Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is about a fraud lottery. The lottery claims that I won, but the reality is that they want MY money.

Go to the lotteries page to see more stories on fake lotteries.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.


From: "Congratulations from Skype©, Microsoft© & Yahoo!©!!!" <skype.microsoftcollab@yahoo.co.nz>
Sent: Wed, 4 November, 2009 2:22:40 AM
Subject: Congratulations from Skype©, Microsoft© & Yahoo!©!!!

World Annual Skype© / Microsoft© & Yahoo!© Internet Users Award
Annual Random Charity International,
102, Denton Manchester Lancashire M34 3GE


Dear Lucky Winner,

We happily announce to you the draw of 2009 World Annual Skype/ Microsoft
& Yahoo! Internet Users Award International Program held annually, in
London England. Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: 0098876
with serial number: MSL099876 and draw lucky number:
9-21-17-39-23-13(20); which subsequently won you lottery in the 1st
category of files number: FA1265U-ID Batch Number: 0173k Reference Number:
03-QH-06. You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of
$1,000,000.00 (One million dollar) in International Certified Bank Draft..

All participants in this lottery program were selected annual randomly
through a computer ballot system, drawn from 100.000.000 individuals email
addresses from all search engines. Participants for the draws were also
randomly selected and drawn from a wide range of web hosts which we enjoy
their e-business patronage.

However, no tickets were sold but all email addresses were attached to
different ticket numbers for representation and privacy. Your e-mail
address was picked by the automated computer ballot system, which has been
programmed for this random selection. This eventually qualified you for
our lottery prize.

This promotional program held annually was promoted and sponsored by
Microsoft Inc©, Yahoo!© & Skype™ ITC Companies as a humanitarian aid to
eradicate poverty in line with the Global 2020 Vision. Please note that
your lucky winning number falls within our Asian representative's booklet
in London, United Kingdom; as indicated in your file number: FA1265U -ID.

Sequel to this, your $1,000,000.00 (One million dollar) International
Certified Bank Draft have be released and forwarded to our Asian
Representative Office in London, United Kingdom.

You are hereby informed to contact our Asia payment office in London,
United Kingdom with the below contact information, for the immediate
release of your won prize:

Afro Asian Claims Payment Representative,
Skype/Microsoft/ Yahoo! Payment Office
PO Box 1010
L70 1NL,
Tel: (+44) 871 2344 684,
Email: afroasianinsurance.claims@netbusiness.com

Fill the following details below to enable the speedy evaluation and
processing of your won prize.
1. Name, 2. Home address, 3. Contact number, 4. Age, Occupation&
Designation 5. Ticket number, 6. Serial number 7. File number, 8. Draw

For security purposes and clarity we advice that you keep your winning
information confidential and not to be disclosed to anyone until your
claim have been fully processed and your winning Prize is delivered to

Yours Faithfully,

Sarah Lee Richards (MRS)
{National Coordinator Skype©/ Microsoft© /Yahoo!© Humanitarian Aid Promotion}
Miss Young If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.

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