Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.

Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 10:25:11 +0100
From: peter_jones16@yahoo.de

Dear Friend,
I want to use this opportunity to thank you very much for the response to my E-mail , well I will also thank you for your sympathy towards the ordeal we are facing here and I am very willing to give you details why I am soliciting your assistance please. I am really sorry if I bothered you with my email but I got your contact online due to my desperation please. Please we are not insincere and we are not interested in your money.Why sould we be interested in your money,when we have money out there in a security company,only need you to help us get it out. All we want is for you to help us retrieve our fathers money and also help us out of africa.
The deposit is still in the possession of the SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY in LONDON, THE UNITED KINGDOM as it was freighted with diplomatic courier to the company from here in Nigeria where we are currently taking refuge.I believe it can be freighted to you directly from there if we make all proper documentation to your name and address which is what I am willing to do and/or you pick it up yourself from them in the company in the UK for us and these are the reasons why we contacted you for assistance please.
Another thing you must know is that, we are currently under political asylum here In west Africa (Nigeria Precisely) and the law here prohibits asylum seekers engaging In cash transaction of this magnitude until he or she has been seen finally through the asylum process, and because of this simple reason I do not want to deal with anyone here In the Nigeria. All we need is a foreign partner or affiliate that can be capable enough to help us Invest this funds in a profitable venture that will be a source of income for me and my sister In the future since we do not intend staying or investing here.
What Is required of you please as I have told you in my previous e-mail is to act on my behalf as the sole beneficiary to this deposit(funds) with the courier company ,but before you can do this you must have the necessary documentations as proof showing you as the actual beneficiary. All these I will send to you on one condition, I need to be assured of your willingness to help me execute this challenges ahead with utmost trust and honesty please.
Like I did say,it can be freighted to you directly,if I make all proper documentation to your name and address which is what I am willing to do and  also why I contacted you for assistance.That is why you have to send to me,immedieatly,your data.I mean,YOUR FULL NAMES,YOUR RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS,YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER.All these data are required by the security company to commence on the procedures of change of names guiding the consignments to your names thereby making and presenting you as the beneficiary,and also the commencment on how the consignment will reach you.
Our no. here in Nigeria is +234 803 454 4689.
Please I will be waiting for your mail as you have given me and my sister a ray of hope in these trying times of ours. We have also resolved that we are going to give 20% of the total money to you if you help us to the logical end as a show of our appreciation. WE BEG YOU,to assist us to the logical and successfull end of this,I mean,do all that will ensure that the boxes get to you safely and afterwords we will all rejoice and celebrate,PLEASE.
I await your urgent response, Please take care of yourself
Thanks .
Yours Sincerely
Peter Jones
Ps. For your perusal I have attached photo of me, my father when he was alive with some of his business parters and his lying in state at his funeral after they murdered him.Please go through them.I will also send you the documents covering the deposit in the UK in my next correspondence with you after you have replied to this email.Thanks once again for your sense of pity on us

Me Back home

My father when he was alive

my father lying-in-state

If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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