Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am invited to a conference that does not exist. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will not get to the conference, because it never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.


Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2008 04:45:33 -0800
From: helenahoover4u@yahoo.com
Subject: My Pictures and Invitation to World Conference on Child Trafficking and Sex Exploitation !!!


Thanks for your letter, Sometimes, lifecertainly can feel that way.... and what bettershelter from the storms and trials of daily lifethan friendship and to know that there is someoneout there you can fall back on. Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away thatthey were meant to be there...to serve some sort ofpurpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out whoyou are or who you want to become.

You never know who these people may be but when youlock eyes with them, you know that every moment theywill affect your life in some profound way. Andsometimes things happen to you at the time that mayseem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflectionyou realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential,strength, will power or heart.
Everything happensfor a reason, nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments oftrue greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to testthe limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flatroad to nowhere. Safe and comfortable but dull andutterly pointless-the people you meet affect yourlife.

The successes and downfalls that you experience cancreate who you are, and the bad experiences can belearned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones. So if you're seriouslylooking for a friend to get to know, you have foundme.
I am glad to meet you too. Like as I havealready informed you in my previous letter about myjob. I am living alone at my own apartment given to me by my father. I am the Second child of myparents. My parent have three children, two boys andwhile I was only girl, the first-born isJAMES, while the Last born is NELSON. The name of myfather�s isGEORGE J.HOOVER and my mother's name isHELENJ. HOOVER,My father is an ex- diplomat to theUnited Nations while my mother is one of the seniorPersonal of US Department of EducationTexas.

I am single and haven't married once. My hobbies arereading, watching movies, listening to soft music,long driving, swimming and traveling hate delay, that is sluggishness and procrastinating, I hatelies. I love some one who is trustworthy and doesnot smoke nor drink. I love nature and sometimes I wish I owned a house in the country not far from acity.
You wake up to fresh mountain air, gaze thegreen scenery, see green verges growing in yourlittle garden and so much more.

Kind of boring right? No, imagine I am with mysweetheart in those quite surroundings. Well, Ileave it to your own imagination what will happen Some times I am always busy with the job activitiesduring the Refugee resettlement program. I havetraveled to many countries around the globe in our course of visiting some refugee camps in othercountries.

Iwill be attending a combined conference in Africa byAPRIL this year. The conference is scheduled tohold in US first and follow by the one in Africa .
I am one of the organizers of the forth-coming youth The forth coming Youth's Conference ERADICATION STRATEGY ON YOUTH SUICIDE is scheduled to take place onAPRIL 20TH to APRIL 23RD 2008at AGE CARE International Conference Venue for the eradication strategy on youth suicide Age Care Group International Conference, Centre Square,Paradise Holiday Resort and Convention Center, 255 Sagemil Drive Edwards, California 77098 USA.

The second Conference on �CHILD ABUSE, SEX EXPLOITATION AND TRAFFICKING`` will take place at the Leopold Senghor Conference Centre, inBURKINA FASObetweenAPRIL 25TH to APRIL 28TH 2008.
Thisconference was planned to be held last year,international year of volunteer and was supposed tocommence last year September. But because of theRemembrance of September 11th event, it waspostponed toAPRIL this year.

We are inviting five delegates from each of theselected countries around the world. In our requestto invite youths from the selected countries, I wentin search of e-mail on the website as a means ofcontacting youths and organizations in thesecountries. I picked your e-mail from this website.
You will assist us in relating to one of theexisting youths organization in your country tocontact the conference secretariat in the US throughthis fax? +1-702-552-9170through this e-mail:age-care-youths-conference@netzero.com or our website http://conference.up-a.com
But beforethey could be considered for participation in thismost esteemed event, your organization will have toforward to the above address the followingrequirement.

1) The organization profile.

2) The Aims and Objectives of the organization.

3) There achievements so far. With this information

put into consideration by the organizing committee,They will be officially invited to participate in this. Our independent donor will take care of alltheir flight tickets and their accommodation throughtheir stay in the US and the organizing committee will process the US visa for all participantsrequiring entry visas to the US . Participants willonly take care of their accommodation during theother eventin BURKINA FASO.

As one of the organizers I knew not of anybody fromyour country. Hence my writing to you is to gainaccess to any youth organization in your country. Ifyou are interested to participate and wants torepresent your country, you should contact thesecretary to the organizer for detail information onregistration procedures and inform the organizer that I recommended you.

You will need not to forward the above requirementfor your group or organization; hence I will giveyour recommendation to the secretary. You are tocontact the organizer as soon as possible as allparticipants visa request will be forwarded to theUS Bureau of Immigrant Affairs for Authorization thesame day. Any group visa request not forwarded onthat same day with others will miss the visaassistance. You are to form a group of five persons.

Your group can be of different nationalities but allshould be leaving in the same country for easy US visa assistance. I am looking forward to seeing you.

Thanks and my kindly regards, may God be with you (Amen)




Mrs From: age-care-youths-conference@netzero.net
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 11:16:03 +0000



Dear Participants,

Peace and love to you all the days of your life. The forth coming Youth's Conferences is never under advertisement. It is not open for every body to Participate, We can only accept participants under recommendation, but since your recommendation comes from one of our colleagues,I will give you the opportunity to participate in the forth coming Youth's Conferences.

The forth coming Youth's Conference ERADICATION STRATEGY ON YOUTH
SUICIDE is scheduled to take place on 20TH OF APRIL to 23RD OF APRIL 2008
at AGE CARE International Conference Venue for the eradication strategy on
youth suicide Age Care Group International Conference, Centre Square,
Holiday Resort and Convention
Center, 255 Sagemil Drive Edwards,
California 77098 USA.

TRAFFICKING`` will take place at the Leopold Senghor Conference Centre,BURKINA FASO between 25TH OF APRIL to 28TH OF APRIL 2008.

The theme of the forth coming Youths Conferences is to teach the youths on the need to avoid Suicide and also to condemn child trafficking, sex exploitation which is increasing every day among the all over the world. The Forth coming Conferences are being organized by the AGE CARE International here in the United States and being sponsor by our dependent donors.

The conference is dedicated to all our beloved Brothers and Sisters who lost their precious lives during the September 11th Terrorist attack in New York, Washington and the attack in Kenya, East Africa and South-West Asia (Tsunami).

Every body is entitled to Participate in the forth coming Youth's Conferences regardless of your Religion or belief. Only four or five Youths are expected to participate together as a group from each Country and none of them will be less than eighteen years, they must participate in both Conferences.

The independent Donors and the Sponsor will take care of your entire flight tickets, including your feeding and accommodation throughout your stay in United States. You are only responsible for your hotel reservation in BURKINA FASO (Africa) where the second conference is scheduled to take place.

If you are interested to participate in the forth-coming Youths conferences, you should send your names, passport numbers together with the Country of your origin and resident through the following fax number, +
1-702-552-9170 or you can send the names through our email:-age-care-youths-conference@netzero.net <aage-care-youths-conference@netzero.net> or our Website:-
http://conference.up-a.com for detail.

We will open your participation file as soon as we receive your names along with the passport numbers and other required information.You will receive the conference Participation forms; we will also direct you to our Africa Co-Coordinator as soon as your names reach to us.

Our African Co-Coordinator will only direct you to Hotels in Africa where you will make your reservation. Your African Hotel reservation confirmation will only prove to the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs that you must go to Africa after U.S. Conference.

I will give you more directives as soon as your names reach to us. Please note that we are not the US Authority authorizing your visas but we are working with dates directives from the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs, the authority that is in charge of authorization of group visas.

We cannot add or reduce any given requirements for the authorization of participant’s visas participating in these events.And as such all requirements must be met by participants requiring the US Visa assistance.Remember to forward your names, passports number, name of country or Origin and resident as soon as possible in order to open a file for your group.You will choose four other persons from your organization or find four other persons from your country to apply with you as a group from your country.

When you apply as a group from your country, your visas will be easily authorized. But if only you apply, then it is you will have to face the Embassy alone for personal visa.
You will have to go to the embassy on your personal efforts without any
assistance from the organizers and our US Immigration Advocates.

When you apply as a group from your country the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs will now believe that you have a motive to come to the US.

The US Bureau of immigrant Affairs have asked all participants requiring the US visas for these events,to make their hotel reservation in BURKINA FASO.

This will convince the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs that all participants attending the
US conference will go down to BURKINA FASO after the conference in the US. Without your ccommodation in BURKINA FASO the US Bureau of Immigrant Affairs will not authorize group visas.

You must try all possibilities to book your hotel and get the confirmation to be faxed
along with your conference registration forms. To Begin with, you have to forward the
names and passport number of your five delegates by e-mail or by fax as soon as possible. Registration dead line is on the APRIL 20 2008 before the commencement of the program in America.

You should endeavour to contact the management of the below selected hotels in BURKINA FASO.

Please note that we cannot open group participation file with names forwarded without the passport numbers.

UNITE 24,NO 458,

CONTACT E-MAIL: hotelsunshine@yahoo.fr


CONTACT E-MAIL: le_paradize_hotel@yahoo.fr <ele_paradize_hotel@yahoo.fr>

Point to note, when you make your reservation in any of this hotel, you should ask
for confirmation by fax to as you will need to fax the confirmation to the organizers i
n the US for the processing's of your documents.

For more information and assistance as regard the selected hotels in OUAGA BURKINA FASO
you can reach the secretary to the organizing committee
Prof. Mario Sampaio through this e-mail address.

Thanks and God Bless,

Yours Truly,
Madam Jenny Sheriff Smith.

The email addresses are all free emails accounts that belong to the scammers. Please ignore such invitations.


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