Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.

Mr > From: elenag@yumail.ru
> Subject: Hi
> To: elenag@yumail.ru
> Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 00:57:16 +0300
> Hi,
> My name is Elena, I have 32 years and I live in Russian province. I work in library and I can use computer after my work when possible. I finded your address in internet and I decided to write you this letter.
> I have a 8-years old daughter Angelina, her father abandoned us and we live with my mother.
> Due to the financial crisis recently my mother lost job and our situation became very difficult.
> The prices for gas and electricity is very high in our region and we cannot use it to heat our home anymore.
> The winter is coming and weather becoming colder each day. We are very afraid and we don't know what to do.
> The only accessible way for us to heat our home is to use a portable oven which work with burning wood. We have enough wood in our region and this oven will heat our home all winter for minimal charges.
> Unfortunately, we cannot buy this oven in our city because it costs equivalent of 191 Euro and very expensive for us.
> If you have any old portable oven and in case you don?t use it anymore, we will be very grateful to you if you can donate it to us and organize transport of this oven to our address (200km from Moscow). This ovens are different, usually they made from cast iron.
> I will be waiting for your answer.
> With deep respect from Russia,
> Elena and my family.

 moscow 200 km
200 km from Moscow
Mr > From: elenagalist@ysmail.ru
> Subject: Hi
> Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 20:50:54 +0300
> Hello,
> My name is Elena, I am 32 years old and I apply to you from a little Russian town. I works in municipal bibliotheca and I can use computer after work when possible. Our position is very difficult and I decided to write you this desperate letter.
> I has daughter Angelina, she have 8 years, her father abandoned us and we live with my mother.
> As outcome of deep financial crisis recently my mother miss job (bakehouse where she worked is now ruined) and our position became dreadful.
> Prices for gas and electricity are very expensive in our town and we unable use it to heat our home anymore.
> Winter is coming and weather becoming colder every day. We are distressed and we cannot suppose what to do.
> Only way for us to heating our home is to use transferable wood-fire oven which provide heat with burning wood (fire). We have sufficiency wood in our province and this oven will heat our home the whole winter with minimal cost.
> Unluckily we can not to purchase this oven in our local shop because it cost 8167 rouble (equivalent about 191 Euros) and we cannot to afford it because this amount is fortune for us.
> If you own any old conveyable wood-fire oven and if you discontinued to use it, we will be very glad if you can present it to us and prepare send of this oven to our adress (185 km from Russian capital). That oven may be different and weight 100-150kg.
> I expect your answer.
> Elena, my daughter and my mother.
> Russie
Mr > From: elefedg@ysmail.ru
> Subject: Hello
> Date: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 15:22:15 +0300
> Hi,
> My name is Elena, I have 33 years and I live in small Russian city. I work in library and I can use computer after my work when possible. I finded your address in internet and I decided to write you this letter.
> I have a 8 years daughter Angelina, her father leaved us and we live with my mother.
> Due to financial crisis my mother unexpected lost job and our situation became very difficult.
> The prices for gas and electricity is very high in our region and we cannot use it to heat our home anymore.
> The winter is coming and weather becoming colder each day. We are very afraid and we don't know what to do.
> The only possibility for us to heat our home is to use a portable oven which work with burning wood. We have many wood in our region and this oven will heat our home all winter for minimal charges.
> Unfortunately, we cannot buy this oven in our town because it cost equivalent of 191 Euro and very expensive for us.
> If you have any old portable wood burning oven and in case you don't use it anymore, we will be very grateful to you if you can donate it to us and organize transport of this oven to our home.
> We are located in central part of Russia, 180km from Moscow.
> Please let me know if you can help and I will write you our home address.
> From all my heart I wish you a Merry Christmas. I wish that the New 2010 Year will bring you hapiness and all your dreams come true!
> Elena and my family.

If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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