Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.

Mr Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 01:16:12 -0700
From: aikwasmah@yahoo.com
Subject: Thanks for your mail

Compliment of the day with you and your family we thank God for helping to be alive today,

I am diligently seeking your assistance in order to transfer this money out from here and start a new life over there with you in order to finish my education to the level I wanted.
Introduction of myself, I am Awunyo Kwasmah .from Cote d' Ivoire,20 years age I lost my Mother earlier when I was little and my beloved Daddy refused to take another wife because he care for me so much. I really thank God that I have come of a little age before my father died if not what will I do, though the bank had an agreement between my late Daddy that the money will not be transferred by my instruction if I am not upto 25 years or my foreign partner, should be in case if anything happens to him which I am happy that you are above the age rated.

Furthermore, I am now residing far away from our resident because of my late father's relatives, they want to deal with me at all cost but my God will not allow them to see me till this money and myself is out from this country to where I'll be taken as I am.Please,on my contact, I know that what I am asking from you may be too much, but please you have to help me out in all way round to enable me start off a new life, I don't know much about financial area, or investments, I have not transfer money before small or this huge amount, but with your knowledge and the documents that covers this deposit which I have been with at the bank for confirmation that I want the money to be transferred as soon as I am ready .

Finally I will send you my photo once I read from you again, I wish to stop here, hoping that I have clarify you on this transaction the way you will understand why I contacted you for an assistance. I pray that God will be with us bye and hoping to read from you soon .
Here is my telephone number 00225 66260820. you can call me so that I can tell you every thing as you can understand.

Yours Awunyo Kwasmah..


If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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