Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.


Date: 15/05/2008 13:57:17
Subject: My Dearest ( details & Instructions to follows ) Very Urgent
My Dearest .
Thanks a lot for the quick response, I am very happy for your willingness to help me, firstly as an orphan I will be interesting in meeting someone that will be faithful and honest with me, someone that will always be there for me and take good care of me. As an orphan,
Dear, the reason I am seeking your assistance to claim this fund is because my late father's instruction to the bank concerning this fund. The bank management told me that my father had instructed their bank that in case of death, that they should not release the fund to me unless I am 30 years and able to control the fund or I appoint a reliable foreign partner who will assist me claim and invest the fund in a good business overseas.
As I have noticed this, I decided to seek foryou who will help me to claim the fund, so I can be able to resume my education in your country.
I chose you to help me not for one day after going through fasting and prayer begging God to send me someone to help me is there i come across your email address, i know you fear God, that is while i am going to entrust the fund into your hand, because i am just 22years old a university undergraduate student i don't know anything about transferring of fund,

Every since the death of my fatherhisuncle has been treating to kill me because i refuse to give him the document of the fund my father lift behind for me, so i decide to run a way from home,now iam residing in a remote place for my security so that he may not kill me like the way he kill my father.
Things have been not so easy for me ever since the death of my father, things havebeen very difficultfor me because i am in hideout i don't ant anybody to know about it, this is why i ask you to transfer this fund into youraccount, so that you can send me some money from it as soon as you received the fund, to proses my travailing documents tojoin you and finish up my education, why you will invest the rest fund into a good lucrative business for the benefit of the both of us,
Iwant you to handle this transaction as your own personally affair and to make sure that you secure this moneyinto a safe account in your country.secondly you have to keep this transaction confidential between you and me and never tell anybody about this money that i have disclose to you forsafety reason,

I believe you are been hearing about the political problem here in my country Ivory Coast, and the fort comingelection,i am afraid i don't know what will happen next, this is why i am asking for your urgent assistants so that you can send me some money from it, as soon as you receive the fund for me to proses my travailing documents to come over and join you for the safety of my life, things are getting worse every dayplease try and understand my situation, i have suffered allot, i can no longer continue with it anymore,due to my present living condition here,

In other hands, I will not hesitate to assure you that there will be no risk to take in helping claim this fund because my late father had legitimately depositedthis fundwith my name as theonly daughter. so you have nothing to worry about, I will be very happy to come over to your country after the successful transfer of the fund into your account. Most importantly, i really need to resume back my education

Moreover, i am willing to offer you 20% of the total sum as compensation for your effort, and another 5% for any expenses that you may in cure during the transfer process /input after the successful transfer of the fund into your account, as i believe that this transfer would be concluded withinfourteen days,

I want you to forward me your esteemed information's such as your full name full house address telephone and fax number for me to introduce you to the bank where my late father made the deposit of the fund here in Ivory Coast,
As soon as i receive the above information's from you, i will submit them to thebank for the transfer, as requested by the bank,
So that you can have the right to contact the bank immediately for thetransfer of thefund into your account on my behalf. Since you have already make up your mind to help me, please don't betray me, this money in question is the only hope i have, Remain bless,

I am hopefully awaiting your soonest response and the needed information's so we can proceed, for any urgent mater you can reach me with this number
Tell : 00225 0329 2931

Sincerely Yours
MissSouzane Kouassi.

My picture
Date: 16/05/2008 4:44:08
Subject: My Dearest ( Please i want you to contact my Bank )
My Dearest .
Thank you very much for your mail and the contents are well understood and noted.I so much appreciate your kind gesture and your willingness to assist me in this transfer. I hope all is well with you if so thanks to almighty God.
Iam using this opportunity to inform you that I have already discuss with the remittance director of the bank and also told them about you, though the remittance director is ready to cooperate and transfer the fund into your nominated accounts which you are going to provided for the onward transfer.
After my discussion with the bank director this morning, he requested that you contact him so that he can also instruct you of what you are to do before they can transfer the money into your nominated account.
I want you to contactthe bank right now and ask them for proper advice, what you are suppose to do so that the Fund to come into your account successfully.
If you emailmy bank please tell the bank director that you are my foreign partner/guardian whom lives in Colombia, that you want the fund deposited by my late father Mr.Dave Kouassi to be transfer to your nominated account, so that i can come and stay with you to continuemy education, and don't forget to present to them your account information's where you want them to transfer the money to.
Here is the contact of the bank i want you to contact them right now.
Attn: Mr. Ibrahim Bamba
Telex dept, Universal Trust Bank PLC
Tel : 00225 0810 8593.
Fax: 00225 2124 5321.
Note: in case any question, remember this fund was deposited by my late father.
Late Mr.Dave Kouassi
Account N° UTB-CI-018942819
Type of Account: General Trust Account.
Amount: US $4,000.000. Dollars
If you eventually contact them please update me of your discussion with the remittance director Mr. Ibrahim Bamba, so that i know how we are proceeding. I will be very glad to meet you inColombia and establish with you there for my future and also to continue my education career. in case of any urgent matters you can reach me with this number Tell : +225 0329 2931
God blessings and guidanceas I rely and count on you for your help and assistance for my future good as you know this is my only hope in life and future.
Best regards, as I awaits to hearing from you as soon as you contactmy bank,
Sincerely yours
Miss Souzane Kouassi.
Date: 17/05/2008 7:49:01
Subject: From Souzane ( documents attached ) please download

my late father My late bfather.

MY identity card
Date: 17/05/2008 8:30:51
Subject: From Souzane ( Update )
I have already told you that here in our culture, if a man is dead, all the related identity card and passport are being retrieved by the government and will be burned. for this reason I can not get any legal documents of my late father. I hope this explain you very well to your understanding.
You can take my national Identity card with my late father picture to your bank, those are the only prove I can provide for you.
Thanks in advance as I wait for your quick response.
Sincerely yours
Miss Souzane Kouassi
Date: 20/05/2008 6:01:09
Subject: Hello . ( Please get back to me urgently )

The most comfortable way to proceed on this transfer is for you to come here in my country. The bank director has refer me to a lawyer that will help us procure all the legal documents. The Lawyer has therefor request that you should come over here in my country and monitor the transaction your self.
If you come here in our country and see things to your self, then we can both visit the Colombia embassy here in my country, why you will also visit the bank director here in my country and the Lawyer will help procure all the require legal documents while the transfer will be done here in your present.
After the successful transfer, we will then go to Colombia together and invest the fund in a lucrative business purpose you will decide.
Please let me know when you will be coming to my country so that I can arrange to pick you up from the airport.
Waiting to read from you quickly.
Sincerely yours
Miss Souazne Kouassi
Tel: + 225 03 29 29 31



If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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