Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.

Mrs My Dearest One ,

I am writting this letter with due respect and heartful of tears since we have not known or met ourselves previously I am asking for your assistance after I have gone through a profile that speaks good of you.. I want to find out if it's possible for you to deal with individual as to investment. I came across your profile and I feel it's highly reputable that is why I pick an interest getting across to you in respect of investment at my disposal. I will be so glad if you can allow me and lead me to the right channel towards your assistance to my situation now. I will make my proposal well known if I am given the opportunity. I would like to use this opportunity to introduce myself to you.

My late father ( Dr.Aluku.J. Dwe ) was chairman managing director (10245 INDUSTRIAL DIAMONDS COMPANY LTD),in MONROVIA the capital of my country,and he was also the personal advicer to the former head of state before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my mother and father in a cold blood.It was only me that is alive now and i managed to make my way to a nearby country Senegal where i am living now as a refugee.

Please bear with me for sending this letter to you surprisingly. My name is ( Miss.Veronie Dwe ) a young gril originally from Liberia in west Africa as i told you before. The main reason why I am contacting you now is to seek you assistance in the area of my future investment and also for a help hand over some huge amount of money in my possession.This money (US5.3 Million dollars)is deposited in a secuirty and finacier company some years ago by my father he made me the sole beneficiary I am now asking you to stand on my behalf, to stand as my partner and in time of the claim and investment as well.

As I have mention earlier I will make the procedure to this issue to be well know to you, if I am given the opportunity to do so. Pls attach your direct and full information as you reply to me. You can also contact me with my email and the reverend office phone number 00221 77 2145 224, When you call the reverend that you will like to speak to me and he will send for me in the female hostel Here in the Refugee camp. The name of the reverend is Rev Samuel.
I will be waiting to hear from you.
Best regard
Love and kisses
Miss.Veronice Dwe
when the going was good



Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 8:51 PM

Moje najdrozsi, 44
Dziekuje za wasza milosc i zyczliwosc, nie wiem jak dziekujemy za zyczliwosc, ale ja klade wszystko w Bogów strony, ze musi on z pewnoscia pojawia sie we wszystkich poprzez swoje uczynki, moi drodzy Ja dokonuje mojego pierwszego roku w uczelni w moim kraju przed wojna, wyruszyli, a nastepnie Zyje mojego kraju, nawet wtedy, gdy ja sie tutaj i tutaj kontynuowac moja edukacje w Dakarze senegal, ale ja jestem robienie czesc lekcji ze wzgledu na czas i nie ma zadnego sponsora, którzy beda sponsorowac mnie do glównych szkoly, przedstawiciela ONZ pieniadze sa nam platniczych jest zbyt maly, aby przejsc do szkoly glównej, ale w ostatnich 4 miesiecy obecnie ONZ agenta tutaj odmówic zaplacenia wszystkich uchodzców tutaj, od tego czasu i opuszczanie szkoly z powodu nie sposób i moze sobie pozwolic na pieniadze do zaplaty oplaty lession moje, i pózniej dostal prace w jednej restauracji, ale tutaj wlasciciel restauracji chce byc przy uzyciu mnie i zarabianie pieniedzy z jej klientów, jedna noc ona zwrócic sie do mnie, aby przejsc z jednego czlowieka, ze i bedzie spedzic noc z czlowiekiem, i odmawia sie z czlowiekiem i powiedzial jej, ze przed moim wierze, a ponadto i slub na Boze mój, ze nikt nie bedzie ogladac moja nagosc, dopóki ja dostac mój wlasny czlowieka, ona zapyta mnie i od urlopu bedzie nie pytaj, co ona do tego, w jaki sposób i stracil prace

Moi drodzy swój wiek nie znaczy nic dla mnie, i to, co potrzebne jest milosci, szczescia, opiekuncze, i milosc, moi drodzy chcecie przyjsc do mnie do domu, zanim bedziemy mogli przeprowadzic na transfer i jak bedzie mozna jesli wiesz, ze tu i teraz ja jestem don, t maja paszport i ostatni raz, ze i poprosic reverend jak Ja ide, aby dostac mój paszport, powiedzial do mnie to koszt okolo pieniadze ale nie moge sobie pozwolic? Moi drodzy, przed pismie mój pierwszy mail do Ciebie, ja w 3 dni post i modlitwy Bóg mówi moje cierpienie od smierci moich rodziców pózno i ze potrzebna jest uczciwa osoba, którzy moga mi pomóc i odzyskac pieniadze mojego ojca pózno zlozone w banku, który Ja jestem obok krewnych, po przejsciu na modlitwie, i wybierz 3 osób z mojej strony i wyslal je do wniosku, jednym z trzech ludzi, jestes jedyna osoba odpowiedziec na mnie, moi drodzy i uwazasz, ze twoje odpowiedzi dla mnie jest robienie Bogów.

i would like you skontaktowac sie z bankiem w imieniu mnie znaja ich procedury, w jaki sposób sa one sie do transferu pieniedzy do kraju, po pieniadze wpisane konta wtedy zejdz tutaj i wybierz mnie lub wyslac pieniadze do mnie so that i can use it and get all needed travel documents to come over and stay with you, i live in Dakar Senegal west Africa as a refugee ,i do find it difficult to feed twice in a day,I am with the death certificate and mój pózno ojców PERONAL równiez, po smierci mojego ojca naszego rzadu póznym wykorzystanie wszystkich jego wlasciwosci Claming, ze mój ojciec zobowiazal pieniadze od rzadu w czasie jego rzadów w biurze, nawet on ma pieniadze z banku centralnego w moim kraju bylo równiez seize,if they should find out that my late father has money with any bank they are going to call the money back,that's why i run out of my country with help of one old woman,because this money is the only inheritance i got from mój ojciec z powodu zlozenia uczynil z mojego imienia, mozesz sadzic, ze nie mam zadnych organ tutaj, aby polaczyc moje osób,

ostatni raz i skontaktowac sie z bankiem, i rozmawial z menedzerem opreation i on powiedzial mi, ze nie sposób bank moze zrobic ze mna bezposredniego ze wzgledu na mój status uchodzcy i osobowych bedzie mojego ojca pózno, i ze powinien znalezc ciala stanac dla mnie i roszczenia, porady do mnie wezwanie do mojego zwiazku lub którykolwiek z moich przodków pózno partnerem, ale nie mozna polaczyc, jak i wszelkich moich przodków partnera handlowego z powodu moich przodków commitiment podczas swego czasu w biurze rzadu, jesli te pieniadze powinny zejsc do liberia, oni ida do sledzenia zródla pieniedzy i moze to prowadzic zajecia i nie moga wrócic do mojego kraju, juz, prosze ja potrzebowac Twojej pomocy, prosze i bedzie tak, jak chcesz, aby wyslac do mnie swój numer telefonu i Twój adres hotelu, tak aby uzytkownik mógl wiedziec, z kim jestem zajmujacych sie dobrze. Czy wezwanie do mnie z urzedu reverend esthergafer tele numer telefonu +221 7721 45224.wehn zadzwonisz powiedziec reverend esthergafer, ze jak bedziesz mówic ze mna i on wysle dla mnie przyjsc i odpowiedziec na Twoje wezwanie.

Najlepsze odniesieniu
Milosc i pocalunki



My Dearest one,

Thanks for your love and kindness,i don't know how to thank you for your kindness,but i put everything in Gods hand that he must surely see you through in all your doings,my dear i am doing my first year in the university in my country before the war came up,then i live my country,even when i come to here i continue my education here in dakar senegal,but i am doing part time lesson due to i don't have any sponsor who will sponsor me to the main school,the money UN agent are paying us is too small to go to the main school,but for past 4months now the UN agent here refuse to pay all the refugees here,since then i drop out of school due to there's no way i can afford the money to pay my lession fees,i later got a job in one restaurant here but the owner of the restaurant want to be useing me and making money from her customers,one night she ask me to go with one man that i will spend a night with the man,i refuse going with man i told her that it's against my believe and moreover i vow to my God that no man will see my nakedness untill i get my own man, she ask me the leave since i will not do what she ask me to do that's how i lost the job,

My dear your age does not mean anything to me,what i need from you is love,happiness,caring,and love,my dear do you want me to come down to your home before we can carry on the transfer i will like you to know that if here i am now i don,t have any international passport and last time that i ask the reverend on how i am going to get my international passport he told me it will cost some money but i can not afford ?My dear before writing my first mail to you,i made 3days fasting and prayers telling God my suffering since the death of my late parents that i need a honest person who can help me and retrive the money my late father deposited in a bank which i am the next of kin,after doing the prayer's i pick 3 people from the site and sent my proposal to them,among the three people you are the only person respond to me,my dear i believe your responding to me it's Gods doing.

i would like you to contact the bank on behalf of me to know their procedure on how they are going to transfer the money into your country,after the money entered your account then you come down here and pick me or you send some money to me so that i can use it and get all needed travel documents to come over and stay with you, i live in Dakar Senegal west Africa as a refugee ,i do find it difficult to feed twice in a day,I am with the death certificate and my late fathers PERONAL WILL also,after the death of my late father our Goverment Sieze all his properties Claming that my father made the money from the Goverment during his time in Goverment office,Even the money he has with central bank in my country was also seize,if they should find out that my late father has money with any bank they are going to call the money back,that's why i run out of my country with help of one old woman,because this money is the only inheritance i got from my father due to he made the deposit with my name,could you believe that i don't have any body here to call my own people,

last time i contact the bank,i spoke with the opreation manager and he told me that there's no way the bank can do with me direct due to my refugee status and the personal will of my late father,that i should find some body to stand for me and claim,he advice me to call my relation or any of my late fathers business partner,but there's no how i can call any of my fathers business partner because of my fathers commitiment during his time in goverment office, if this money should come down to liberia,they are going to trace the source of the money and it may result seizing it and i can not go back to my country anymore,please i need your help,please i will like you to send me your phone number and address with your picture so that i can know whom am dealing with well .Do call me with the reverend samuel office tele phone number +221 7721 45224.wehn you call tell the reverend samuel that you will like to speak with me and he will send for me to come and answer your call .

Best regard
Love and kisses

Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2008 6:16 PM
Subject: Thanks alot for the love and concern

Hello my Jeden najdro¿si,

Cieszê siê, by przeczytaæ formularza drodzy, i pragnie poinformowaæ, ¿e Ja jestem jeden w hotelu i mam czekaæ do zdjêcia wraz z pe³nej informacji, tak aby u¿ytkownik móg³ wys³aæ normaintion pismo do banku, gdy raz i otrzymywaæ informacje o tobie podobnie jak numer telefonu tel. dom i adres, tak aby umo¿liwiæ mi wys³aæ normaintion do banku i od razu otrzymaæ swoje pe³ne informacje.

Drogi po prostu byæ w szybki, ¿e co¶ robi, je¶li jeste¶ naprawdê chcieli mi pomóc w tej formie moim persent warunek tutaj w tym obozie dla uchod¼ców w celu lepszego nad tym jeden w danym kraju drodzy. Ja bêdê czekaæ na twój mail drodzy. najlepsze ¿yczenia dla was drodzy.

Najlepsze odniesieniu
Mi³o¶æ i poca³unki
Hello My Dearest One,

I am happy to read form you dear , and i wishes to let you know that i am the one in the picture and i am waiting to have your pictures together with your full informations so that i can send a normaintion letter to the bank when once i recieve the information about you just like the tel phone number and house address so to enable me send a normaintion to the bank immediately i recieve the your full informations.

Dear just be fast in anything that you are doing if really wanted to help me out form this my persent condition right here in this refugee camp to a better one over there in your country dear . I will be waiting for your mail dear . best wishes to you dear .

Best regard
Love and kisses
Here is the pic
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 2:35 PM

My Sweet Heart najdro¿si.
Na pocz±tku, i faktycznie by³o posiadanie obawia siê zdrady i jak siê dostaæ do was przekonany, wierzcie mi, kiedy firma poinformowa³a mnie do poszukiwania partnera zagranicznego z kraju, gdy¿ ja jestem uchod¼c± w momencie, a prawo kraju nie pozwalaj± mi wzi±æ udzia³-w miêdzynarodowych transakcji do bezpiecznego i wszystkie niezbêdne dokumenty. By³em te¿ ostrzeg³ do becareful z tak± osob± i pod³±czyæ poprzez internet, poniewa¿ wiêkszo¶æ ludzi s± fa³szywymi i mo¿e zniszczyæ moich przysz³ych mam zrobiæ, je¶li nie modlitwa do Boga, aby mnie do przewodnika sellect rzeczywistej osoby zaskakuj±co wiadomo¶ci odpowiedzi pojawi³y siê i d¼wiêk, jak gdyby byli czytania mojego umys³u w danym momencie.

Naprawdê nie wiem w jaki sposób mo¿emy przekonaæ siê wzajemnie tak, ¿e zaufanie mo¿e byæ budowane miêdzy nami, Ja wolê byæ lojalni wobec was, poniewa¿ trwa od jednego do kogo¶ znaæ. Mam poszed³ za po¶rednictwem poczty tre¶ci i odkry³, ¿e whorth wiedzieæ wiêcej, i rzeczywi¶cie nie wiedz±, jak mo¿na s±dziæ, aby ponownie do mnie, by³em naprawdê dotkn±³ przez pocztê, a ja jestem zapewniaj±c, ¿e nigdy nie bêdzie mi ¿al, spotkania. I pozostaje wierny Tobie i umo¿liwiaj± bezpo¶rednie na mnie, co zrobiæ, gdy z tego funduszu i pochodzi ze wzglêdu na swoje rozleg³e exprience i szerokiej wiedzy i jednocze¶nie kontynuowaæ moj± edukacjê tam first..I rozmawia³ z th reverend ojca dzisiaj znowu o sobie i Zachêca on do mnie, aby upewniæ siê, ¿e ja wam szczegó³ów na temat banku i mój ojciec pó¼no 's depozytu, poniewa¿ mój ojciec u¿yte moje nazwisko jako jego najbli¿szych krewnych, a tak¿e poinformowa³, ¿e bank bêdzie z nimi skontaktowaæ w moim imieniu, tak Dostêp do nich i rzek³ do nich us³yszeæ od ciebie.

Dlatego skorzystaæ z tej informacji, które czu³em potrzeby mo¿esz skontaktowaæ siê z nich przez telefon lub e-mail, aby dowiedzieæ siê swoich procedur bêdziesz spe³nione, aby umo¿liwiæ pojawieniu siê tego funduszu oficjalnie i prawnie do swojego kraju bez problemów, nazwê banku, ich kontakty i ojca mojego pó¼nego z³o¿enia informacji s± jako poni¿ej:

1024 Grand-harmoni YOFF, Cytowanie Khardim,
Senegal Dakar, Afryka Zachodnia.
E-mail contact: customerscare1_bcs@mail2senegal.com
E-mail contact: foreign_operations1@bstsn.com
Bezpo¶rednie Telefon / faks: + 22177-2020-133
Kontakt personel: Michael Diopp

Informacja o z³o¿eniu kodu s± nastêpuj±ce.
Nazwa deponenta: Dr.Aluku.J. DWE
Narodowo¶æ: Liberia
Depozyt kod zabezpieczaj±cy: 34156127101
Najbli¿szych krewnych: Miss.Veronice DWE
Kwotê: US $ 5.3.Million

Upewnij siê, ¿e nie zabraknie miejscu ¿adnego z tych informacji, tak aby nie stan±æ na ziemi, aby zablokowaæ dostêp do depozytu, proszê pospiesz siê, ja jestem gotowy do wst±pienia do ciebie, jestem chory i z³y stan zwi±zany z ¿ycia tutaj w obozie dla uchod¼ców. Nie mam zezwoliæ na swobodne przemieszczanie siê tutaj bo nie zdoby³y ich kontaktów, o których mowa powy¿ej rezydenta zezwolenia. Ja was zaufanie oparte na oryginalnego obietnicy, ¿e nie zdradzi siê, które mia³y do mnie jak czê¶æ z Was. Proszê nie wi±zaæ osobê trzeci± w tej sprawie na razie mamy do zapewnienia pieniêdzy z powodu mojego ojca, imiê, ¿e pier¶cienie jak dzwon w uszach ludzi, poniewa¿ po jego tragicznym upadku, nie jest to, ¿e ka¿dy lubi moje nazwisko w zwi±zku z tym nasz problem musz± byæ trzymane w tajemnicy i nie powinny byæ znane przez kogokolwiek oprócz Ciebie ponownie. Proszê zachowaæ tê tajemnicê dla bardzo transakcji teraz

Jestem pewien, ¿e pracuj± ze mn±, poniewa¿ sam Bóg jest z nami i jeden z Bogiem jest z wiêkszo¶ci±. Zachowaj mnie informowany, jak skontaktowaæ siê z bankiem firmê w moim imieniu i proszê nie twierdz±, lub wycinka spraw z nimi w celu unikniêcia gromadzenia jeden eyesbrow na moje nazwisko przez któregokolwiek z pracowników zazdrosny lub organu rz±dowego, proszê wszystko spokojny i fajny jak postêpowaæ, nie pozwalaj± na co¶, ¿e mo¿na tworzyæ ¶wiadomo¶æ, ¿e jestem wci±¿ ¿ywe dla ka¿dego, poniewa¿ ja jestem hidding mojej to¿samo¶ci tutaj w tym obozie dla uchod¼ców z wyj±tkiem nielicznych zaufanych ci, ¿e wie kogo ja jestem jak reverend którego da³em ci jego numer telefonu biura tu w tym obozie dla uchod¼ców.
Mi³o¶ci i opieki ze
Miss.Veronice DWE.


My Dearest Sweet Heart .
In the beginning, i actually was having fears of betrayal and how to get you convinced to beleive me when the firm adviced me to look for a foreign partner from your country since i am a refugee at the moment and the law of the country does not permit me to part-take in any international transaction untill i secure all the necessary papers. I was also warned to becareful with the kind of person i connect through internet because most of the people are fake and can destroy my future if i don't prayer for God to guide me to sellect real person suprisingly your mail response came up and you sound as if you were reading my mind at the moment.

I really don't know how we can convince each other so that trust can be built between us, i am willing to be loyal to you because it takes one to know someone. I have gone through your mail content and discovered that you whorth knowing more, i actually did not know how to make you beleive me again, i was really touched by your mail and i am assuring you that you will never regret meeting me. I shall remain loyal to you and allow you direct me on what to do with this fund when i come over because of your vast exprience and broad knowledge while i continue my education over there first.I spoke with th reverend father today again about you and he encouraged me to make sure that i give you details of the bank and about my late father 's deposit since my father used my name as his next of kin, i have also informed the the bank that you will contact them on my behalf so they accepted and said until they hear from you.

Therefore use this information which i felt you might need to contact them either by phone or e-mail to find out their procedures you shall met to enable you receive this fund officially and legally into your country without problems, the name of the bank, their contacts and my late father's deposit information are stated as bellow:

1024 Harmo Grand-yoff, Cite Khardim,
Dakar Senegal, West Africa.
E-mail contact: customerscare1_bcs@mail2senegal.com
E-mail contact: foreign_operations1@bstsn.com
Direct Telephone/ Fax: + 22177-2020-133
Contact personnel: Mr Micheal Diopp

Information about the deposit code are as follows.
Name of depositor: Dr.Aluku.J. Dwe
Nationality: Liberia
Deposit security code: 34156127101
Next of kin : Miss.Veronice Dwe
Amount deposited: US$5.3.Million

Please make sure you did not miss-place any of this information so that they will not stand on the ground to deny you access to the deposit, please hurry up, i am eager to join you, am sick and tied of poor condition of living over here as a refugee camp. I'm not permited to move freely over here because i have not gotten their contact stated above resident permit .I am trusting you based on your genuine promise that you won't betray yourself which you have taken me as part of you. Please do not involve a third person into this matter for now until we secure the money because of my father's name that rings like a bell in the ears of people since after his tragic fall, it is not everybody that likes my family name therefore our issue must be kept secret and shouldn't be known by anyone again apart from you. Please keep this very transaction secret for now,

i am sure that you are working alone with me because God is with us and one with God is with majority. Keep me informed as you contact the bank firm on my behalf and please do not argue or stretch matters with them to avoid raising an eyesbrow on my family name by any of the jealous staff or government authority, please everything calm and cool as you proceed, don't allow anything that can create awareness that i'm still alive to anyone because i am hidding my identity over here in this refugee camp except very few trusted ones that knows whom i am like the reverend whom i gave you his office telephone number here in this refugee camp .
Love & care from,
Miss.Veronice Dwe
From: Vero Vero <veronice_11@yahoo.com>
Subject: Here Is The Normiantion letter Form Miss.Veronice Dwe
To: customerscare1_bcs@mail2senegal.com
Date: Sunday, June 8, 2008, 12:40 PM

Attention; Sir
Dr .Micheal Diopp
Directore Foreign Operations
1024 Harmo Grand-yoff, Cite Khardim,
Dakar Senegal, West Africa.

My name is Miss.Veronice Dwe a daugther of one . Dr.Aluku.J. Dwe.your customer .I am presently in dakar senegal where I am staying as a refuguee of which that i have told you time without number.I am with the death certificate and the last writing will of my late father here ,I have been in touch with you for sometime now and you directed me to get an nomination letter in appointing my apartner who will help me to fullfill my father's WILL,in claiming the so said amont of 5.3 million US dollar deposited with your bank,

Information About The Deposit Code Are As Follows.
Name of depositor: Dr.Aluku.J. Dwe
Nationality: Liberia
Deposit security code: AJ/089/SD/88
Exco Account No; 34156127101
Next of kin : Miss.Veronice Dwe
Amount deposited: US$.5..3Million

Below Are My Partner's Contact's :

Name ................................. Mr. Young

Email Address ....................... Dnalop.Young@bittenus.com

Phone Number :::::::::::::::: +48 919-73-69

Country :::::::::::: Poland

He want to find out the possibilty of transfer the money into his account so that he will help me by investing the money on real estate at his country and i am planing to live with him to start my schooling over there as i told you before that he i am now is just like one living in the prison yard of which that you have promiss assisting the hour have come that i needed your assist this week,I will appriciate you coperation with him He is standing on my behalf .
Miss.Veronice Dwe

Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 11:05 AM
Subject: Acknowledge/Procedure


In view of your request for claims by the next of kin, Fund Deposit File No. BCS101454/BCS/80 refers.Reference to your partner's request for release of Late.Dr.Aluku.J.Dwe .deposited fund,( $5.3Million US ) willed to Ms.Veronice Dwe ,Who is presently in Dakar-Senegal Refugee's Camp . We have acknowledge the receipt of your partners email inquiry in respect to the said inherited fund deposited in our escrow account.And to legally effect transfer in your favour as an Appointed Trustee by Ms.Veronice Dwe of the sum of US$5.300,000.00 deposited by ( Late..Dr.Aluku.J.Dwe ) .Which he indicated his daughter Ms.Veronice Dwe as Next of Kin,The following information is needed from you to prove that you have been nominated officially by his next of kin Ms.Veronice Dwe by next week since the bank closer's by 12 noon every Saturday to start work again by Monday.

(1). You should present an authority letter(Power of attorney) dully signed by a Senegalais based lawyer as your witness, mandating you to make this claims and transfer on Ms.Veronice Dwe behalf.

(2) A sworn affidavit must be secured in your name from the high court of Senegal precisely.

(3) A scanned copy of your identity must be forwarded to our management via e-mail attachment.

( 4 ) Present the last written WILL of Late..Dr.Aluku.J.Dwe

(5) You should present a copy of Late..Dr.Aluku.J.Dwe ,death certificate,issued by a public/General hospital confirming his death.

We hope you understand our reason for the request of the above information is part our security protocols to avoid fraudulent claims or an unwarranted taking advantage of his absence by some individuals or some other distance relations who might have had access to his privacy.

On receipts of the above mentioned, we shall verify them and shall process your claim to effect release and transfer of the deposited funds into your nominated bank account without further delay. We shall proceed as soon as you produce the above mentioned.All communicate will continue with English since your partner ( Ms.Veronice Dwe ) are form English Nationality Liberia.and we promise to give our customers the best of our services. For more information you can reach the director foreign operations on phone; +22177 202-0133 .

Thanks for your co-operation.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Kateh Mbayeh .
Foreign operations & International Remittance Dept.
( For .Dr .Micheal Diopp)
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 3:16 PM
Subject: Dobry dzień DADDY

Hello Daddy

Moi drodzy przed napisaniem mój pierwszy mail do Ciebie, ja w 3 dni post i modlitwy Bóg mówi moje cierpienie od śmierci moich rodziców późno i że potrzebna jest uczciwa osoba, którzy mogą mi pomóc i odzyskać pieniądze mojego ojca późno złożone w banku i Jestem najbliższych krewnych, po przejściu na modlitwie, i wybierz 3 osób z mojej strony i wysłał je do wniosku, jednym z trzech ludzi, jesteś jedyną osobą odpowiedzieć na mnie w sposób, że wszystkie dziury, że duch jest mile widziane i są w dalszym ciągu z wami, jak mój partner którzy będą inwestować pieniądze dla mnie w tym w nieruchomości, zarządzania i dlaczego polska nadal moim wykształceniem w ramach swojej opiekujący się do końca dobrej przyszłości drodzy, moi drodzy i uważasz, że twoje odpowiedzi dla mnie jest robienie Bogów.

I jak bank ma czterech wymaganych dokumentów w procedurze ich jak oni idą do przekazania pieniędzy na koncie ponad tam polska drodzy, po pieniądze wpisane konta wtedy zejdź tutaj i wybierz mnie lub wysłać pieniądze do mnie aby można było użyć go i uzyskać wszystkie potrzebne dokumenty podróży do ponad pochodzą z pobytu i członków rodziny jako jeden z następnie dlaczego zainwestować te pieniądze dla mnie drodzy, ja mieszkam w zachodniej Dakar Senegal Afryka jako uchodźcy, i zrobić go znaleźć trudne do paszy w dwa dni, ja jestem z akt zgonu i moich przodków PERONAL późno, po śmierci mojego ojca naszego rządu późnym wykorzystanie wszystkich jego właściwości Claming, że mój ojciec zobowiązał pieniądze od rządu w czasie jego rządów w urzędzie Nawet on ma pieniądze z banku centralnego w moim kraju było również wykorzystać, gdy powinien dowiedzieć się, że mój ojciec ma późno żadnych pieniędzy z banku, które zamierzamy połączyć się z powrotem pieniądze, to dlaczego ja biegać z mojego kraju z pomocą jedna stara kobieta, ponieważ te pieniądze w banku "Banque CONTONENTALDEO DU SENEGAL jest tylko dziedziczenie i dostał od ojca mojego powodu zrobił depozyt w imię moje jako najbliższych krewnych, możesz sądzić, że nie mam żadnych tutaj, aby organ wezwanie własnej osoby lub względny i dlatego ja jestem wolna informacją, o siebie i jestem szczęśliwy do dziś się dowiedzieć więcej o Tobie i Twoim familys drodzy evern swojej pracy moi drodzy,

Ostatnia czasie skontaktować się z bankiem, i rozmawiał z menedżerem opreation i on powiedział mi, że nie sposób bank może zrobić ze mną bezpośredniego ze względu na mój status uchodźcy i osobowych będzie mojego ojca późno, i że powinien znaleźć ciała stanąć dla mnie i roszczenia, porady do mnie wezwanie do mojego związku lub którykolwiek z moich przodków późno partnerem, ale nie można połączyć, jak i wszelkich moich przodków partnera handlowego z powodu moich przodków commitiment Studiując w rządzie biura w moim kraju, Liberia, jeżeli te pieniądze powinny zejść do liberia, oni idą do śledzenia źródła pieniędzy i może spowodować wykorzystanie pieniędzy i nie mogą wrócić do mojego kraju, już, proszę i need your help by zachować ten problem pieniędzy pochodzących z tego na koncie w ciągu ja jestem, dopóki bank transfer jako kompletne banku powiedział, że w przypadku, gdy dokumenty są wypełniane, że będzie skuteczna i pełne przeniesienie prawa na koncie drodzy.

Jeśli chodzi o pozostałe dwa dokumenty, które jest numerem jeden i dwa z wymaganych dokumentów do Banque CONTONENTALDEO DU SENEGAL. Drogi i poinformowały reverend esthergafer do mnie i uzyskać dobry adwokat którzy mogą pomóc nam perparr dwa dokumenty, ponieważ bank wymaganych dokumentów, które muszą pochodzić ze ferderal wysokiej tutaj w senegal i można zrozumieć, że nie wiedziałam żadnych bdoy w tym kraju i że jest dlaczego powiedział Samuel reverend którzy podobnie jak ojciec jest dla wszystkich ludzi żyjących tu w tym uchodźców Obóz drodzy. Można także zadzwonić do reverend Samuela i powiedz mu patrzeć na Boga, którzy obawiali się, prawnik i pomoże nam uzyskać dwa dokumenty stanowią ferderal Wysokiego Trybunału, tak aby bank zakończy przelać na swoje konto przed końcem W tym tygodniu drodzy. Ja wokół reverend esthergafer biura, czekając na wezwanie i mail.try i zachować w tej kwestii, tak jak Ja was drodzy naprawdę wiemy, że Bóg jest z wami, moi drodzy i ja can'nt pobytu bez się z Twojej rodziny tak szybko, jak tylko przelew bankowy pieniądze na koncie.

Najlepsze odniesieniu

Hello Daddy

My dear before writing my first mail to you,i made 3days fasting and prayers telling God my suffering since the death of my late parents that i need a honest person who can help me and retrive the money my late father deposited in a bank which i am the next of kin,after doing the prayer's i pick 3 people from the site and sent my proposal to them,among the three people you are the only person respond to me in the way that all hole spirit has welcome that i have to continue with you as my partner who will invest this money for me in the real estate management in poland why i continue my schooling under your caring to end a good future dear,my dear i believe your responding to me it's Gods doing.

I as you the bank has requested fours documents their procedure on how they are going to transfer the money into your account over there in poland dear,after the money entered your account then you come down here and pick me or you send some money to me so that i can use it and get all needed travel documents to come over to and stay with your family members as one of then why you invest this money for me dear, I live in Dakar Senegal west Africa as a refugee ,i do find it difficult to feed twice in a day,I am with the Death Certificate and my late fathers PERONAL WILL ,after the death of my late father our Goverment Sieze all his properties Claming that my father made the money from the Goverment during his time in Goverment office,Even the money he has with central bank in my country was also seize,if they should find out that my late father has money with any bank they are going to call the money back,that's why i run out of my country with help of one old woman,because this money in the BANQUE CONTONENTALDEO DU SENEGAL is the only inheritance i got from my father due to he made the deposit with my name as the next of kin,could you believe that i don't have any body here to call my own people or relative and that is why i am free telling you all about myself and i am happy to now to know more about you and yours familys dear evern your work my dear,

Last time i contact the bank,i spoke with the opreation manager and he told me that there's no way the bank can do with me direct due to my refugee status and the personal will of my late father,that i should find some body to stand for me and claim,he advice me to call my relation or any of my late fathers business partner,but there's no how i can call any of my fathers business partner because of my fathers commitiment during his time in goverment office in my country Liberia, if this money should come down to liberia,they are going to trace the source of the money and it may result seizing the money and i can not go back to my country anymore,please i need your help by keep this issue of this money coming to your account within i am you until the bank complete the transfer as the bank has said that when once the documents are completed that they will effect and complete the transfer right in your account dear .

Concerning the other two documents which is the number one and two of the requested documents for the BANQUE CONTONENTALDEO DU SENEGAL .Dear i have informed the reverend samuel to help me and get a good lawyer who can help us to perparr the two documents since the bank requested that the documents must come form the ferderal high here in senegal and you can understand that i did not know any bdoy in this country and that is why i told the reverend Samuel who is just like father to all the people living here in this refugee camp dear .You can as well call the reverend samuel and tell him to look for a God fearing Lawyer who will help us and get the two documents form the ferderal high court so that the bank will complete the transfer to your account before the end of this week dear . I am around the reverend samuel office waiting for your call and mail.try and keep this matter within you dear as i really know that God is with you my dear and i can'nt stay without be with your family as soon as the bank transfer the money to your account .

Best regard

001 Death Certi Of Aluku Dwe

002 Personal Will Aluku Dwe

Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 7:52 PM
Subject: Please contact the lawyer for the preparation of the power of attorney

MOJE najdrożsi / / .

Jak siÄ™ masz dzisiaj?
mam nadzieję fine.i jestem bardziej niż szczęśliwy, by przeczytać Twoje maile i odczytywać z tego, co masz do banku, Raz jeszcze dziękuję za to zdolność do mnie przelać pieniądze na swoje stanowiska do czasu mojego przyjazdu do zaspokojenia się z Tobą, to widać jesteś niezawodne i godne zaufania jeden człowiek. Słuchaj, zanim dałem wam to informacje i zobaczył swój profil, aby dopasowane kopalni, ja nigdy nie powiedział o tym każdy organ pieniądze tylko osób wie, że o to Tobie i mnie nikt nie wie o nim ponownie (od moich rodziców są martwe) . Tak, ja również doradzać będzie można zachować go dla siebie, ponieważ boję utraty pieniędzy, aby ludzie którzy będą mnie zawiedzie, gdy pieniędzy nie dostaje się do opieki, która była dla niego zajęło mi czasu, aby opowiedzieć nam o tym i ja obietnicy ci z mojego serca (I am not going to zawiedzie Ciebie) i ja również oczekiwać tego samego od Ciebie.

Teraz, wnioski dotyczące potrzeb banku od nas i mają ze mną tutaj ostatni wyciąg z rachunku oraz akt zgonu, I thought it's the Jedyną rzeczą bank będzie od nas, ale ponieważ są one potrzebne pełnomocnictwo oraz oświadczenie o złożeniu ślubowania z Wysokiego Trybunału tutaj w Dakarze Senegal.I poinformowały o Reverend i dał mi kontakt z tym prawnikiem poniżej, jest on zarejestrowany prawnika w ONZ Camp tutaj i jest on również członkiem w (Senegalaise Bar Association ) Którzy pomogą w przygotowaniu dokumentów dla nas.

Proszę się spodoba i będzie się z nim skontaktować poprzez e-mail i telefon dziś, gdy kontakt z nim, powiedz mu, że jesteś moim zagranicznych partnerów i chcesz go przygotować pełnomocnictwo oraz oświadczenie o złożeniu ślubowania w Twoje imię, aby umożliwić Transfer z mojej (Late) ojca konto w banku na konto w danym kraju.

Jego informacje kontaktowe są następujące:
Bar (Dr) Mame Adama Gueye
(Principal Partner).(ESQ)
Mame Adama Gueye & Associés
107-109 Rue Amadou Assane Ndoye
x Mousse Diop BP 11443 Dakar Senegal
Tel:+22177 4234267
Email : mameadama.gueyeassocies@yahoo.com
Email : mameadama.gueyeassocies@hotmail.com

My Sweetheart, i spróbować skontaktować się ze mną, kiedy są w kontakcie z nim i daj mi znać, jeśli zgodzi się nam pomóc!. Proszę i jak będzie można przede wszystkim uzyskać transferu pieniędzy i kiedy tu wszyscy mogą przejść na samego time.I czeka na Ciebie szybko Miód wobec słyszeć twój słodki głos na telefon jutro. ja jestem dla was uczucie co minutę dnia, pragnę być z Tobą jak najszybciej. Zadzwoń do mnie jutro około 2pm tutaj mojego czasu na dyskusję więcej.
A big hug dla Ciebie,
Od moim najgłębszym serca,
Twoja na zawsze
Jednakże Veronice


MY Dearest One

How are you today?
i hope fine.i am more than happy to read your mails and read what you got from to the bank, Once again thank's for your ability to help me transfer the money to your position pending my arrival to meet with you,it shows you are a dependable and trustworthy man. Listen, before i gave you this informations i saw your profile that you matched mine,i have never told any body about this money the only people that knows about it is you and me no one again knows about it (since my parent's are dead).So,i will also advise you to please keep it to yourself because i am afraid of loosing the money to people who will disappoint me when the money gets to there care that was why it took me time to tell you about it and i promise you this from my heart (I AM NOT GOING TO DISAPPOINT YOU) and i equally expect the same from you.

Now,regarding the requests the bank needs from us i have with me here the last Statement of Account and the death certificate,I thought it's the only thing the bank will need from us but since they need the power of attorney and the affidavit of oath from the high court here in Dakar Senegal.I have informed the Reverend about it and he gave me the contact of this lawyer below,he is a registered lawyer in the United Nations Camp here and he is also a registered member in (Senegalaise Bar Association) who will help in preparing the documents for us.

Please i will like you to contact him through email and phone today,when your contacting him, tell him that you are my Foreign partner and you want him to prepare a power of attorney and affidavit of oath in your name to enable the tranfer of my (Late) father's ACCOUNT in BANK to the account in Your country.

His contact information are as follows,
Bar (Dr) Mame Adama Gueye
(Principal Partner).(ESQ)
Mame Adama Gueye & Associés
107-109 Rue Amadou Assane Ndoye
x Mousse Diop BP 11443 Dakar Senegal
Tel:+22177 4234267
Email : mameadama.gueyeassocies@yahoo.com
Email : mameadama.gueyeassocies@hotmail.com

My Sweetheart, try and contact me when you are in contact with him and let me know if he agrees to help us!.Please i will like you to first of all get the money transfer and when you come here we all can move at the same time.I will be waiting for you soon Honey to hear your sweet voice tomorrow on phone . i am feeling for you every minute of the day ,i wish to be with you soon. Please call me tomorrow around 2pm here my time for more discussion.
A big hug for you,
From my deepest heart,
Your's forever
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 1:17 PM
Subject: Skontaktuj siÄ™ z prawnikiem DADDY o dokumenty.

Hello Daddy,

Jestem naprawdę szczęśliwy wczoraj mówić z Tobą ludzi na telefon tele daddy i wierzę, że każdy memebers z familys są w dobrym stanie zdrowia, jeżeli tak dzięki Bogu i tylko daddy przekazane do banku trzech dokumentów i bank wezwał mnie z reverend esthergafer tele telefon i powiedział, że są one wciąż czekają na pozostałych dwóch dokumentów, tak aby można przelać pieniądze przez weekend, że nie są one gotowe do przeniesienia centów w formie rachunku, jeżeli te dwie pozostałe dokumenty nie są im drodzy persented .

Tato nie kontaktuje się z tym, którego jego adwokata jest kontakt z określonych poniżej. Reverend esthergafer którzy dała mi kontakt adwokat powiedział, że jest tylko to, że prawnik wie i jego boga, obawiając się, że jest prawnikiem, co reverend Samuel daddy czują się wolni i kontakt z prawnikiem, wysyłając mail do Niego i połączyć go z jego tele telefon tak, że prawnik będzie zrozumieć, że potrzebne dokumenty thos natychmiast daddy bez względu na to, co tak nigdy tych dwóch dokumentów będzie csot daddy powiedzieć mu, że potrzebne dokumenty. Ja naprawdę chce przenieść na formę tego obozu uchodźców daddy evern i nie może sobie pozwolić na paszę dwa razy na dobę przed i umrze. Mój najlepszy odniesieniu do swojego syna.

Jego informacje kontaktowe są następujące:
Bar (dr) MAME Adama Gueye
(Główny Partner). (Esq)
MAME Adama Gueye & Associà © s
107-109 Rue Amadou Assane Ndoye
x Mousse Diop BP 11443 Dakar Senegal
Tel: +22177 4234267
Email : mameadama.gueyeassocies@yahoo.com
Email : mameadama.gueyeassocies@hotmail.com

I będzie czekać, aby usłyszeć dobrą wiadomość dla Ciebie, jak można się skontaktować z prawnikiem.
Najlepsze odniesieniu
Hello Daddy ,
I am really happy yesterday to speak with you people on the tele phone daddy i believe that every memebers of the familys are in good health if so thanks be to God daddy i just forwarded to the bank the three documents and the bank called me with the reverend samuel tele phone and said that they are still waiting for the rest two documents so that the can transfer the money by the weekend that they are not ready to transfer a cent out form the account if those two remaining documents are not persented to them dear .
Daddy do make contact with this lawyer whom his contact is stated below .The reverend samuel who gave me the lawyer contact said that is only this lawyer that he knows and his a god fearing lawyer that is what the reverend samuel said daddy feel free and make contact with the lawyer by sending mail to him and call him on his tele phone so that the lawyer will understand that we needed thos documents immediately daddy no matter what so ever the two documents will csot daddy tell him that we needed the documents .I really want to move out form this refugee camp daddy i can not evern afford to feed two times daily before i will die here .My best regard to your son .
Jego informacje kontaktowe są następujące:
Bar (Dr) Mame Adama Gueye
(Principal Partner).(ESQ)
Mame Adama Gueye & Associés
107-109 Rue Amadou Assane Ndoye
x Mousse Diop BP 11443 Dakar Senegal
Tel:+22177 4234267
Email : mameadama.gueyeassocies@yahoo.com
Email : mameadama.gueyeassocies@hotmail.com
I will be waiting to hear a good news form you as you make contact with the lawyer .
Best regard
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 8:28 PM
Subject: Dobry Wieczór DADDY

4Hello Daddy4,

Dobry wieczór daddy Mam nadziejê, ¿e wszystko jest dobrze z wami i wszystkich memebers z rodziny drodzy. I nie mieæ paszport i mam nadziejê, ¿e po przeniesieniu, które mo¿na wysy³aæ pieni±dze do mnie tak abym móg³ dostaæ mój paszport, których mo¿na u¿ywaæ do spe³nienia i ci ludzie tam tak abym móg³ rozpocz±æ mojej szkole, dlaczego inne pieniêdzy bêdzie przenie¶æ do nieruchomo¶ci w ramach swojej acring daddy.

Je¶li chodzi o kontakt z prawnikiem, ¿e da³em wam i spróbuj nawi±zaæ kontakt z prawnikiem, aby móg³ nam pomóc i zdobyæ dwa dokumenty, ¿e gospodarstwo jest transfer do banku w celu umo¿liwienia zakoñczenia transferu drodzy. Ja wokó³ reverend esthergafer urz±d czeka wiedzieæ, co bêdzie odpowied¼ prawnika daddy i naprawdê chc± wst±piæ tam z tob± i pobytu osób.

Najlepsze odniesieniu


Hello Daddy ,

Good evening daddy i hope that all is well with you and all the memebers of the family dear . I did not have an international passport and i am hoping that after the transfer that you can send money to me so that i can get my international passport that i can use to come and meet you people over there so that i can start my schooling why other money will move into real estate under your acring daddy .

Concerning the lawyer contact that i gave to you try and make contact with the lawyer so that he can help us and get the two documents that is holding the transfer to enable the bank to complete the transfer dear . I am around the reverend samuel office waiting to know what the lawyer will reply daddy i really want to come up over there and stay with you people .

Best regard
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 12:24 PM
Subject: Dzień Dobry Tato

4Cześć Tato4.

Dobre monring sposobu życia jest tam i wszystkich członków rodziny, mam nadzieję, że każda jednostka jest w dobrym stanie, jeżeli tak dzięki Bogu do tego Daddy.

Znam twój mail Daddy ponad i powyżej oraz Rozumiem, że dlaczego nie skontaktował się z prawnikiem, ponieważ nie masz Angielski tłumacz Daddy. Czy należy skontaktować się z adwokatem z Polski i wierzymy, że można użyć do odczytu i przekazanie odpowiedzi wiadomości Tato, dlaczego Mówię to, ponieważ ja rzeczywiście chcą przenieść się do tej formy przez obóz uchodźców w przyszłym tygodniu, gdy po przelewu bankowego mój późno ojców depozytu na konto to jedynie wysłać do mnie pieniądze i że będą używać w celu uzyskania mój paszport i wizę i że będzie korzystać ponad tam przyjść i rozpoczęcie nauki szkolnej, dlaczego inne moje pieniądze będzie przenieść do zarządzania nieruchomościami pod swoje opiekuńcze i ponieważ nie może obsługiwać takie kwoty Daddy.

Tato i bardzo dziękujemy za miłość i które dotyczą Ciebie i Twojego syna wykazało evern do mnie mój obraz, aby pokazać mi w komputerze i już wiedział, że rodzina mnie mile widziane jako jeden z członków rodziny Daddy Bardzo dziękuję do tego.

Paszport dokument, który można wysłać do banku jest w porządku jest to, co było w banku wniosek Daddy. Czy wypróbować swoje najlepsze i skontaktuj się z prawnikiem, tak że może on otrzymać dokumenty w tym tygodniu na bank, aby zakończyć przekazanie.

Najlepsze odniesieniu


Hello Daddy.

Good monring how is life over there and all the members of the family i hope that every body is in good condition if so thanks be to God for that Daddy .

I have read your mail Daddy over and over and i understand that why you have not contacted the lawyer is because you have not English translator Daddy .Do contact the lawyer with Polish i believe that he can use transfer to read and reply your mail Daddy why i am saying this is because i really want to move out form this refugee camp by next week when once the bank transfer my late fathers deposit to your account you will only have send to me the money that i will use to obtain my international passport and visa that i will use to come over there and start my schooling why other money will move into real estate management all under your caring since i can not handle such amount Daddy .

Daddy i really thank you for the love and concern which you and your son has shown to me evern my picture that you show to me in the computer now i knew that the family has welcome me as one of the members of the family Daddy thanks alot for that .

The passport document which you send to the bank is okay is it was what the bank requested Daddy .Do try your best and make contact with the lawyer so that he can get the documents this week for the bank to complete the transfer .

Best regard
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 5:25 PM

107-109 Rue Amadou Assane Ndoye
x Mousse Diop BP 11443 Dakar Senegal

PHONE: +22177-432-4267.
mameadama.gueyeassocies@hotmail.com <egouwaslawfirm@aol.co.uk>
12/ 06/2008


In compliance with the content of my email dated 12/06/,2008. I wish to inform you that after due confirmations from the bank , of the true existence of the money, its legitimacy and enquires from appropriate quarters about the needful for successful completion of the transfer process, that I hereby accept to dutifully handle the case. Prior to my conversation with the bank as i contacted the bank Today.

I understand from the Bank Transfer director that the actual credit balance at the moment is US$5.3 The Transfer director also mentioned that you have already being norminated by the next of kin and they are expecting that you get back to them soonest for further transfer to Your country in Poland .I have seen the Person Will and Death Certificate documents even as your partner shows me. The young girl father's death certificate, and the last written will. I was made to understand from the bank that these documents are required by them for the transfer.

1. I have drafted a tentative Power of Attorney/agreement based on your request and information which will be notarised on this Noble law Chamber's Letter head after the signature of party involved at the Federal High Court Here In Dakar Senegal here .

2.After due consultations from Dakar Federal High Court Senegal, I understand that it will officially cost the sum of 70 Euro ( only) to legalize the power of attorney, Based on the porverty allivation levy's imposed by government of Senegal on any investor in the country in the category of such fund income is 8780 Euros which must be paid to Inland Revenue Office.

After the payment at the inland revenue office here in senegal the payment receipt would be tendered to the Federal High Court before the power of attorney is notarised. My chambers' legal fees is 10,000 Euro ( Ten thousand Euro only ).The funds in Bank is a guarantee to you by the next of kin now as i confirm it form the bank today, therefore you should pay my legal fees of 10,000 Euro (including notary fee) In ten banking days after receipt of the fund (US$5.3) in your country bank account as customary in legal services in my country demand's.

While you should arrange and only
send now the government levy of 8780 Euros. to enable me commence and conclude actions on the authentication of the power of attorney/agreement in the Federal High Court by tomorrow so that the bank in question will complete the transfer.

To speedy the process you are to send these money through western union money transfer system (which is the fastest mean's of sending and recieving money in this part of the world today to enable this noble law firm prepare and validate the power of attorney here in the high court and notary republic respectively. You are to send the ( 8780 Euros ) with this two name of law firm workers name of my secretary .

The name/address for payment is:
AMOUNT :::::: 5000 EUROS
ADDRESS :::::: 107-109 Rue Amadou Assane Ndoye x Mousse Diop BP 11443 Dakar Senegal


The name/address for payment is:
AMOUNT :::::: 3780 EUROS
ADDRESS :::::: 107-109 Rue Amadou Assane Ndoye x Mousse Diop BP 11443 Dakar Senegal


Send or call this noble law firm and give them the information as soon as you send the money to enable this chambers to go and get the money out from the western union money transfer and start the preparation of those two document's as you requested which will only take two working day's for it readyness for the transfer or may even be ready tomorrow if we should recieve money in time tomorrow . Send the transfer information as soon as you send the funds ( 8780 Euros ) to enable Her go for the collection of the money form any of their local office of the western union money transfer. This noble law firm has note down your information for the power of attorney . Please do not fail to contact me for more clarifications if needed on the reciept of this mail.

This noble law firm is advicing you to send the money by western union money transfer so that everything will move fast by tomorrow.But if you insisted that you want to send this government levys ( 8780 Euros ) in this noble law firm bank account it will delay this perparation of this documents for four to five before the money will arrive in this noble law firm account .


Bank Name ::::::::Compagnie Bancaire de l'Afrique Occidentala.
Address :::::: Place de l'independance Dakar Senegal.
Code Bank :::::::: k0012
Code Guichet :::::::: 01272
Account Number::::::::: 035152695001
RIB ::::::::: 12


It is left for you to start sending the money by western union money with those two names above tomorrow and after each sending the money you are advice to send the 10 digi number contorl number with the question and answer for the collection of the ( 8780 Euros ) immediately we recieve this government levys and the hole acting concerning the preparation of the two documents will be complete tomorrow as soon as we recieve the government levys tomorrow .

Faithfully yours Principal Partner:
Barrister (Dr) Mame Adama Gueye.
(Principal Partner).(ESQ)
107-109 Rue Amadou Assane Ndoye
x Mousse Diop BP 11443 Dakar Senegal
Office tel:(+22177- 4234-267)
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 9:14 PM
Subject: hoping to hear form you daddy

4Cze¶æ Tato4.

Dobre wieczór Tato, jak to wszystkie memebers z rodziny daddy I am so happy na zdjêcia, które wys³a³ do mnie dzi¶ evern krzy¿ Jezusa Chrystusa Daddy. Teraz wiem, ¿e jestem najbli¿szych do³±czyæ do rodziny, ¿e Bóg wie, drodzy. Je¶li chodzi o pytanie, czy poprosiæ Je¶li chcesz otworzyæ konto spó³ki dla mnie Tato i nie trzeba od takich ja jestem jeszcze ma³a, aby podj±æ opiekê nad Daddy.

Co ja jestem naprawdê jest po mojej szkole Daddy aby mo¿na by³o uzyskaæ dobr± przysz³o¶æ jutro w ziemi ¿yj±cych Daddy i wszystkie inne pieni±dze bêdzie przenie¶æ wszystkich do dobrej inwestycji w ramach swojej opiekuj±cy Daddy. Mój najlepszy odniesieniu do Miko³aja i Natalia Daddy i wierzê, ¿e wszystko jest ze wszystkich mo¿liwych dla mnie, aby byæ w przysz³ym tygodniu przez polska Daddy. Prawnik evern wezwa³ mnie everning z esthergafer tel. numer telefonu i powiedzia³, ¿e niektóre kwoty, które on poprosiæ o wys³anie do niego tak, ¿e mo¿esz wyczy¶ciæ op³aty rz±dowe jutro, tak aby móg³ persent dwóch dokumentów do banku
tym samym na jutro przelewem bankowym firmy Daddy. Tato i spróbuj wys³aæ pieni±dze na adwokata, jak mówi³, ¿e tak bêdzie uzyskaæ te dokumenty, gotowe jutro, jak mówi³, ¿e mo¿liwe jest byæ gotowy do banku, aby zakoñczyæ przekazywanie

Tato i tak jestem szczê¶liwy, ¿e mój dzieñ tutaj w tym, ¿e liczba uchod¼ców i bêdzie odej¶cie postaci tego piek³a o nazwie obozu uchod¼ców Tato, tato móg³by¶ wierzyæ, ¿e do pasz dwa dzienny czas tutaj w tym obozie dla uchod¼ców jest trudne i wiele osób suszenia jest raz w tygodniu, ¿e ja jestem ¿yj±cy dzi¶ jest tylko bogowie chc± daddy, I jeszcze wiele, wiele ci powiedzieæ o mojej rodzinie, ale daddy, które powinny byæ i kiedy siê nad tym, aby spêdziæ resztê ¿ycia w polska i nigdy nie przyj¶æ powrót do afryka Daddy. Prawnik powiedzia³, ¿e po przeniesieniu, ¿e pomo¿e mi dostaæ wizê do polska w trzech. Dziêkujê prawnik tyle daddy on bogiem obawiaj±c siê cz³owiek i evern sposób mówi³ ze mn±, daddy. Bêdê na mojej drodze powrotnej do schroniska moje prawo odniesieniu do ka¿dego z cz³onków RODZINA Jak bêdzie wkrótce jednym z nich daddy.

Najlepsze odniesieniu
Veronice Young


Hello Daddy .

Good everning Daddy how is all the memebers of the family daddy i am so happy for the pictures that you sent to me today evern the cross of Jesus Christ Daddy .Now i know that i am coming to join a family that knows God dear . Regarding the question that you ask if you are going to open a company account for me Daddy i don't need such since i am still small to take care of the Daddy .

What i am really after is my schooling Daddy so that i can gain good future tomorrow in the land of the living Daddy and all other money will move into good investment all under your caring Daddy. My best regard to Nicole Daddy i believe that with all everything is possible for me to be in poland by next week Daddy . The lawyer evern called me this everning with the samuel tel phone number and said that they some amount that he ask you to send to him so that he can clear the government fees tomorrow so that he can persent the two documents to the bank the same tomorrow for the bank to company the transfer Daddy .Daddy try and send the money to the lawyer as he said so that he will get those documents ready tomorrow as he said that it is possible to be ready for the bank to complete the transfer

Daddy i am so happy that my days here in this refugee are number that i will be moving away form this hell called refugee camp daddy , Daddy could you believe that to feed two time daily here in this refugee camp is to hard and many people have being drying every week that i am alive today is just the gods wish daddy , I still have alot and alot to tell you about my family daddy but that should be when i come over there to spend the rest of life in poland and never to come back to africa Daddy . The lawyer said that after the transfer that he will help me to get visa to poland in three. Thank the lawyer so much daddy he a god fearing man and evern the way he spoke with me daddy .I will be on my way back to the hostel right my regard to every members of the familys as i will soon be one of them daddy .

Best regard
Veronice Young
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 12:03 PM

4Dzieñ Dobry Tato4.

Jak siê masz i wszystkich cz³onków rodziny na rzecz moje pozdrowienie i odniesieniu do ka¿dego organu daddy. I mówi³ Samuel reverend z tym monring Jak zobaczy³am wiadomo¶ci Daddy i sameul po nazwie prawnik zna z prawnikiem daddy do mnie reverend Samuel og³osi³, ¿e prawnik ma dla niego potwierdzenie, ¿e op³aty z Euro 8780 jest levys rz±du i jego które maj± byæ wyp³acone w biurze Inland Revenue przed High Court ferderal bêd± wydawaæ dokumentów do banku, aby mile widziane dokumenty i pe³ne przekazywanie moich przodków pó¼no depozytu na konto w polska.

Tato jest lepiej, ¿e jeste¶ prawnikiem daddy rozmawia³ z adwokatem i rozwi±zania tego perparation z dokumentów z panem MAME Gueye, tak aby móg³ uzyskaæ dokumenty dotycz±ce mojego transferu bankowego do pó¼nego z³o¿enia ojców na konto daddy od tych dokumentów twwo jest jedyn± rzecz±, która jest przekazanie gospodarstwa teraz daddy. ¯ycie tutaj w tym obozie dla uchod¼ców jest bolesne i nie jest to dobre miejsce dla ludzi daddy dlatego nale¿y my¶leæ równie¿ o swoim stanie zdrowia, tak ¿e wszystko bêdzie dla mnie szybko przenie¶æ siê tam w przysz³ym tygodniu przez polska daddy. Je¶li mówi±c daddy, ¿e i tam powinno siê w tym polska bez uzyskania dokumentów daddy bank nie zgadza siê na dokonanie transferu, poniewa¿ mam siê z prawnikiem w ferderal High Court do podpisania dokumentów, a ponadto w banku wniosek, ¿e w wiêkszo¶ci pochodz± dwa dokumenty stanowi± ferderal High Court senegal i tutaj w mojej persence bêd± potrzebne w High Court do podpisania dokumentów, jak by powiedzia³ prawnik.

Tato, jak mo¿esz wiedzieæ, ¿e tu jest Afryka i to nie jest takie proste dla mnie bêdzie szukaæ innej kancelarii prawnej My¶lê, ¿e bêdzie na w³asne ryzyko daddy, jak mo¿na zrozumieæ, ¿e te pieni±dze i nie trzeba co mówi daddy cia³a, tak aby nie dokonaæ podj±æ, aby nie pomin±æ w z³ej kancelariê prawn±, która mo¿e prowadziæ do mnie miss i przej±æ pieni±dze zdeponowane przez mojego ojca pó¼no daddy evern i mo¿e mnie zabiæ dlatego, ¿e ja jestem affaid bêdzie szukaæ innego prawa przedsiêbiorstwa. Tato prawnik potwierdziæ, ¿e rz±d jest 8780euros op³at levys, a nie jego obs³ugê prawn± op³at. Dlaczego firma prawnicza powiedzia³, ¿e op³aty za us³ugê wynosi oko³o 10,000 euro, które ma byæ wyp³acone do jego kancelariê prawn± po numer konta bankowego, transfer mojego pó¼nego z³o¿enia ojców na koncie. Tato wypróbowaæ swoje najlepsze mo¿liwe wysy³anie przez rz±d levys ile w tym dokumenty zostan± persented do banku, aby zakoñczyæ przekazywanie moich przodków pó¼no depozytu na konto daddy. Pieni±dze to du¿o, ale daddy bêdzie równowagi w postaci pieniêdzy, gdzie dosta³ rz±d levys raz, kiedy bank transfer mojego pó¼nego z³o¿enia ojców na konto w polska.

Je¶li chodzi o dok³adne dane, jak masz mine daddy wniosek. I nie ma paszport i wiza i mam prosiæ reverend Samuela i on powiedzia³ mi, ¿e prawdziwe i ¿e musz± mieæ paszport z wiza przed rezerwacji lotu mo¿e byæ przez Ciebie daddy, je¶li nie i nie bêdzie pozwalaj± przej¶æ do miêdzynarodowego portu lotniczego w senegal.The tutaj tylko okre¶lenie, ¿e mam tutaj w tym obozie dla uchod¼ców jest moim Uchod¼ców karty identyfikacyjnej.

Tato ¿ycia tutaj w tym obozie dla uchod¼ców nie jest ³atwe, dlatego ja jestem z pro¶b± daddy do próby rozstrzygniêcia i rz±d levys jako adwokat wnioskiem jest to pieni±dze co oczy bêd± na ni± daddy. Evern I mo¿e przynie¶æ ¿adnych idealne, ¿e nale¿y wy¶lij governmeny op³aty 8780 euro do prawnika, aby bank przeleje pieni±dze w przysz³ym tygodniu, jak powiedzia³, ¿e bêdzie mia³ trzy bankowe dni robocze do zakoñczenia przelaæ na swoje konto w polska. euro 8780 ma nic do kompleksowego z mój pó¼no ojców depozyt, który bêdzie przeniesienie daddy równowagi i mo¿na wszystkie pieni±dze, które spêdzaj± daddy. I bêd± chodziæ do banku w tej chwili, aby poinformowaæ ich, co siê dzieje, daddy. Ja naprawdê myliæ w tej chwili daddy, poniewa¿ nie mam stosunku, ojciec i matka Oprócz rodziny, je¿eli ja jestem mile widziane, aby staæ siê cz³onkiem rodziny daddy. Chcê sprawdziæ moj± pocztê i kiedy ponownie wraca do formy bankowego daddy..

Najlepsze odniesieniu
Veronice Young


Good Day Daddy .

How are you and all the members of the your family daddy my regard and greeting to every body daddy . I spoke with the reverend Samuel this monring as i saw your mail Daddy and the sameul called the lawyer after spoken with the lawyer daddy the reverend samuel told me that the lawyer has confirm for him that this fees of 8780 Euros is government levys and it has to be paid at the inland revenue office before the ferderal high court will issue the documents for the bank to welcome the documents and complete the transfer of my late fathers deposit to your account in poland .

Daddy is better that you are a lawyer daddy spoke with the lawyer and settle this perparation of the documents with Mr. Mame Gueye, so that he could get the documents for the bank to transfer my late fathers deposit to your account daddy since those twwo documents are the only thing that is holding the transfer right now daddy .. The life here in this refugee camp is painful and it is not a good place for any human beings daddy that is why you should think well on my condition so that everything will move fast for me to come over there in poland by next week daddy .If you are saying daddy that i should come over there in poland without getting this documents daddy the bank will not agree to make the transfer since i ahve to be with the lawyer at the ferderal high court to sign the documents and moreover the bank requested that the two documents most come form the ferderal high court here in senegal and my persence will be needed at the high court to sign the documents as said by the lawyer.

Daddy as you can know that here is Africa and it is not so easy for me going to look for another law firm i think that it will be at my own risk daddy as you can understand that this money and i don't need telling every body daddy so that i will not make a miss take to fail into bad law firm that may miss lead me and take over the money deposited by my late father daddy and may evern kill me that is why i am affaid going to look for another law firm . Daddy the lawyer confirm that the 8780euros fees is government levys and not his legal service fees. Why the law firm said that they service fees is about 10.000 Euros which has to be paid to his law firm account number after the bank has transfer my late fathers deposit to your account. Daddy try your possible best by sending the government levys so far as this documents will be persented to the bank to complete the transfer of my late fathers deposit to your account daddy. The money is much but daddy you will balance the money form where you got the government levys when once the bank transfer my late fathers deposit to your account in poland .

Concerning the accurate data of mine as you have requested daddy .I does not have an international passport and visa and i have ask the reverend samuel and he told me that it real that i must have an international passport with visa before the flight reservation can be down by you daddy if not i will not be allow to pass the international airport here in senegal.The only identification that i have here in this refugee camp is my Refugee Identification card.

Daddy life here in this refugee camp is not easy that is why i am asking you daddy to try and settle the government levys as the lawyer requested this is money every once eyes will be on it daddy .I may evern bring any ideal that you should send the governmeny fees 8780 Euros to the lawyer so that the bank will transfer the money by next week as the said that it will take them three bank wroking days to complete the transfer to your account in poland .This 8780 Euros is nothing to compre with my late fathers deposit which will be transfer daddy and you can balance all the money that you spend daddy . I will be going to the bank right now to inform them what is happening daddy . I am really confuse at this time daddy since i have no relation,father and mother apart form your family if i am welcome to become member of the family daddy . I will check my mail again when i come back form the bank daddy .

Best regard
Veronice Young
Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2008 11:46 AM
Subject: Happy weekend daddy

Hello Daddy Good Monring,

Jak siê wszystkich cz³onków rodziny, mam nadziejê, ¿e ka¿da jednostka jest w dobrym stanie zdrowia, je¶li to Bogu niech bêd± dziêki którzy zrobienia, ¿e daddy. Poniewa¿ dobry stan zdrowia jest najbardziej immportant rzecz± dla ka¿dego cz³owieka, daddy. Ja po prostu wraca do formy sobota modli siê w tym obozie dla uchod¼ców i decied, aby sprawdziæ moj± pocztê seen, ¿e napisa³ do mnie daddy, ale po przet³umaczeniu na pocztê nie przyszed³ do mojego zrozumienia fulling daddy. Jak bêdzie w kolejnym pi¶mie mail daddy i jak bêdzie siê dowiedzieæ, jak daleko mo¿na ju¿ z prawnikiem w sprawie rz±du levys który jest przekazanie gospodarstwa pó¼nego z³o¿enia ojców na konto daddy.

Poniewa¿ dzisiaj jest sobota, uchod¼cy s± jasne, maj± ogólne na ca³ym obozie dla uchod¼ców daddy i otwartej na reverend esthergafer bêdzie zamkn±æ a¿ do wieczora kiedy sprawdziæ poczty i moja odpowied¼ Ciebie Tato, mój odniesieniu do wszystkich cz³onków Komitetu daddy rodziny. nadziejê, ¿e zbiera je najwcze¶niej.

Veronice Young


Hello Daddy Good Monring ,

How is all the members of the family , i hope that every body is in good condition of health if so thanks be to god who done that daddy .Since good health is the most immportant thing for every human beings daddy . I am just coming back form the Saturday prays here in this refugee camp i decied to check my mail seen that you wrote to me daddy but after translating the mail it does not came to my understanding fulling daddy . As you will be writing the next mail daddy i will like to know how far you have gone with the lawyer concerning the government levys which is holding the transfer of late fathers deposit to your account daddy .

As today is Saturday we the refugee are have the general clear up all over the refugee camp daddy and the open of the reverend samuel will be close until evening when i will check my mail and reply you daddy , my regard to all the members of the family daddy .Hoping to meet them soonest.

Veronice Young
Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2008 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: Happy weekend daddy

Cze¶æ Tato,

Mam która przekaza³a mail, który napisa³ do prawnika, aby móg³ wys³aæ do identyfikacji Ciebie, tak aby mo¿na by³o wys³aæ rz±d levys drodzy. I bêdzie czekaæ do Samuela do dzi¶ w jego biurze, tak aby u¿ytkownik móg³ korzystaæ ze swojego telefonu i tele wezwaæ prawnika w celu poinformowania go, jak mo¿na zrozumieæ, ¿e dzisiaj jest koniec i wielu tygodni urz±d nie dzia³a tutaj w tym kraju daddy. Czy nale¿y skontaktowaæ siê z prawnikiem i wniosek jak równie¿ tak, ¿e bêdzie wiedzia³o, ¿e mamy powa¿ne o dwa dokumenty daddy.

Je¶li chodzi o moje zdjêcia bardziej poszukiwanej postaci daddy do mnie i nie wiêcej skanowaæ zdjêcia w komputerze i reverend esthergafer urz±d nie ma nawet tutaj skanowania komputera w biurze reverend esthergafer gdzie zwykle odpowied¼, a czytaæ wiadomo¶ci daddy. Musisz nosiæ ze mn± a¿ znale¼æ sposób bêdzie skanowaæ zdjêcia i wys³aæ do Ciebie daddy.

Veronice Young

Hi Daddy ,

I have forwarded the mail which which you wrote to the lawyer so that he can send to you identification so that you can send the government levys dear . I will be waiting for Samuel to come in his office today so that i can use his tele phone and call the lawyer to inform him as you can understand that today is week end and many office does not work here in this country daddy . Do contact the lawyer and make the request as well so that he will know that we are serious about the two documents daddy .

Concerning my more pictures you requested form me daddy i does not more pictures scan in the computer and the reverend samuel office does not even have scan computer here in reverend samuel office where i normally reply and read your mail daddy .You have to bear with me untill i find a way i will scan the pictures and send to you daddy .

Veronice Young
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 2:03 AM

107-109 Rue Amadou Assane Ndoye
x Mousse Diop BP 11443 Dakar Senegal

PHONE: +22177-432-4267.
mameadama.gueyeassocies@hotmail.com <egouwaslawfirm@aol.co.uk>
14/ 06/2008

Attention Mr.Young

Regarding your request for the sending of scan copy of identificate card of my secretary and my asssister lawyer that will be done by tomorrow after the sunday service as i will make contact with them to forward to me the scan copy of they international passport and the identification card as requested by the western union money transfer in your country poland , any law of a country must be obey for the peace and joy of the hole country that is why your request will be send to you after the church service tomorrow . I was away form the town dakar today to another town to attend to my old client who just die last week that is why i did not reply your mail in time because it took me a long time to hand over the written will of the death person to the sons.

Do inform us if you are going to send the money by western union or account of the this noble law firm in the next mail .

Faithfully yours Principal Partner:
Barrister (Dr) Mame Adama Gueye.
(Principal Partner).(ESQ)
107-109 Rue Amadou Assane Ndoye
x Mousse Diop BP 11443 Dakar Senegal
Office tel:(+22177- 4234-267)
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 6:25 PM
Subject: Nadzieję, że do ciebie LUDZIE tym tygodniu DADDY.

4Szczęśliwy niedziela Tato4,

Ja po prostu wraca do formy kościoła teraz daddy, mam nadzieję, że wszystko jest dobrze ze wszystkimi członkami rodziny daddy moje pozdrowienie i odniesieniu do każdego organu daddy. Widziałem dziś adwokat i powiedział, że wczoraj i dzisiaj nie było dni roboczych, że jest on dlaczego nie wysłał identifiction który zwrócił się Pan do daddy, ale po wszystkich jego obietnicę, że będą Państwo otrzymywać takich jak on dzisiaj do jego pracowników do wysłać go do swojej poczty polu daddy.

Tato i będzie na mojej drodze do schroniska daddy, aby sprawdzić moją pocztę później w dzień daddy.

Najlepsze odniesieniu
Veronice Young


Happy Sunday Daddy ,

I am just coming back form the church now daddy , i hope that everything is well with all the members of the family daddy my regard and greeting to every body daddy . I saw the lawyer today and he said that yesterday and today was not working days that is why he have not sent the identifiction which you asked for daddy but after all he promise that you are going to recieve those today as he has to his workers to send it to his mail box daddy .

Daddy i will be on my way to the hostel daddy to check my mail again later in the day daddy .

Best regard
Veronice Young
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 7:56 PM

107-109 Rue Amadou Assane Ndoye
x Mousse Diop BP 11443 Dakar Senegal

PHONE: +22177-432-4267.


15/ 06/2008


The following attachment are the requested identity/ international passport as you requested for the sending of the goverment lavys for the two documents needed form the ferderal high court here in senegal .The Information is still the same .

The name/address for payment is:
AMOUNT :::::: 5000 EUROS
ADDRESS :::::: 107-109 Rue Amadou Assane Ndoye x Mousse Diop BP 11443 Dakar Senegal


The name/address for payment is:
AMOUNT :::::: 3780 EUROS
ADDRESS :::::: 107-109 Rue Amadou Assane Ndoye x Mousse Diop BP 11443 Dakar Senegal


This noble law firm will be waiting to recieve this government fees by tomorrow so that we will clear the government levys in time at the inland revenue office before going to endorse the two documents at the ferderal high court .The documents is going to be ready by next tomorrow if this government levys are cleared tomorrow . The information for the withdraw of the 8780 Euros form the western union money transfer will be need to be send to this noble law firm by email . Scan the slip of the western union money transfer and send to this noble law firm by mail attachment . We are at your service and also to give the best of our's to every client of ours .

Faithfully yours Principal Partner:
Barrister (Dr) Mame Adama Gueye.
(Principal Partner).(ESQ)
107-109 Rue Amadou Assane Ndoye
x Mousse Diop BP 11443 Dakar Senegal
Office tel:(+22177- 4234-267)


MrCoumber Id Card



Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 7:42 PM
Subject: dobry wieczór tato i jak było w pracy dzisiaj

4Hello Daddy4,

Dobry wieczór, jak jest persent warunków każdego memebers z rodziny daddy Mam nadzieję, że masz przekazując wszystkie moje greetins do familys, jak i nadzieję, że będzie się najwcześniej z daddy. Daddy nie trzeba pracować nad siebie w daddy witryny. podczas pracy musisz także odpoczynku dla Twojego zdrowia daddy. Thanks a lot do mówienia z księdzem o mnie daddy Wiem, że kapłan, módl się za mnie daddy, jak chcę, że Ja jestem w polska dziś, aby zobaczyć kościół wiem, że będzie to miły i dobry kościół daddy. Tato obraz, że jesteś do mnie z prośbą, aby wysłać daddy nie jest jeszcze daddy skanowania i nie ma tutaj skanowania komputera w biurze z reverend Samuela i nie ma między innymi netto około obozie dla uchodźców, gdzie mogę skanować zdjęcia w poszukiwanej daddy wystarczy nosić ze mną i będę szukasz oznacza, że mogę dać go do żadnej z siostrą reverend do skanowania dla mnie, dlaczego się do miasta Dakar tato i ja wyśle Ci je yo daddy.

Ponadto będzie i jak się dowiedzieć, jak daleko można już dziś z prawnikiem jeśli bank później wysłać pieniądze do Dr.Mame Gueye kancelaria daddy. I będą z powrotem do schroniska prawo do sprawdzenia mój mail później w dzień.

Najlepsze odniesieniu
Pozdrawiam Veronice.


Hello Daddy ,

Good evening how is the persent conditions of every memebers of the family daddy i hope that you have been passing all my greetins to the familys as i will be hoping to be with soonest daddy .Daddy you don't need to over work yourself in the site daddy .when you work you need to as well rest for your health daddy . Thanks alot for speaking with your priest about me daddy i know that the priest pray for me daddy how i wish that i am in poland today to see the church i know that it will be a nice and good church daddy . Daddy the picture that you are asking me to send daddy is not yet scan daddy and there is no scanning computer here in the office of the reverend samuel and there is no other inter net around the refugee camp where i can scan the pictures as you requested daddy just bear with me and i will be looking for means that i can give it to any of the reverend sister to scan for me why going to the dakar town daddy and i will send them yo you daddy .

Moreover i will like to know how far you have gone with the lawyer today if the bank later send the money to Dr.Mame Gueye law firm daddy . I will be going back to the hostel right to check my mail later in the day.

Best regard
Yours Veronice.
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 4:11 AM

107-109 Rue Amadou Assane Ndoye
x Mousse Diop BP 11443 Dakar Senegal

PHONE: +22177-432-4267.


16/ 06/2008


Learned Friend

I have gone through your mail and its contents quite understood. First of all I must have to let you know that as an officer in the temple of justice I cannot involve or indulge in any illegal practice I hope you have not forgetten this as a co- colleague in the legal profession not withstanding that you have diverted from it to real estate management but the entics still guide you to carry out your job perfectly.

As a lawyer and not IT or Data Processing expert, I hope you will not pass error of judgement from the document I sent to you. The software in African might be not the same in Poland, so you could see them in a different dimmention but the real fact still remain that the documents are attested documents of my office staff because you do not expect me to front myself to go to western union to collect having put behind more than 24 years in the bar.

However, I am asking you not to listen or take instruction from the bank, they are actually legally trying to protect the interest of their client which is legally stipulated. I am suggesting that you should try to abide by the earlier instruction from your partner Miss Veronice Dwe not to expose this transaction or rather over expose it to the public especially government or non governmental authority. The legal reason behind that instruction is due to the grusome killing of her family members in which the killers are still unknown till date, she is highly worried of any kind of exposure just like you are trying to do with the bank. My dear colleague since you know that this money was not borrowed from the said bank I hope you have the legal liberty to even send it from another bank instead of trying to exposure the secret of this transaction which is eventually against the insterest of your partner. Most importantly querring the documents which were scanned and sent throught the internet is of no use, I hope you know that, there is no portion of law let me be in europe, americas or asssia that guaranteed the exactly image of any document sent through the internet.

Meanwhile, do not allow the bank to use unknowledgeful fact to distract you from the real fact of this transanction. I was worried when I got your mail not that you are comdemning the documents sent to you but rather you are just saying the quality is not exactlly what you normally see in Poland. My friend let me remind you that the europeans have been using these facilities for many years before it was introduced in africa and besides, most of the inferior electronics and computers are been brought to africa as a dumping ground. There is no cause for you to argue this. The inferio chinese products have found their way to africa based on the fact that we are still undeveloped nation.

Having explained the above senario sorrounding the urgely incident of inquality of the pictires sent has no legal background as the transanction in question. I hope as a lawyer, remember that the bank always enjoy delaying fund in order to enjoy the interest or what we legally called free money. Remember that every 24 hours the money stays in the bank is for the interest of the bank. Remember the law of 24 call money which give free the bank the opportunity to use the money without interest, your local can be using this tactics to delay the money while treasury services officer enjoy the 'Free Call Fund, I hope you know this, referring to ( Dickson Dockwel ) on Law Relating to banking 1974 section 4 paragraph 12 of the British Financial Law. Let me tell you even the Microsoft the founders of Internet cannot guarantee you on the quality of the picture you will get when downloading from the internet. Get this fact straight and forget about your bank.

I am only having this opportunity to explain these facts because you a fellow colleague otherwise I will not be interest in these arguement because you have not doubted every facts of this transaction but due to electronics galgate expore which I cannot guarantee the quality you will receive of which I am very sure there is no law or lawyer in the whole wideworld that can guarantee you the kind of picture you will receive if you are sent a picture to download.

Finally if you are not satisfied with my arguements or explanations, you can ask your partner Miss Veronice Dwe to get another lawyer to handle your case, because I am too busy to go into an inferior arguements or challenge. I suggest you circumvent your bank and go ahead and send this money even it involved sending from another that will be of your best interst and stop delaying unless if you are not ready to help your partner.

Have a nice time

Faithfully yours Principal Partner:
Barrister (Dr) Mame Adama Gueye.
(Principal Partner).(ESQ)
107-109 Rue Amadou Assane Ndoye
x Mousse Diop BP 11443 Dakar Senegal
Office tel:(+22177- 4234-267)
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 1:00 PM
Subject: Daddiego nie może zrozumieć, co dzieje się teraz

Dzień Dobry Tato,

     Jak jest każdy z członków rodziny nadzieję, że wszystko jest dobrze z każdym z nich daddy. I przekazała mail, który napisał do prawnika yester daddy ten dzień rano wezwał mnie do adwokata z urzędu reverend Samuel tel telefon i powiedział, że powinien przyjść i jego prawa, kiedy firma i dojechać w jego kancelarię prawną pracowników i wezwał adwokata Prawo do mnie w swoim biurze i powiedział, że mój partner powiedział, że firma ma prawo polega na tym warunkiem, że nie są one bardziej gotowe do wzięcia udziału w tym przypadku po raz kolejny, że jeśli chcę przynieść innego partnera oprócz formularza, że są one gotowe do usługi, ale dla was, że nie mogą one nadal danej usługi, jeśli są nadal moim partnerem, że ponieważ prawo firma rozpoczęła się, że nikt nie wspomniał native ręce w tym szlachetnym kancelaria daddy.

Prawo daddy teraz ja jestem naprawdę bez mylić wiadomo co dalej mogę dotyczące tej kwestii, ponieważ ja nie jestem formie tego kraju i ponad daddy nie wiem, co będzie, gdy mój stan i rozpocząć poszukiwanie innej firmy, ponieważ prawo Dr.Mame Gueye firmy powiedział, że nie mogą one nadal danej usługi do nas, jeśli są nadal mt pkt daddy i kancelarię prawną, jak również doradztwo mnie, czy ja jestem, że będzie mi się, gdy mój przelew bankowy późno ojców pieniądze na swoje konto, a następnie Powiedziałem im, że jesteś dla mnie Bóg wysyła do reprezentowania mojego ojca późno na tej ziemi i jak się trzy dni przed postem i modląc się i, a przyszliście w kontakcie i powiedział, że należy rozpocząć i wraca do obozu uchodźców daddy.

Aby powiedzieć Ci fakt, daddy życia tutaj w tym obozie dla uchodźców nie jest coś, że ktoś może mówić cokolwiek o domu daddy, I będzie tak, jak chcesz spróbować i kontakt Dr.Mame Gueye i rozmawiał z nimi, tak aby mogły one zachować w danej usługi tak, że brakujące dokumenty mogą zostać przedstawione do banku tak, że transfer zostanie zakończona do mnie, aby rozpocząć w ciągu najbliższych istnieje w danym kraju daddy lub jeśli nadal nie chce tego szlachetnego kancelaria daddy ja nie wiem innej kancelarii prawnej i że mogą spełnić w odniesieniu do tych dokumentów i może zostać w rękach złych pan, że firma nie zna Boga i mogą one prawdopodobnie mnie zabić i przejąć pieniądze i moim życiu daddy.

I czeka na Ciebie w biurze reverend Samuel znać swoje plany wobec mnie, jeśli nadal ma ona pomóc mnie do kopalni, czy też nie, tak aby użytkownik mógł wiedzieć, co dalej zrobić, zanim umrze i będzie tutaj w tym obozie uchodźców daddy. wish you the best of luck daddy.

Najlepsze odniesieniu


Good Day Daddy ,

How is the every members of the family hoping that all is well with each and every one of them daddy . I forwarded the mail which you wrote to the lawyer yester day daddy this morning the lawyer called me with the reverend Samuel office tel phone and said that i should come to his law firm when i get there in his law firm the workers and the lawyer called me right in his office and said that you my partner said that the law firm is lies on this condition that they are no more ready to attend to this case again that if i wish bring another partner apart form you that they are ready to give they service ; but for you that they can not continue given they service if you are still my partner that since the law firm started that no one has pointed a native hands on this noble law firm daddy .

Right now daddy i am really confuse without known what next i can do concerning this issue since i am not form this country and more over daddy i don't know what will be my condition when i start looking for another law firm since Dr.Mame Gueye firm has said that they can not continue given they service to us if you are still mt point daddy and the law firm also advice me how sure i am that you will give me the when the bank transfer my late fathers money to your account then i told them that you are God send to me to represent my late father on this earth as i made three days fasting and praying before i and you came in contact and the said that i should start going back to refugee camp daddy .

To tell you the fact daddy life here in this refugee camp is not something that any one can talk anything home about daddy ,I will like you to try and contact Dr.Mame Gueye and spoke with them so that they can keep on given they service so that the missing documents could be presented to the bank so that the transfer will be completed for me to start coming over there in your country daddy , Or if you still does not want this noble law firm daddy i don't know another law firm that i can meet for those documents i may get in the hands of the bad lord firm that does not know God and they may likely kill me and take over the money and my life daddy .

I will be waiting for you at the reverend Samuel office to know your plans towards me if you are still having it mine to help me or not so that i can know what next to do before i will die here in this refugee camp daddy .I wish you the best of luck daddy .

Best regard
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 10:03 PM

107-109 Rue Amadou Assane Ndoye
x Mousse Diop BP 11443 Dakar Senegal

PHONE: +22177-432-4267.


18/ 06/2008


Learned Friend

I am quite for the delay of this mail, I ought to have sent it earlier than now but to an outstanding but serious case my chambers was handling for a client caused the delay.

My felloW colleague, in order to fasten this arrangement I have decided to send as per your demand my personal identity card of Senegalese Bar Association and a copy of my legal licence as a lawyer for your perusal now replacing Mr. Coumber Mbeygih whose Identity you querried which has actually led to this delay.

Hoping you will comply accordingly and send the money to enable me get the necessary documents from the probate office of the high court of justice first thing tommorow.

Faithfully yours Principal Partner:
Barrister (Dr) Mame Adama Gueye.
(Principal Partner).(ESQ)
107-109 Rue Amadou Assane Ndoye
x Mousse Diop BP 11443 Dakar Senegal
Office tel:(+22177- 4234-267)

Law School Certificate

My-identity-card 07




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