam teraz jako uchodźca pod opieką REV rozdzierać ojca i używam swojego komputera , aby wysłać te wiadomości do ciebie od kilku dni .

Chciałbym wiedzieć więcej o Tobie . Twoje sympatie i antypatie , swoje hobby i co robisz obecnie . Powiem wam więcej o sobie w mojej następnej mail. Przyłączone są moje zdjęcia .
Głównym powodem, dla którego jestem kontaktu z tobą jest dążenie do pomocy w obszarze mojej przyszłości , a także do pomocy na mojej obecnej sytuacji teraz
Dzięki i pozostają błogosławi .
twoja miłość
Panna Martylyn Adams

Hello and compliment of the day my dear.

My dear thanks for your kindly respond to me, I am very glad to get in touch with a person like you that have feelings for your fellow human been,  as I have explain to you in my first mail and I have gone through it very well and I decided to contact you to know more about you and also explain my current situation to you. With due respect I will be so glad if you can allow me and lead me to the right channel towards your assistance to my situation now,I will make my proposal well known if I am given the opportunity.

 I would like to use this opportunity to introduce myself to you as following My name is Martylyn Adams , i am (23 years) but age doesn' t matter in a real relationship, so i am comfortable with your age, I am from Liberia in Africa,5.4ft tall, fair in complexion single, never married ) and presently i am residing here in Burkina-Faso, as a result of the civil war that was fought  in my country some years ago. My late father Dr Clement Jerome Adams was the Managing Director of C.J.A & Associates (Ltd) A Diamond Consulting Company in  Monrovia (the capital of Liberia) before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my mother and my father in cold blood,

It ' s only me that is alive now and i was transfer to Burkina-Faso through west African intervention known as red cross, where i am leaving now as a refugee under a Rev rend father' s care and i am using his computer to send these messages to you since few days now.

I would like to know more about you. Your likes and dislikes,  your hobbies and what you are doing presently. I will tell you more about myself in my next mail. Attached here are my pictures.
The main reason why I am contacting you is to seek for your assistance in the area of my future and also for a help over my current situation now
Thanks and remain bless.
Yours love
Miss Martylyn Adams

martylyn Adams
Od: martylyn Adams < martylynadam@hotmail.fr >
Data: 9 kwietnia 2014 15:31
Temat: More about me with love and trust


Dziękujemy za e-mail . Jedna rzecz, jaką zauważyłem, z wiadomości e-mail jest to, że jesteśotwarta osoba i ktoś, kto może być zaufany zbyt . Doceniam i pielęgnować przyjaźń .

Szkoda , że będę opowiadać o wszystkim, co przeszło przez , ale mój obecny stan jest przekonujące mi powiedzieć wszystko o sobie , aby dać jaśniejszy obraz moich kłopotliwych istan tego nieszczęścia został poddany mnie do .

Nie boję się pozwolić moje sekrety rodzinne z Tobą , bo mój duch mówi mi z tobą pracować w pełnym zaufaniu i szczerości , ponieważ uważam , że nie zdradzi zaufanie mam w tobie .

Powodem, dla którego przyjechałem do Burkina Faso był , ponieważ niektóre niezidentyfikowane rebelianci zaatakowali nasz dom jeden wczesnym rankiem i zabił mojego ojca z zimną krwią . Moja mama zmarła, gdy późno miałem zaledwie pięć lat, i jestemjedynym dzieckiem w rodzinie . Przed śmiercią mojego ojca , byłDyrektorem Zarządzającym CJA and Associates . Diament Consulting Company w Monrovia , Liberia .

Powodem, dla którego jestem kontaktu z tobą , ponieważ potrzebuję twojej pomocy zastrzeżenia depozytu mój ojciec w depozycie Banku , w Banku Zjednoczonego Królestwa. Ważne jest, aby poinformować, że depozyt ma moje nazwisko jakonajbliżsi krewni , i będę wymagać twojej pomocy , aby to pieniądze wydane, tak że będę przyjść i poznać na inwestowanie pieniędzy .
Będę zapewnić Państwu informacje kontaktowe tego depozytu bankowego , na świadectwo depozytowe oraz pełne informacje o złożeniu w dniu otrzymania pozytywnej odpowiedzi od Ciebie

Jak tylko otrzymasz pozytywną reakcję pokazano zainteresowanie będę umieścić rzeczy natychmiast do akcji . W świetlepowyższego, będę wdzięczny za pilną wiadomość wskazującą na zdolność i gotowość do obsługi tej relacji i transakcji szczerze .
Po transakcji będzie zorganizować dla mojej podróży do przyłączenia się tam w swoim kraju dla nas Poleć ten uczucia twarzą w twarz.

Moja droga ja przejazdem trudności odkąd straciłem rodziców , życie nie było dla mnie łatwe , ale we wszystkim kładę nadzieję w Bogu , dziękuję Bogu za ten dzień , że dokonał dla mnie i jestem bardzo wdzięczny . Proszę zrozumieć, żebank nie może zwolnić pieniądze bez przestrzegania procedur prawnych .

Moi drodzy , wszystkie procedury muszą przejść przez procedury prawne i wprowadzę Cię oficjalnie do banku jako mojego powiernika prawnej .

Proszę ja ujawniam to tajemnica, opierać się na zaufaniu mam dla ciebie, gdybym nie był przekonany, w moim sercu, o tobie , i nie miałby otworzyć tę tajemnicę do Ciebie , chciałbym ci obiecał mnie całym swoim serce , które masz zamiar obsługiwać tę sprawę z całego serca , i że nie będzie mnie zdradzać pieniądze po to jest przelew na swoje konto , i nie sądzę, że będzie żył , czy coś się stało z tymi pieniędzmi ,

Jestem w 100 % uczciwości i szczery do Ciebie , jeśli możesz poświęcić swój umysł, aby mi pomóc i zastrzeżenia te pieniądze , to jest mój zamiar przychodzić na spotkanie z Państwem tak szybko jak to jest roszczenie pieniądze na swoje konto , a następnie oboje może się ożenić , w tej kwestii małżeństwa jest tylko , jeśli są chętni do małżeństwa ze mną , kiedy mam przyjść na spotkanie z , chcę , żebyś był otwarty i surowe mi w każdym Demension ,
Niech twoje serce i dobroć kierować do mnie.
Pozostają błogosławiony iw dobrym zdrowiu .


Thanks for your e-mail. One thing I' ve noticed from your email is that you' re an open person and someone who can be trusted too. I appreciate and cherish your friendship.

It ' s a pity that I will be telling you about all that I have passed through, but my present condition is compelling me to tell you everything about myself in order to give you a clearer picture of my predicaments and the condition this misfortune has subjected me into.

I am not afraid of letting my family secrets out to you, because my spirit tells me to work with you in full confidence and sincerity because I believe that you will not betray the trust I have in you.

The reason why I came to Burkina-Faso was because some unidentified rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my father in cold blood. My late mum died when I was just five years old, and am the only child of the family. Before my father' s death, he was the Managing Director of C.J.A and Associates. A Diamond Consulting Company in Monrovia, Liberia.

The reason why I am contacting you is because I need your help to claim a deposit my Father made in a Deposit Bank, in Bank of United kingdom. It is important to inform you that this deposit has my name as the next-of-kin, and I will require your help to get this money released, so that I will come over and meet you for the investment of the money.
I will provide you with the contact information of this Deposit Bank, the Certificate of Deposit and the full information of this deposit on the receipt of a positive response from you

As soon as I receive your positive response showing your interest I will put things into action immediately. In the light of the above, I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to handle this relationship and transaction sincerely.
After the transaction you will arrange for my trip to join you over there in your country for us to share this feelings face to face.

My dear I am passing through hardship ever since I lost my parents, life has not been easy for me but in everything I put my hope in God, I thank God for this day he has made for me and I am very grateful.  Please understand that the bank can not release the money without you comply with their legal procedures.

My Dear, all procedures have to go through legal process and I will introduce you officially to the bank as my legal trustee.

Please i am revealing this secret to you base on the trust i have for you, if i was not convinced in my heart about you, i wouldn' t have open up this secret to you, i would like you to promised me with all your heart, that you are going to handle this matter with all your heart, and that you are not going to betray me after this money has being transfer into your account, i don' t think i will live if anything happen to this money,

I am 100% honesty and sincere to you, if you can devote your mind to help me and claim this money, it is my intention to be coming to meet with you as soon as this money has being claim into your account, then we both can get marry, in this issue of marriage is only if you are willing to marry with me when i have come to meet with, i want you to be open and strict to me in every demension,
Let your heart and goodness be guided towards me.

Remain blessed and in good health.

martylyn Adams
Od: martylyn Adams < martylynadam@hotmail.fr >
Data: 10 kwietnia 2014 10:55
Temat: Please contact this bank immediately‏‏‏‏‏‏

Dziękuję raz jeszcze ten dzień , i modlił się nad tobą w tym przypadku , zanim zdecydowałem się otworzyć to do Ciebie ,

Chcę zapewnić i obiecać, że nigdy nie będziesz żałować mi pomaga , jak mówiłem wcześniej, fundusz ten został złożony przez mojego zmarłego ojca , a ja jestemkrewnych do funduszu , Po śmierci moich rodziców , ja byłem w obozie dla uchodźców w Burkina Faso , a potrzebne moją wolność , to i skontaktujemy się z banku do banku i powiedziałem moim zamiarem zastrzeżenia mój fundusz późno ojców ,jedynym warunkiembanku dała mi jest przedstawienie partnera zagranicznego w każdym kraju na świecie, , którzy będą reprezentować mnie ze względu na mój status uchodźcy i mojej nieodpowiedniej sytuacji finansowej , które nie będą w stanie sobie pozwolić lub dostarczyć w trakcie procesu przenoszenia

Proszę kochanie , nie skorzystać z mojej sytuacji , jestemsierotą teraz i nie ma żadnego ciała w tym świecie , to jest moja nadzieja pieniądze na przyszłość , jak mówiłem wcześniej , wybieram cię po kilku modlitw i postu prosząc Boga , żeby mnie skierować do uczciwego i godnego zaufania osoby, która nie zdradzi mnie po tym transferze , że właśnie dlatego od razu czytam o sobie w miejscu , przekonałem się, że jesteśodpowiednią osobą dla mnie , kochanie , proszę , jedyne, co chcę z tobą jest mi obiecać , że nigdy nie zdradził mnie po przeniesieniu funduszu na koncie , i że pomożecie mi przyjść do swojego kraju i zapisać mnie do dobrej szkoły dla mnie, aby zakończyć moje wykształcenie , które jest teraz mój największy priorytet . i lubię się z tobą ożenić , tak szybko , jak mam dotrzeć na spotkanie z tobą , po to są pieniądze na swoje konto przelew ze względu na mnie , ja jestemwolny , zanim pani nigdy się nie ożenił ,

Będę kochać Cię widzieć twarzą w twarz , ale od teraz jest to niemożliwe , muszę zwolnić te informacje do ciebie zaufania , i nie pożałujesz tego zaufania , możesz zadzwonić do mnie na telefon przez telefon ojca pastora ,
+226 6605,2345

Proszę , ja nikogo nie poinformował o tym funduszu , z wyjątkiem ciebie i jak będzie można utrzymać to w tajemnicy do innych ludzi , bo wolą żyć chłodny i prywatnego życia , pamiętaj ci ufać , dlatego daję ci te wszystkie informacje .

Jak powiedziałem wcześniej , i poinformowały zarządzania Barclays Bank PLC , o moich planach twierdzą pieniądze i poradził mi szukać zagranicznego partnera, który będzie stać w moim imieniu ,

W związku z tym i jak będzie można skontaktować się Barclays Bank PLC natychmiast . Powiedz im , że jesteś moim partnerem zagranicznym i które chcą poznać możliwości mi pomagać w przekazywaniu (US ​​$ 4.700.000 ) , (cztery miliony siedemset tysięcy dolarów amerykańskich ), zdeponowanych przez mojego zmarłego ojca, z ​​którym jestem krewnych na konto .

Kontakt z Barclays Bank jest w następujący sposób ,
Barclays Bank PLC .
Międzynarodowe wybieranie .
Tel. : +44 7031972591 .
Faks: +44 7031972764 .
E-mail:( admin@barclaysbankservice.biz.ly )
E-mail: ( bankplclondonbarclay@yahoo.co.uk )

Personel do kontaktu : Pan Garry Benk , dyrektor przelewu.
Kaucja Numer referencyjny: BBGB97/RPTHSOMGQ02 .
Nazwa depozyt: Jerome Clement Adams .
Wpłaconej kwoty : $ 4.7Million dolarów.
Next- of - Kin : Martylyn Adams .

Postanowiłem zaoferować 25% całego pieniędzy jako rekompensaty i pokazując wdzięczność za pomoc.
Dzięki , czekam , aby usłyszeć od ciebie najwcześniej i spróbuj zaktualizować mnie jak najszybciej skontaktowali się z Bankiem .
Niech Bóg błogosławi .

I  thank you once again this day, i prayed over you in this case before i decided to open up this to you,

I  want to assure and promise you that you will never regret helping me, as i told you earlier, this fund was deposited by my late father and i am the next of kin to the fund, After the death of my parents, i have been in refugee camp Burkina-Faso, and needed my freedom, then i contacted the bank and told the bank my intention to claim my late fathers fund, the only condition the bank gave to me is to present a foreign partner in any country of the world, who will represent me due to my refugee status and my inadequate financial position which i will not be able to afford or provide during transferring process

Please my dear, do not take advantage of my situation, i am an orphan now and do not have any body in this world, this money is my hope for the future, as i told you previously, i choose you after several prayers and fasting asking God to direct me to a honest and trust worthy person who will not betray me after this transfer, that was why immediately i read about you in the site, i became convinced that you are the right person for me, my dear,please, the only thing i want from you is to promise me that you will never betray me after the transfer of the fund to your account, and that you will help me to come over to your country and enroll me into a good school for me to finish my education which is my greatest priority now. and i like to get marry with you as soon as i have arrive to meet with you, after this money has being transfer into your account for my sake, i am a single lady never married before,

I will love to see you face to face but since this is impossible now, i have to release this information to you in trust, and i will not regret this trust, you can call me on phone through the telephone of the Reverend Father,
+226 6605,2345

Please, i have not informed anybody about this fund except you and i will like you to keep this secret to other people, because i prefer to live a cool and private life, remember i trust you that is why am giving you all this information.

As i said earlier, i have informed the management of Barclays Bank PLC,about my plans to claim this money and they advised me  to look for a foreign partner who will stand on my behalf,

In this regard i will like you to contact Barclays Bank PLC immediately. Tell them that you are my foreign partner and that you want to know the possibilities of assisting me in transferring the (US$4.700.000), (Four Million, Seven Hundred Thousand United States Dollars), deposited by my late father of which i am the next of kin to the account.

The Contact Information of Barclays Bank is as Follows,
Barclays Bank PLC.
International Dialing.
Tel: +44 7031972591.
Fax: +44 7031972764.
Email: admin@barclaysbankservice.biz.ly
Email: bankplclondonbarclay@yahoo.co.uk

Contact personnel:Mr. Garry Benk, Director of Remittance.
Deposit Reference Number:BBGB97/RPTHSOMGQ02.
Name of Depositor:Jerome Clement  Adams.
Amount Deposited: $4.7Million US Dollars.
Next-of-Kin: Martylyn Adams.

I have decided to offer you 25% of the whole money as a compensation and in showing appreciation for your help.
Thanks, i am waiting to hear from you soonest and try to update me as soon as you have contacted the Bank.
God bless.

martylyn Adams
Mr From: martylyn Adams <martylynadam@hotmail.fr>
Date: 2014-12-04 10:38 GMT+01:00
Subject: From your friend Martylyn‏

Hello and compliments of the day my dear.

I am very glad to get in touch with a person like you that have
feelings for your fellow human been, as I have explain to you in my
first mail and I have gone through it very well and I decided to
contact you to know more about you and also explain my current
situation to you. With due respect I will be so glad if you can allow
me and lead me to the right channel towards your assistance to my
situation now,I will make my proposal well known if I am given the

I would like to use this opportunity to introduce myself to you as
following My name is Martylyn Adams , i am (24 years) but age doesn't
matter in a real relationship, so i am comfortable with your age, I am
from Liberia in Africa,5.4ft tall, fair in complexion single, never
married ) and presently i am residing here in Burkina-Faso, as a
result of the civil war that was fought in my country some years ago.
My late father Dr Clement Jerome Adams was the Managing Director of
C.J.A & Associates (Ltd) A Diamond Consulting Company in Monrovia
(the capital of Liberia) before the rebels attacked our house one
early morning and killed my mother and my father in cold blood,

It 's only me that is alive now and i was transfer to Burkina-Faso
through west African intervention known as red cross, where i am
leaving now as a refugee under a Rev rend father's care and i am using
his computer to send these messages to you since few days now.

I would like to know more about you. Your likes and dislikes, your
hobbies and what you are doing presently. I will tell you more about
myself in my next mail. Attached here are my pictures.

The main reason why I am contacting you is to seek for your assistance
in the area of my future and also for a help over my current situation
Thanks and remain bless.
Yours in love

martylyn Adams
Mr From: martylyn Adams <martylynadam@hotmail.fr>
Date: 2014-12-06 10:20 GMT+01:00
Subject: more about me with love and trust


It's a pity that I will be telling you about all that I have passed
through, but my present condition is compelling me to tell you
everything about myself in order to give you a clearer picture of my
predicaments and the condition this misfortune has subjected me into.

I am not afraid of letting my family secrets out to you, because my
spirit tells me to work with you in full confidence and sincerity
because I believe that you will not betray the trust I have in you.

The reason why I came to Burkina-Faso was because some unidentified
rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my father in
cold blood. My late mum died when I was just five years old, and am
the only child of the family. Before my father's death, he was the
Managing Director of C.J.A and Associates. A Diamond Consulting
Company in Monrovia, Liberia.

The reason why I am contacting you is because I need your help to
claim a deposit my Father made in a Deposit Bank, in Bank of Africa,
Burkina-Faso. It is important to inform you that this deposit has my
name as the next-of-kin, and I will require your help to get this
money released, so that I will come over and meet you for the
investment of the money.
I will provide you with the contact information of this Deposit Bank,
the Certificate of Deposit and the full information of this deposit on
the receipt of a positive response from you

As soon as I receive your positive response showing your interest I
will put things into action immediately. In the light of the above, I
shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and
willingness to handle this relationship and transaction sincerely.

After the transaction you will arrange for my trip to join you over
there in your country for us to share this feelings face to face.

My dear I am passing through hardship ever since I lost my parents,
life has not been easy for me but in everything I put my hope in God,
I thank God for this day he has made for me and I am very grateful.
Please understand that the bank can not release the money without you
comply with their legal procedures.

My Dear, all procedures have to go through legal process and I will
introduce you officially to the bank as my legal trustee.

Please i am revealing this secret to you base on the trust i have for
you, if i was not convinced in my heart about you, i wouldn't have
open up this secret to you, i would like you to promised me with all
your heart, that you are going to handle this matter with all your
heart, and that you are not going to betray me after this money has
being transfer into your account, i don't think i will live if
anything happen to this money,

I am 100% honesty and sincere to you, if you can devote your mind to
help me and claim this money, it is my intention to be coming to meet
with you as soon as this money has being claim into your account, so
that you can help me for the initiation of the kind of the business i
can go into, i want you to be open and strict to me in every
Let your heart and goodness be guided towards me.

Remain blessed and in good health.

martylyn Adams
Mr From: martylyn Adams <martylynadam@hotmail.fr>
Date: 2014-12-08 9:24 GMT+01:00
Subject: I need someone to help me and gain my freedom

I told you i am in the refugee camp, and i am passing through hell,
and I need someone to help me and gain my freedom, and also stand for
me to claim my late father's money in the bank of London. I have only
preserve myself to someone who can help me to come out from this hell
that nature subjected me into.

I couldn't finished my school, i was in my final year of my senior
secondary, which is (SS3) when my daddy was late by the unforgiven
rebel, and then the war broke out, which led me today into refugee
camp, This is the reason am appealing for your help, i hope i have
given you more informations about me, Moreover, i would have suggest
if you can agree to come to Burkina-Faso here i am in the refugee, i
don't know what would be your idea and suggestion, because i need
someone who can help me as soon as possible,

However, on the issue of my late father's money in the Bank of
England, i will also like to know your decision, i will like to know
if you are ready to help me and claim the money into your account, so
i can forward the bank contact informations to you, to enable you get
in touch with the bank, since the bank insisted i must present a
foreign partner who can stand on my behalf as my benefactor.

Thanks, waiting for your positive answer,

martylyn Adams
Mr From: martylyn Adams <martylynadam@hotmail.fr>
Date: 2014-12-09 9:19 GMT+01:00
Subject: Please contact this bank immediately‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏


I prayed over you in this case before i decided to open up this to
you, I want to assure and promise you that you will never regret
helping me, as i told you earlier, this fund was deposited by my late
father and i am the next of kin to the fund,

After the death of my parents, i have been in refugee camp
Burkina-Faso, and needed my freedom, then i contacted the bank and
told the bank my intention to claim my late fathers fund, the only
condition the bank gave to me is to present a foreign partner in any
country of the world, who will represent me due to my refugee status
and my inadequate financial position which i will not be able to
afford or provide during transferring process. And the bank went
further to remind me of the bond agreement which my late father had
with the bank of England, that this money must not be transfer within
African region due to ethical crises, economic and political
instabilities in Africa for the safety of her only daughter but must
be transfer out side Africa region through a reliable and trusted
partner who i can present to their bank.

Please my dear, do not take advantage of my situation, i am an orphan
now and do not have any body in this world, this money is my hope for
the future, as i told you previously, i choose you after several
prayers and fasting asking God to direct me to a honest and
trustworthy person who will not betray me after this transfer, that
was why immediately i read about you in the site, i became convinced
that you are the right person for me, My dear, please, the only thing
i want from you is to promise me that you will never betray me after
the transfer of the fund to your account, and that you will help me to
come over to your country and enroll me into a good school for me to
finish my education which is my greatest priority now. and i will like
to get marry with you as soon as i have arrive to meet with you, after
this money has being transfer into your account for my sake, i am a
single lady never married before,

I will love to see you face to face but since this is impossible now,
i have to release this information to you in trust, and i will not
regret this trust, you can call me on phone through the telephone of
the Reverend Father,

+226 6605 2345

Please, i have not informed anybody about this fund except you and i
will like you to keep this secret to other people, because i prefer to
live a cool and private life, remember i trust you that is why am
giving you all this information.

As i said earlier, i have informed the management of Barclays Bank
PLC,about my plans to claim this money and they advised me to look
for a foreign partner who will stand on my behalf, due to my status as
a refugee.

In this regard i will like you to contact Barclays Bank PLC
immediately. tell them that you are my foreign partner and that you
want to know the possibilities of assisting me in transferring the
(US$4.700.000), (Four Million, Seven Hundred Thousand United States
Dollars), deposited by my late father of which i am the next of kin to
the account.

The Contact Information of Barclays Bank is as follows,
Barclays Bank PLC.
International Dialing.
Tel:+44 7031972591.
Fax:+44 7031972764.


Contact personnel:Mr. Garry Benk, Director of Remittance.
Deposit Reference Number:BBGB97/RPTHSOMGQ02.
Name of Depositor:Jerome Clement Adams.
Amount Deposited: $4.7Million US Dollars.
Next-of-Kin: Martylyn Adams.

I have decided to offer you 25% of the whole money as a compensation
and in showing appreciation for your help.
Thanks, i am waiting to hear from you soonest and try to update me as
soon as you have contacted the bank
Yours in love,


Call me : +226 6605 2345

martylyn Adams
Miss Young

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