Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am invited to an employment program and offered a job abroad. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never get the job, because it never existed. Most of these letters are spread via dating sites.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.


From: Sueann Becker [mailto:sueann2becker@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2008 3:06 PM

Thanks very much for your response.l hope you turn out to be the right person that I have been waiting for to come into my lifeI am not concerned about your nationality, race, age and religion. Love has no language "Love is a symbol of eternity that wipes away all sense of time,removing all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end." Age does not protect you from love but love to some extent protects you from age.Well l am a happy lady who enjoys life to its fullest.l have a very fulfilling jobs where l work with amazing people each day.l have a family l adore and who reminds each and every time how great life can be.I surround myself with a great
group of friends who would do anything for me and l would do anything for them too.I enjoy being in a crowd at times but enjoy spending time with only a few people as well.l love to travel and see new places so l try to travel as much as as l can especially on official duties.l have learned to take life as it happens as l know that everything happens for a reason.My hobbies are reading,Watching movies,swimming,listening to gospel music and traveling. "The essential sadness is to go through life without loving. But it would be almost equally sad to leave this world without ever telling those you loved that you love them.

The type of man who attracts me is honest, direct, and reliable - who can be my "pal". I like a man who's playful one minute, and philosophical the next. Above all, companionship, honesty, and idealism appeal to me - and a sense of humor! My ideal partner is a very passionate person who knows how to fully enjoy life. He has a highly active imagination when it comes to trying new things. More than most people, he knows how to value the pleasures of romance and is not afraid to pursue those feelings when the timing is right. He also has a strong intellect, with a penetrating thought process and a continual curiosity about the world around him. I like treating my partner well and also like to be treated as one. If you feel you have all this qualities in you, then you are welcome to my world and I will be expecting more of your mails.I will send you more of my photographs in my next mail.I am hoping to hear from you.

Love is a gift;Yet love is a debt. Take the gift of my love and pay your debt when love calls



From: Sueann Becker [mailto:sueann2becker@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 9:43 PM

Thanks for your mail.You see sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there...to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be but when you lock eyes with them, you know that every moment they will affect your life in some profound way.Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless-the people you meet affect your life.So if you're seriously looking for a friend to get to know,You have found me. I am glad to meet you too. Like as I have already informed you in my previous letter about my job.I am Living alone at my own apartment.I think it is good I tell you more about my family background,I am the First child of my parents. My parent have three children,a girl andtwoboys .I being the first child,JERRY is second to me while PETER is the last.
The name of my father is LARRY BECKER and my mother's name is MARRIS BECKER. My parents are both retired from us civil service.My father was aDoctor in the US health civil service while my mother was anurse at the US health civil service..

Like as I have earlier informed you, I am single and have never being married. My hobbies are reading,watching movies, listening to soft musics, long driving, swimming and traveling.I hate delay, that is sluggishness and procrastinating, I hate lies. I love some one who is trustworthy .
.I love nature and sometimes I wish that I and my future husband could own a houseat the country sidenot far from a city.You wake up to fresh mountain air,gaze the green scenery,see green vegetables growing in your little garden and so much more. Kind of boring right?
I doimagine I am with my sweetheart in those quite surroundings.
well,I leave it to your own imagination what will happen when we meet.
I may be leaving for Our branch office inUKto help supervise
AAWPEP forth coming Employmentprogram for citizens from third world countries. The program will take place next month, Last year I was inBerlin, Germanyfor thissame program.
It gives me joy to take care of fellow human beings who needed assistance.This Program have improved the lives of many who have no job and those who have not earning good salaries in their home country. Through the period of thismy communication with you will not be frequent because I will be very busy till after the employment recruitment program. Friends are God's way of taking care of us.There is only one happiness in life,to love and be loved.Marriage is not a ritual or an end.It is a long, intricate,intimate dance together
and nothing matters more than your own sense of balance and your choice of partner.
Ihave also reason out that this program can improve our chances toactualize our dreamingof meeting each other one day.
Be informed that I stand at the best position to helpyou through with this program if you choose to come over to US with your family or friends through this program. Please don,t be offended if my words hurts you. I do not mean to hurt you but rather to express my view in love to you and as a friend,l feel that I can get you informed with good thing that will benefit you,it,s an opportunity for you ,your family and friendsto come and even workon the soil of America, UK, Canada and Germany. I personallywould like you to apply for the US program so that we can use this occasion to see each otherand bring your family up here.
If youconsidered this as an opportunity to actualize our dream,then do not hesitate to contact theregistrar to the program overseer / consultant for detail information on our forth coming AAWPEP Employment program scheduled to hold next month.
I know quite wellthat if your love or relationship does not just end on the net, you will surely take up this opportunity. In that case you shouldaddress your application to the registrar
through this e-mail address
E-mail contact address getregistered4aawpep@gmail.com
You can as well reach the registrar by fax through this number

+1-360-343-6793.But do not forget to include your fax number and e-mail address in your fax messages to enhance quick reply from the registrar
If you are interested on this program then do not delay to contactthe registrar because your application is already latebut with my influence it will be attended to .
Not that you're comingfor the Farm or factory works but it's an opportunity for you to enter America without much stress.If youshouldapply for it, let them know that you are recommended for the Program by me and they will not waste time with your application.
May be through this Programand by the special grace of God we might start affecting each others life positivelyor at least be able to say that you have made me to know this or that. Surely, no one livesto himself or herself and what ever we can do today for one another may stand for our glory tomorrow.You should always keep me informedwith the latest developmentfrom the registrar/ program overseer so that l will know what to do in your favor . I enclose myphotographs, I shall be expecting more of yours.

Your sweet


NB: If you don,t mind, you should usethe samplebelow to apply for the program

You can also inform them to get any clarification about you from me if need arises.

Dear Sir,
Having heard from Ms Sueann Becker of AAWPEP
administrative head

office in the US about your forth-coming Employment program schedule to hold next month. I wish to apply with her recommendation to partake in this most esteemed program.
Please sir/madam; do furnish me with all necessary information as regards the application procedures on this program. Should you entertain any doubt or need clarification about me, do not hesitate to contact Ms sueann becker through this address sueann2becker@gmail.com

While hoping and waiting for a favorable reply, I will be praying for you

Sueann becker






From: Sueann Becker [mailto:sueann2becker@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 3:31 PM
Subject: TRUE LOVE

Hello Dear,
How are you doing over there l hope fine?l feel you are such a

wonderful person to know.l would really want to meet you
and for once look into your eyes.l do believe in fate and l know fate has brought us together.As per the programme opportunity

that l informed you about in my last mail,It is not that you can not come to the US through other means but why I have insisted that you should come to the US through this programme is just because it will be more easier to process your documents and save more money than personal or any other efforts. Personal efforts or other means will takes much time and more expenses.I advising you to avail your self of the opportunity that the programme is offering you to come and settle here in the US because it is a permanent job.Send your application to the registrar at getregistered4aawpep@gmail.com
as soon as possible.

Life is full of challenges like this
which test our inner strength,
and more importantly,
our love and devotion for
one another. It is said that
"True Love" has no boundaries
and can not be measured.
May God be with us.



NB;Mail me as soon as you send and receive the reply for your application to the programme registrar


If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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