Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.

Mrs From: Aviva Colman <avivacolman2@yahoo.com>
Date: 2015-04-14 14:41 GMT+02:00
Subject: I would like you to help me transfer this money to your account...

How are you doing today! hope all is well with you over there in your
country,i hope that you are Enjoying the atmosphere of peace and love.
I hope this massage will find you in the best of your health,I am
happy to received your mail today,I really like to have a good
relationship with you, I have a special reason why I decided to
contact you because of the urgency of my situation here.

Like I said my name is Aviva Colman,I'm from Liberia in Monrovia the
capital of my country in west Africa, I'm 24 years old,I'm fair in
complexion. I am a medical student, i stop my education last 2years.
Please I write not only to introduce myself to you, but also I know
that receipt of my communication shall be a great surprise to you
considering the fact that we did not know each other or had any
negotiations before now.

I deem it necessary to introduce myself in detail for you and the need
for your assistance to claim and invest my inheritance for me! i am a
Secretary to my fathers company starting from my school level up till
his death.
My late father DR DAVE COLMAN. was a successful business man, he was
also the Director of (DAVE INDUSTRY COMPANY LTD) West Africa which is
popular in my country. He is also the formal assistance head of state
during military Reign. Unfortunately i lost him last 4years September
because of the problem he have with his elder brother concerning his
company. His elder brother was assisting him as the manager of his
company. you know that this world is full of wicked and evil, my
father help him because he is the only blood brother which he have,Due
to his wickedness and greediness he plan with high killers and killed
my father and pretend that my father was killed by armed Rubber but he
don't know that i know his secret.

After some months he plan to kill me as he killed my father, due to my
mother was also not alive, she was dead when i was age of 12years,i
don't even enjoy my mothers hood, and after that my father was taking
very good care of me till his death. so my wicked uncle want to take
all the factory and the company alone, but one of his guide review the
secret to me and i escape from my country after i received some trait
that show me that he want me dead so that he will take all my Father's
Company because i am the only child of my Father.

I manage to escape to the nearest country called Senegal which i am
living as a refugee right now, here Its just like one staying in the
prison and i hope by God's grace i will come out here soon.The only
person I have now is Rev David Thomas who is the pastor of the (Mount
Zion Church Of God) here in the camp, he has been very nice to me
since I came here but i am not living with him rather i live in the
females hostel because the camp have two hostels one for men the other
for women, i write and reply mails through the office of the reverend.
The Reverend tel number is


if you call, please tell him that you want to speak with me so that he
will send for me in the hostel. Call from 9:00am GMT.please As a
refugee here i don't have any right or privilege to any thing be it
money or whatever because it is against the law of this country. I
want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year
before the tragic incident that lead to the death of my parents took

Please I wish to contact you personally for a long term business
relationship and investment assistance in your country. Please listen
to this, i have my late father's Statement of account and his death
Certificate here with me which i will send to you latter, because when
he was alive he deposited some amount of money in a leading bank in
European which he used my name as the next of kin, the amount in
question is

2.7 Millions USD (Two Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars).

I have wrote to the bank where the money was deposited and they told
me that i will have a foreign partner who will assist me because of my
refugee status. So i would like you to help me transfer this money to
your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my
travelling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you.
I kept this secret to people in the camp here the only person that
knows about it is the Reverend because he is like a father to me. So
in the light of above i will like you to keep it to yourself and don't
tell it to anyone for i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if
people gets to know about it.

Remember I am giving you all this information due to the trust i
deposed on you.Because I think you are an honest and understanding
person.i will soon be with you for more love and caring over me in
your base.

My favourite language is English. Meanwhile i will like you to call me
like i said i have a lots to tell you. i attach my picture here to
show you who i am and i will also be expecting your own picture in
your next mail.
Have a nice day and think about me.
Awaiting to hear from you soonest
Yours forever in mind.

Aviva Colman
Aviva Colman
Mr From: Aviva Colman <avivacolman2@yahoo.com>
Date: 2015-04-16 3:25 GMT+02:00
Subject: You can assist me to claim, to receive the fund and invest it
on my behalf as I wish !...

My Beloved One !

I will appreciate your concern and your willingness to rescue me out
of this situation !
The most important thing i need from you right now is your honesty and
trustworthiness. I choose you in this transaction, based on my present
status here in Dakar as a refugee under asylum. According to the
financial governing law of this country ! People under refugees are
not allow to participate into monetary transaction or operate personal
bank account with large sums international or locally.

Please I want you to understand more about my situation here in the
camp. I am E-mailing you from the office of the Rev.Father who is
pasturing at the church in the refugee camp. I have explained to him a
little about my life though not everything, i told the Rev.Father
about my communication with you and he permitted me to access my
e-mail through his office computer regularly, meanwhile life is just
not easy since I don't have any body here to take care of me.

Please I need to further my education, no access to clean water, no
access to good food here in the refugee camp, life has not been easy
for me. Since i have been here in refugee camp ! I'm only surviving
through the aid of the Rev. Father who is like father to me! He also
permited me to be receiving phone calls from you through his office
telephone number: which is as follows:


Please just call the number i give to you and ask about Miss Aviva
Colman.the Liberia girl, Please you are free to call any time of your
choice OK !

Moreover, I went into serious discussion with the finance institution
where this money is deposited, for them to advise me on what to do in
order to have access to my late father's fund, the legal department of
the institution told me because of my refugee status, the best
solution is by soliciting for assistance of a reliable foreigner who
can assist me claim, receive the fund and invest it on my behalf as I
wish. I then decided to contact you, hoping that with your advanced
knowledge and experience we can be able to work together, so that if
everything works out for us, we can go into life partnership.
Actually, it took me time to make up my mind to contact you and
offered you this proposal of which my whole life depends on.

I kept this secret to people in the camp here the only person that
knows about it is the Reverend because he is like a father to me. So
in the light of above i will like you to keep it to yourself and don't
tell it to anyone for i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if
people gets to know about it.

Furthermore, I am suggesting that the profits from the investment
shall be shared equally between the both of us because i do not know
much about international business and i am putting my entire asset of
my late father to your care because i want you to be in total control
of my funds as soon as the fund arrives your country since i would be
going to school in your country to further my higher education program
before joining you finally into business.

Please i will like you to send me all this mentioned particulars in
under for me to know you more and know whom i am dealing with, Below
here is what i need from you so that i can then send to you the bank
information as well as my late father's account number.

Please send me urgently your,

Full Name,
Age Status,
Direct Telephone Number,
Your Country and City.

Remember I am giving you all this information due to the trust i
deposed on you.Because I think you are an honest and understanding
person.i will soon be with you for more love and caring over me in
your base.
May God bless you and your family, please remember to send me your
current photo, in my next reply i will send more of my pictures to

I am waiting for your response soonest.
Yours forever in mind.



Mr From: Aviva Colman <avivacolman2@yahoo.com>
Date: 2015-04-18 19:45 GMT+02:00
Subject: I will like you to contact the bank where the money is
deposited : royalbankfundtransfer@aol.co.uk

Hello My Dearest One,

Darling how is your day over there, As for me i am not fine here my
love and with all hopes to meet with you immediately after the
transfer of my money have made into your position for a better life
with you over there in your country, Honey i am suffering too much
here and please try all you can to help me ok, may God bless and
reward you for every effort you are about to make to see me out from
this horrible prison called refugee camp where i am
living now as a result of the untimely death of my parents (may their
gentle souls rest in perfect peace, Amen).

Honey here is the contact informations of the bank in Scotland where
the money was deposited by my late father is as follows,

TELEPHONE NUMBERS : ......+447700026778
FAX NUMBER : ...........00447005801719
REGISTERED OFFICE NO: 36 St Andrew Square Edinburgh EH2 2YE Scotland
EMAIL ADDRESS : ...........


Already i have informed this bank about my intention to claim my late
father's deposit of which my name appears as the next of kin. The only
thing the bank told me is to look for a foreign partner who will
assist me in the transfer due to my refugee status here in Senegal ,as
a refugee i am not allowed to claim of the money but through an
appointed representative as the united refugee law Based on this
information i will like you to send an e- mail to the transfer
department of the bank today with this email address


Attention Sir Steven Hester the foreign transfer officer of the bank
telling him that you are my representative and that you want to assist
me get my money which is deposited by late father of which i am the
next of kin.

Name.........Aviva Colman..
Presently Recedes in .....Route des Almadies B.P. 40 Dakar Senegal.
My date of birth......18th December 1990 (24yrs)
My late father's name.....Dr Dave Colman,
The Amount is 2.7 M(Two Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars).

Account Name ........ ....(Dr Dave Colman)
Next of kin Miss.... .....(Aviva Colman)
Account Number ... .....(RBSCT/43483002/UK/87/E)
Country of Origin.........(Republic of Liberla)
The Amount is 2.7 M (Two Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars).

Honey, please write to me as soon as you have send a letter to my
Father bank through there email address which i have already give you
now in this letter, please make sure you contact the bank as soon as
possible because i have already told my Father Bank about you which
the bank is waiting for your mail now on how to transfer my money into
your account as i have appointed you as my representative trustee
partner for the transfer,i am waiting for your mail regarding my
father bank,

Mr From: Royal Bank Of Scotland United Kingdom <royalbankfundtransfer@aol.co.uk>
Date: 2015-04-23 14:07 GMT+02:00
Subject: ROYAL BANK of SCOTLAND Plc UK : royalbankfundtransfer@aol.co.uk

Royal Bank of Scotland plc.
Registered in Scotland No. 90312.
Registered Office: 36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YB.
Telephone +44 7700026778
+44 704 5774 770
Fax +44 870 9742 477


Date, Thursday April 23 , 2015
Our Ref: International Remittance, The Royal Bank of Scotland plc:
For your Attention: Sir.

I have been directed by the director of Foreign Operation/Wire
Transfer to write you in respect to your letter which we have
received. Actually, we have earlier been told about you by the young

Miss Aviva Colman : avivacolman2@yahoo.com

that she wishes you to be her trustee/representative for the claim of
her late father's deposit with our bank. Late Dr Dave Colman, is our
late customer with account No. RBSCT/43483002/UK/87/E substantial
amount $2.7 M(Two Million Seven Hundred Thousand US Dollars) which he
deposit with us.Hence you have been really appointed as a trustee to
represent the next of Kin. However before our bank will transact any
business concerning the transfer of the fund with you, we will like
you to send the followings:

1. A power of attorney and affidavit of oath permitting you to claim
and transfer the funds to your bank account on her behalf. This
documents must be endorsed by a Senegalese resident lawyer since the
girl is resident in Senegal.

2.The death certificate of late Dr Dave Colman (Her deceased father)
confirming the death.
3. A copy of statement of account issued to Dr Dave Colman by our bank.

Note that the above are compulsory, and are needed to protect our
interest,yours, the next of kin after the claims. These shall also
ensure that a smooth, quick and successful transfer of the fund is
We promise to give our customers the best of our services.
Should you have any question(s) please contact our
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mr. Stephen Hester.
Telephone Number : +447700026778
Fax : +44 870 9742 477. Email Address :


for more directives/clarifications.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr. Usman Wade.
Accounts Dept
RBS Registered office:
The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc,
36 St Andrew Square,
Edinburgh, EH2 2YE

Miss Young

If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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