Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.

寄件者: Michelson Advokatfirman <michelsonadvokat@gmail.com>
寄件日期: 2015/11/2 (週一) 6:13 PM
主旨: Dear Friend

Dear Partner,

We recognize an automatic payment due to be carried out to your
designated Bank account,but, was wrongly directed to our bank account
with Svenska Handelsbanken-SHB. Marievik branch, Årstaängsvägen 17a,

We thought, it was to be credited to an account which bears a similar
account name to ours, therefore, we commenced Sending standard notices
to such names for the posting error to be rectified, until the bank
investigators revealed that the movement of the money which originated
from Theodoras Rayaldi (M) bank account with Svenska
Handelsbanken-SHB,Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia was due to be carried out to
Theodoras Hendra (F) designated bank account with Svenska Handelsbanken,
Copenhagen Area branch,Denmark,but have fallen terribly behind.

We will have no other choice but to turn your account over for the
collection of the USD 7.4 million British pounds wrongfully credited
into our account.Our Insurance department has been instructed to issue a
Check to you at once, which you should be receiving within a few days.

While we appreciate your maturity in this matter,we demand from you
within 48 hours accurate explanation over the movement of this huge
funds to our account.

Finally, we expect an apology from you for the inconvenience this Hugh
lodgement has caused us, we will also like you to pinpoint how this
error occurred.

Yours Faithfully,
Lilla Torget.

Michelson Advokatfirman

 Lilla Torget
寄件者: j myles & co. solicitors <jmyles_solicitors@ownmail.net>
寄件日期: 2015/11/8 (週日) 11:54 AM
主旨: Message Alert

We must thank you for giving kind attention to our email message,
however, We are so sorry for having taken so long to write back,i was
unfortunately struck ill,while on vacation in limmerick.I am very ok now
and back to station.

Congratulations, Bank check has been written in your name and printed on
the order of.Download duplicate copy.

Our accredited insurer (Alliansgruppen Assurans, of Surbrunnsgatan
42SE-113 48 Stockholm, Sweden) has vast knowledge in safety transfers
and has commenced close working relationship with our bank to consider
online bit by bit transfer as "Acceptable terms of release" which
of-course is the easiest and the only reliable way to re-diret the funds
to your bank accounts.

Our accredited insurer has inspected your consignment and has therefore
carried out valuation to determined actual cost of freight and one month
premium on insurance policy cover to serve and resolve all difficulties
that may arise against loss and any other accidental occurrence.

The insurer hereby instruct us to advise you to pay applicable cost
Freight of £439.00 (Four Hundred and Thirty Nine pounds) and one month
insurance premium of £6,961.00 (Six thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty One
British Pounds) respectively. The applicable cost, represent 0.1% of the
total funds and are generally and accurately set at levels that reflect
your capacity to pay.

We advise you to make a decision as quickly as possible to comply with
the payment of £7,400.00 (Seven thousand Four Hundred British Pounds) to
execute postage and delivery of your bank check to your mailing address.

The transfer process is expected to be concluded within 6 working days,
but our insurer recommend that the minimal or least practicable
insurance policy cover here in Sweden is one month.

Finally, We recommend to you to come to a decision to comply with the
payment order to be able to execute the needful as quickly as possible
for your own benefit.

Henceforth direct all email / attached files to me through this email
accounts:- michelsonadvokat@mail2michelle.com (or)

We are waiting to read from you,

warm regards,
Lilla Torget.
Michelson Advokatfirman

Miss Young

If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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