Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.



From: Lakdar Fatima <fatimalakdar@tiscali.cz>
Subject: From miss Fatima lakdar
Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 6:39 AM

Tout D'abord je vous demande des excuses pour l'intrusion que je fais
votre vie ,moi c'est Lakdar Fatima je suis de nationalit Algrienne ne
en 1986 et j'ai 21 ans.
je vis en Irak Je suis une jeune femme qui a beaucoup de talents et je
suis a la recherche d'une personne capable de m'aimer et de vivre avec
moi.Vraiment une amiti base sur le respect mutuelle et une confiance
totale.Car une vie de couple sans le respect et la confiance ne mne nulle
part.Je suis une femme indpendante et tendre. Maintenant je veux le
calme, la chaleur et la constance. Jai appris  garder lessentiel et
oublier la bagatelle. Je veux rencontrer un homme trs fort avec les yeux
bons et un grand coeur.

je suis dans ce pays depuis tres longtemps et je suis la fille adoptive de
madame Aquila Al-Hashimi. Javais pour rle de veiller sur le bon
fonctionnement de sa rsidence a louest de Bagdad et a moccuper de tout
ce qui est comme factures et charges a rgler,javais connaissance de
plusieurs choses que ma mre adoptive faisait.Docteur Aquila Al-Hashimi
tait conseillre du Vice-Ministre Tariq Azis sous Sadam Hussein et plus
tard responsable de la coopration du ministere des affaires trangeres
aupres de l'ONU au sujet du programme ptrole contre nourriture.

Elle avait merge comme principale actrice politique aupres des figures
du conseil politique irakien au sujet de la politique trangere elle
devrait etre nomme ambassadrice de l'Irak auprs de l'O.N.U compte
de sa rigueur et de son aptitude lorsqu'il s'agissait du travail, elle
grivement blesse par balles lorsqu'elle tait en dehors de la maison
des inconnus parce qu'elle tait en prparation de l'Assemble
des Nations Unies qui s'tait ouverte le mardi a New-York et mourut cinq
jours plus tard des suites de ses blssures .

Pour tout vous dire ma mre adoptive etait trs gentille avec tout le
monde elle se battait pour que les droits de l'homme soient respects
partout dans le monde
Lorsquelle tait a lhpital je moccupais delle car elle et avant
quelle ne meurt elle ma fais savoir quelle avait dpos une malle
contenait de largent plus prcisment la somme de ($14 MILLIONS DE
DOLLARS AMERICAINS) dans une compagnie diplomatique et que le papier
justificatif de ce bien se trouvait dans son placard a la maison donc elle
ma dis de prendre grand soin de ce papier et que c'est tout ce
pouvait faire pour moi.
Elle naquit en 1963 et mourut le 25 septembre 2003 Des que je suis arrive
a la maison jai pu constate que le certificat de dpt ne portait aucun
nom de bnficiaire car elle avait mis comme mention "partenaire
donc jai vu a comme une grce dALLAH et une occasion pour moi de
de lIrak et lorsque ces frres ont appris qu'elle etait morte moi
dcide de garder ce papier et d'attendre un peu avant de pouvoir mieux
gerer cet argent mais ces frres ont commenc a gaspiller tout ce qu'elle
avait garder  la maison comme argent,bijoux et les pices d'or ainsi que
toutes ces actions qu'elle avait dans les socits ptrolires et aussi

la Socit Coca-Cola ils ont tout pris donc maintenant ce qui est en ma
possession c'est le document qui confirme l'existence de cette somme
je vous aie parl.Depuis que ma mre adoptive est morte tout a chang pour
moi ses parents me traitent mal pour le simple fait que je suis une fille
adopte et je vis maintenant comme une esclave avec eux, certains veulent
faire de moi leur femme tout cela pour que je puisse leur dire si ma mre
adoptive n'avait rien mis en ma possession
Jai dcid de garder tous ces papiers pour moi donc jai cris a la
compagnie pour savoir lexistence de ce bien et ils mont confirm la
prsence dune malle au sein de leur compagnie mais compte tenu de la
situation de la guerre ici en Irak ils ont transfrs tous les biens de
leurs clients pour des raisons de scurit dans leur base dans un pays en
Afrique de louest nomm Rpublique de Cte dIvoire,

compte tenu du fait que la vie est devenue dure pour moi depuis sa mort et
surtout compte tenu du fait que jai dnormes problemes avec sa famille
et aussi compte tenu du fait que je n'ai pas les moyens pour rcuprer ce
bien et pour ne pas que sa famille qui est jalouse de moi sache ou la
malle se trouve que jai dcid de solliciter votre aide a vous seul pour
pouvoir maider a rcuprer ce colis car tous les papiers concernant cette
affaire sont avec moi et je peux vous les faire parvenir afin que vous
vous prsenter comme tant le partenaire etranger de ma mre adoptive
aupres de la compagnie je serais d'accord d'invstir cette somme avec
dans de bons domaines que vous m'indiquerez et m'aider a sortir trs
de l'Irak afin que nous puissions nous marier et vivre heureux, je
voudrais vous informer que cette affaire est sans risque et legal, je vous
ferai parvenir une photo de moi plutard pour que vous puissiez savoir avec
qui vous tes en communication.
Je vous souhaite une bonne journe et j'attends de recevoir de vos

Fatima Lakdar

From: lakdar Fatima <fatimalakdar@yahoo.fr>
Subject: From miss Fatima lakdar
Date: Friday, November 7, 2008, 5:32 AM

First I ask you an apology for the intrusion as I do in your life, it's me I'm Lakdar Fatima nationality Algerian born in 1986 and have 21 years.
I live in Iraq I am a young woman who has many talents and I am in search of a person can love me and live with me. friendship based on mutual respect and trust a totale.Car married life without the respect and confidence will not part.Je am an independent woman and tender. Now I want calm, warmth and consistency. I learned to keep the essentials and forget the peanuts. I want to meet a man with very good eyes and a big heart.
I am in this country for very long and I am the adopted daughter of Ms. Aquila al-Hashimi. My role is to ensure the proper functioning of his residence west of Baghdad and am'occuper of all that is as invoices and charges to adjust, I had knowledge of many things that my adoptive mother faisait.Docteur Aquila Al-Hashimi was an adviser to the Vice-Minister Tariq Azis under Saddam Hussein and later responsible for the cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Nations about the oil against food program.
It had emerged as the main actress policies to figures Iraqi policy advice on foreign policy should be appointed ambassador of Iraq to the United Nations given its rigor and its ability when it was the work, she was seriously injured by gunfire when she was outside the house by unknown because it was in preparation for the UN General Assembly which opened on Tuesday in New York and died five days later from his injuries.

To tell you my adoptive mother was very nice with everyone she fought for human rights are respected everywhere in the world
When I was hospital care for it because she and before she died she indicated that she had filed a trunk which contained the money more precisely the sum of ($ 14 MILLION U.S. dollars) in a company that diplomatic and paper proof of this property was in his closet at home so she tell me to take care of this paper and that's all she could do to me.
She was born in 1963 and died on 25 September 2003 Once I arrived at home I have found that the certificate of deposit was not wearing any payee name because it had marked as "foreign partner" so I saw that as a grace of Allah and an opportunity for me to get out of Iraq and when these brothers learned she was dead I have decided to keep this paper and wait a bit before they can better manage the money but these brothers began to squander everything she had to keep the house as money, jewelry and gold coins and all these measures it had in the oil and also to the Coca-Cola they everything now what is in my possession is the document that confirms the existence of this sum which I ve parlé.Depuis that my adoptive mother died everything changed for me her parents treat me bad for the simple fact I am an adopted daughter and I live like a slave with them, some want to make me their wives all this so that I can tell them if my adoptive mother had nothing in my possession
I decided to keep all those papers for me so I wrote the company to know that this is good and they have confirmed the presence of a trunk in their company but given the situation of the war here in Iraq they have transferred all the assets of their clients for reasons of security in their base in a country in West Africa appointed Republic of Ivory coast.

given the fact that life has become tough for me since his death and especially because I have huge problems with his family and also because I can not afford to recover this property and not that his family is jealous of me or know the trunk is that I have decided to seek your help to you to help me get this package because all the papers concerning this case are with me and I can send you to present as the foreign partner of my adoptive mother with the company I would agree invstir of this sum with you in good areas you help me and give me a out soon in Iraq so that we can marry and live happily, I would like to inform you that this is safe and legal, I will send you a picture of me plutard so you can know who you are in communication .
I wish you a good day and I expect to hear from you

Fatima Lakdar
From: lakdar Fatima <fatimalakdar@yahoo.fr>
Subject: From miss Fatima lakdar
Date: Friday, November 7, 2008, 11:49 AM

Thank you for having responded to my message I received and understood what you have dis.si I've contacted because I am tired of living in these conditions that I live now, I should like 'apologize for the inconvenience if you ask for help but because I have other choice than that.

as I've said in my first message, I live in Iraq and I am the adopted daughter of Ms. Aquila al-Ashim. since his death has changed everything for me and I'm really tired of living like a slave and all that difficult time that I cross here in Iraq. you know having no help from someone here and for the simple fact that I am an adopted daughter
This is difficult for me to make this withdrawal myself and this in mind, I decided to write to you to seek your help. if I want to remain without help I will not really a solution to my problem and this is what I am coming to you to ask your help to solve this problem which is of help to recover the trunk before it is too late for me. for me it is a grace of God that all the papers do not mention any names in that company, which is larger is that no person in the family is informed of the existence of the trunk. .

mma adoptive mother wished to withdraw the trunk when returning from his travels U.S. my life but decided that might otherwise nobody was informed of the depot I decided my level of a commentary on me all, keep the papers secret without attracting the attention of someone from his family.

being a woman I am my needs are very useful because it really close to my heart. I want to get married, have a house I like all women and above all have children and make investments.
I would like to know once again if you want to help me so I can send you information and paper that proves the existence of the trunk in this society and know that you will not regret your help and there is no risk.

thank you and I await your message
From: lakdar Fatima <fatimalakdar@yahoo.fr>
Subject: From miss Fatima lakdar
Date: Saturday, November 8, 2008, 10:42 AM

I just read you and I thank you for all.would just like to know if I can count on you? Because I want this transaction remains between security reason for that amount and also to our security. In fact I do not particularly that members of my family is aware of this transaction, as if they know this, they m'arracheront the trunk. which is what I can count on you? Regarding your question I would ask t'éclaircir and tell you that it is a metal trunk, and contains 14 million Dollars. Ago that you and I who are aware of the contents because the company ignores the actual contents of the trunk. My mother had to file this package and declare as family treasures to society, it does so for security reasons the trunk. So the trunk was here before but given that the war in Iraq has hit so they moved the company to a country in West Africa which is the Ivory Coast where their base.is currently the trunk is in ivory coast, and I now I'm in Iraq with members of my family deceased mother who get tired very much, I do not know if it's because I am an adoptive child abuse and they'd really but I'd like to leave the family and join. I worry will be grateful for anything you do for me and assure you that you will not regret helping me and I need your assistance to invest in areas where we could have bénéfices.Sache that you have nothing to fear in this On this transaction because it did not steal the money but it is mine and it is my right. So I really would like you to confirm your ability and your seriously want to help me so that I will forward the documents needed for the withdrawal of the trunk within this structure. I will send you the certificate of deposit is a document of evidence justifies that you have a package within this company that does not bothers you let me have a photo of you to know who I am transaction. Here's my picture that I attach to this message, and you know who you're transaction.

I stop it and wait impatiently for your new

If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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