Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.

Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 11:44:41 -0700
From: cynthiaharry24@yahoo.com
Subject: My Regards To You !

Hello Dearest One!

How are you this moment ,I hope this mail will reach you in good condition of health,l am veryhappy for your reply,as iwill really like to have a good relationship with you, and I have a special reason why I decided to contact you, because of the urgency of my situation here,l am Miss.Cynthia Harry Fumba Moniba 24years old girl from Liberia, daughter of Late former Vice-President Harry Fumba Moniba who died in a car accident at Michigan of U.S.A on 24Th November 2004..

I am constrained to contact you because of the maltreatment I, am receiving from my step mother. She planned to take away all my late father's treasury and properties from me since the unexpected death of my beloved Father.

Please I really need your assistance on issue of helping me out of this country of Senegal where l
am presently seeking asylum under the United Nations High Commission for the Refugee here in Dakar, Republic of Senegal. I wish to contact you personally for a long term business relationship assistance that might lead us further,based on your desire.
Please keep this issue only for yourself for now .Meanwhile my late father deposited the sum of US$4.5, 000.00 in Finance Firm with my name as the next of kin before his death. However, Iwill forward you with the necessary information of the deposit on confirmation of your acceptance to assist me for the transfer of the fund in your country.
As you will also help meon investment of this fund when it comes to yourpossesion in your country and I will like to complete my studies, as I was in school, when my father died andtill now l have nothing doing because my step-mother really want me to give her the documents that coversthis fund of which l wasfinding it difficult to give it to her becauseofher wicked actions towardsme and all my father's relationsare supporting her just because she was the first wife of my late father and my mother was not in a good time with them before she diedand she was notLiberian and as you can see that this fund is the only thing that is left for my life.
Please all l am asking you is to help me in transferring this fund to your country and also helping meon leaving from this camp and come over to your country as soon as the transaction is done.It is my intention to compensate you with 10% of the total money for your services and the balance shall be my investment capital which you will as well handle for me. This is the reason why I decided to contact you. Please all communications should be through this email address for now only for a confidential purposes.

As soon as I receive your positive response showing your interest I will put things into action immediately. In the light of the above, I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to handle this transaction sincerely.

I am staying at the female hostel here in refugee camp Dakar Senegal and luse the opportunity of thecrisis that was occurring in my country to cameinto this country becauseit was here that my late father deposited this money as my inheritance.Please l am awaiting for your urgent and positive response. I hope my explanation is very clear but if you need further clarification, then send in your questions.i will respond to you and together with my picture in my next email.

Thanks as i hope to receive from you soon.
Yours Truly!
Miss.Cynthia Harry Moniba



Mrs Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2008 16:54:56 -0700
From: cynthiaharry24@yahoo.com
Subject: Thanks & God Bless You !

Hello My Dearest !4

Good Day Once Again! How are you today? I hope that you are fine and also in a good health. How is your work? I hope and pray that it is going-on fine.I am so happy to hearfrom you today. Pleaseextend my greetings to all the members of your family.I wish you all the blessings of the almighty God, Please l will like you to be honest and kind to my situation and assist me with all sincerity in your heart, when I sent my life history message to you, I was wondering what your reaction will be, Because we have never meet or known each other before,I choose you to assist me not by own doing,rather it is through the power of God.
I wish you could help me out of this situation with all your sincerely mind because l am really passing through critical condition over here and it is not a thing of joy for me living with my experience now,Having a happy home yesterday and today a sad home and becoming a refugee ,All my plead to you is your assistance please.
I want to go straight to the point, I am mailing you from the office of the Rev.Father who is pastoring a church in this camp,I explained a bit about my situation to him, He gave me the access to his computer twice a day and he also release his telephone number in case you want to speak with me.This is Rev.Fathers telephone number :00221-773751575 When you call tell him that you want to speak with Miss.Cynthia Harry. the Liberian girl, Tell the Rev.Father that you will like to speak with me and he will surely sent for me from the female hostel. i have no access of income here to make call.Below is the address where l am staying in case of any thing.

My Full Name:Cynthia Harry Fumba Moniba
Camp Address United Nation Refugee Camp
Plot 1275 Senghor lane,Female Hostel No16
Our Church Name:UN st Andrew's Perish Church.
Reverend Name: Rev John Benard Antonio
Address of our Church:Rue 1225 Senghor Lane
Rev Father Telephone +221 773751575
Country:Dakar Senegal.
Please l will also like you to reply me with all your full information such as
Your full Name---------------
Your Home & Office Address-------------
Your reachable Telephone & Fax Number-----------
Your resent Picture-----------------------
On reply of this email will i forward to you all the contact of the Bank where this Money is deposited by my late father for you to make contact with them and ask them the possibility of releasing the money to your account, i am looking forward to read from you.and After the transaction we will work for my coming to your country.Please l have attach my picture to you in this very mail.I will be expecting your reply soon.Thanks & God Bless!
My regards love!
Cynthia !4

my pic

My Picture

Mrs Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2008 03:22:15 -0700
From: cynthiaharry24@yahoo.com
Subject: Please Contact The Bank For The Immediate Transfer Of The Fund !

My Dearest ,4

Thank you for your concerns and willingness towards my life and please i will like you to understands more that, here in Senegal is like one staying inside prison, and i don't want to continue like this and for that, once the bank starts up the transfer process i will start up too, for my arrangement to meet you face to face.

My intention is to have a good future, and a good living,and i here-by promised that i will give all the respect that i can afford,i will never disappoint you when i come over to your place,

Honey I believe in my heart that your help to me will bring something good to you, and i assure you that if God will use you to help me out of this situation, i will never forget you in my life and with what you have wrote to me in your mail, i now have the confidence to go ahead with you. Bellow here is the contact of the bank.i am the next of kin of the Money, Don't worry there will be no question at the bank OK,

Address : 18, Avenue Léopold Sédar Senghor
P.B.32310, Dakar, Ponty, Sénégal.
Telephone : 00 221 77 2000 490/ 338 356 47 / 338 356 48
Fax : 00 221 33 826 35 84
Email : icbank@mail2webmaster.com
Email: icbank@mail2senegal.com

Contact person: Foreign operations & International Remittance Dept. His
Chief Executive Officer : GANESH KUMAR S

Information about my late father & the deposite code are as follows.

Name of depositor: Mr. Harry Fumba Moniba
Nationality: Liberia
Fund Ref Nos: BOFCAM46117A
Account Numbers: FW/12972-8068-855
Beneficiary : Ms.Cynthia Harry Fumba Moniba
Amount Deposited: US$4.5 Million
Type of Account : As family valid t. files
Year of Deposit : June 2003
Purpose of Deposit : Safe keeping
Country of Deposit : Senegal

Looking forward to hear your response from the bank.God bless you ,
Please write and Call the Bank, When you get them on the line, you can tell them that you want to speak with Mr Ibrahim Musa and you are calling unbehalf of the fund of Mr, Harry Fumba Moniba from Liberia that you are representing me as my foreign partner as well as the next of kin to the fund OK, and ask them the possibility of transferring this fund to your position in your country.

Please do your best to make sure that you make contact with the bank, i will advice you to send an email to them and at the same time you can call them on the telephone for them to know our seriousness, what ever you discuss with them OK, get back to me so that i will be knowing what is happening.My prayer is for God to grant us our pursuance and by the grace of God he will surely see us through.Please once again keep it only for yourself, for my safety and security.

The most important thing is to make sure that you make contact with the bank let us hear from them before any other thing will be done.Go ahead and contact them.Expecting to hear from you,concerning the respond from the bank soon. Please take good care, and put me in your daily prayers, love you and i cant wait to meet you face to face,Please inform me as soon as you contact them.
God bless you and your family,
Regard From,

Mrs Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2008 11:12:46 -0700
From: cynthiaharry24@yahoo.com
Subject: Please Fill and copy this mail and send to the bank lmmediately .

My Dearest ,

I really appreciate your kind and lovely email and i have also decide to draft this mail as you will easily fill up the spaces on where your informations are requested,then copy it and send to the holding bank through the email and below is the mail as it is stated below.

Please Fill and copy this mail and send to the bank lmmediately .

My regards to you Mr,Ibrahim Musa,

Please my name is :::::::::::::::i am from :::::::::::::::and i was given your name as a point of contact by one Ms,Cynthia Harry Moniba,whose father was a late customer to your holding bank and i am contacting you in order to know the legal procedures in which the deposited fund could be transfered over to my position,since i and Cynthia, being the next of kin to this fund has been adhere to transfer the fund over to my account and in my country as you can see the deposited information writen below.

Name of depositor: Mr. Harry Fumba Moniba
Nationality: Liberia
Fund Ref Nos: BOFCAM46117A
Account Numbers: FW/12972-8068-855
Beneficiary : Ms.Cynthia Harry Fumba Moniba
Amount Deposited: US$4.5 Million
Type of Account : As family valid t. files
Year of Deposit : June 2003
Purpose of Deposit : Safe keeping
Country of Deposit : Senegal

Please sir, If you need further information please contact me through my contact informations
Email ::::::::::::
Phone Number :::::::::::
Yours Sincerely:::::::::::,
Mr From: icbank@mail2Senegal.com
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 04:22:50 -0700

Telephone : 00 221 77 2000 490/ 338 356 47 / 338 356 48
Fax : 00 221 33 826 35 84
Email : icbank@mail2webmaster.com
Email: icbank@mail2senegal.com
Address : 18, Avenue Léopold Sédar Senghor
P.B.32310, Dakar, Ponty, Sénégal.

Kindly open the attachment file and follows up our procedure's.

Thanks for your co-operation.
Yours faithfully,
Foreign operations & International Remittance Dept.
Mrs Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 07:32:17 -0700
From: cynthiaharry24@yahoo.com
Subject: Please I'm Sorry !

My Dearest ,4

Please i am very sorry that you called on my absent and that is to show you more about the kind of situation that i am passing through over here.

Honey please try to understand that i am living like a prisoner here and that is the reason why i am persuading you so high to hurry up and help me out of this situation,i don't have any convenient time of my own,neither can i move freely,so please,just tell the rev.father to always tell you the appropriate time that you will have to call back so that they will permit me out of the hostel.

Meanwhile have you contacted the bank and what do they say ?please i will have to stop here for now until i hear from you.God bless you and your family as i will be waiting to read from you soonest.

Lots Of Love
Cynthia !4
Mrs Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 11:09:44 -0700
From: cynthiaharry24@yahoo.com
Subject: Please Contact This Lawyer For The Immediate Processing Of The Documents !

My Dearest ! 4

Good day to you again and thank you for your caring and concern towards the releasedment of this fund. I hope this e-mail finds you well and healthy. I also hope that your work is going-on fine. Greetings from me here.

Having read through your e-mail, l want you to understand that I am presently passing through a very difficult condition considering my condition of arrival here in the camp due to the actions and attitude of my step-mother towards me because of her desire and greed to take over all my father's wealth of which she was even after my life.

I have stopped attending school for a long time now due to lack of finances, therefore, it is my wish that on the completion of this transfer, I will through your advise and assistance complete my education once I come over to stay with you in your country while any investment I shall go into with you will be managed by you until I am able to join in you in for the management of the investment on the completion of my education. It is also my wish that on the completion of this transfer, you will assist in bringing me over to your country so that I will be able to continue my education there because I am presently not safe here and I have the fear that my life is danger. These, among other reasons is why I have advised that you should not allow any person to know about this transaction even your bank or I may be running the risk of being killed here or attacked in your country when I will come over to stay with you upon the completion of this transfer. It is my wish that when I come over, I will live a quiet and comfortable life without being noticed by anybody.

As I have told you in my earlier e-mail, this deposit was made by my late father when he was alife and he appointed me as the beneficiary and next of kin on this deposit, To my father, I was like a princess, he showed me all his love, kindness and care because I was like everything to him hence, his decision to hand over all the details pertaining this deposit to me before his untimely death, so that I can use the money to take care of my life being the only child from my late mother.

Another issue of importance is that considering my status here as a refugee, I am not permitted to carry-out certain financial functions and assignment because According to the bank request, After reading the message you received from the bank I understand that they required a backing documents signed by Senegal indegineous lawyer,
1) Firstly I have the Death Certificate of my late father with me here. and I will send it to you if the bank requested it from you.
2) Since you can't come here in person I have been thinking that we will need the services of a lawyer here who will represent us to the federal high court to get the affidavit of oath and support, the lawyer will also help us to prepare the power of attorney on our behalf. This lawyer will help us to get the items which is the power of attorney and the affidavit oath and the lawyer will also draft the transfer application for us and support from the federal high court here in Senegal.

Please keep this matter strictly confidential, I can always trust you, Because I don't want my step-mother to know about this on any account, as you can see that we are almost at the end of this matter, God will help us.
Now there is no need for us to keep waiting since the bank are ready to make this transfer once the documents are ready, I have ask the Rev.Father here now and he gave me a contact of a good indegineous lawyer here in SENEGAL who will help us to get this documents without wasting much time,
Bellow here is the lawyer contact The Rev.Father gave me;
Person to contact: Barrister Hamza Ba
Solicitors and Advocates
Principle attorney.
Secretary: Mrs Favour Williams
Address:40 Avenue Blaise Diagne
Telephone: + 221 777311241
Fax : + 221 338263584
Please Dearest ! I will like you to make contact with this law firm immediately and ask him to help us to get those needed document for us to enable you send them to the bank for the wire transfer of the money into your account , as you can see that everything concerning this transfer is complete, please help me out to see that this lawyer get this document within this week OK, my prayers are with you and I know that God will surely see us through. Send the letter you received from the bank to the lawyer for his more understanding.

I will never forget you in my life, God bless you for me, waiting to hear from you with the response from the lawyer tomorrow, please call the lawyer on the telephone so that he will know our seriousness OK at the same time send also an email. Send the letter you received from the bank to the lawyer immediately for his more understanding on what he need to do,Please let me pause here because l have over stayed my permitted time on writing you.
Thank you for your concern, always put me in your daily prayers.
My Regards Love!
Cynthia ! 4

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