Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.

Mr From: Fatima Muhammad <ms.fatymuhammadd@outlook.com>
Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 05:56:39 +0900 (JST)
Subject: Hello My Dearest,

Hello My Dearest,

My name is Miss Fatima
Muhammad a young medical student, my dearest it is my pleasure to
contact you for a business partnership venture which I intend to
establish in your country. I would like to go into business
partnership with you, Though I have not met with you face to
face before but I believe one has to risk confident in succeed
sometimes in life. There is this huge amount ($ 2.5, Million Dollars)
which my late Father deposited on my name in the suspense account with
one Bank before his
Death. My father was poisoned by his brother who capitalized on the
fact that my father has no male child to inherit his wealth, my mother
died when I was only 2 years old. Now I want
you to help me claim and retrieve these funds from the Bank and
transfer it into your personal account in your country for investment

Now since the funds is deposited in the suspense account I don't have
access to the fund until it's been transferred out from my late
father's account, that is why I am contacting you to assists me and
see that the Bank here in my country transfer the funds into your
personal or business account for me to leave this country and meet you
over there, to continue my education and the investments. My dearest
if you can render your sincere assistance to me, I will be pleased to
offer you 30% of the total funds as compensation for your effort /
input after the successful transfer of this funds into your nominated
account overseas and again we are going to invest money together and
share whatever profit we make together as partners, please kindly
reply me immediately if you are willing to assist me transfer and
invest the money in your country I am waiting for your soonest
response before end of today for more details.

Thank you for
your wiliness to help me and God bless you.
Yours Sincerely Miss. Fatima Muhammad
Miss Young

If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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