Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.


From: Military Singles | Free Online Dating Service & Dating Site, <sandip@softwebwork.net>
Subject: suzanan.cooper@yahoo.com
Date: Saturday, November 28, 2009, 1:01 AM

Dear ,

We are glad to inform you that the member
suzanan200 (http://www.xtrin.com/profile.php?ID=27498) has sent you a message!

-------- Message ------------------------------------------------
Dearest one,Am suzanan i found your profile in http://www.xtrin.com and decided to contact you because i will like us to establish a contact which will be beneficial for both of us so,please contact me here (suzanan.cooper@yahoo.com) so that,we can introduce ourselves better and share our photos also

Thank you for using our services!


Mrs From: Suzanan Cooper <suzanan.cooper@yahoo.com>
Subject: This is My Full Life Story.
Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 7:04 AM

My Darling,
I am more than happy in responds to my email, how are you today? i'am really happy to receive your response,Actually i never know how you will feel if this is too earlier to tell you but just because of the condition of where I'm in Dakar Senegal,as a result of the Civil War in my country,for that reason i am facing so many difficulties in life at my age,so dear i have to let you know every thing about me. The crisis in my country has taken many lives and render many homeless, my father Died on the 21st day of August 2006, and a short while my Mother died too, because of the pain of my late father's death, after the death of my mother, uncle Jones my father's half brother started to persecute me over my father's properties which he later snatched from me,and i Ran to dakar to save my life,i came to Dakar Senegal, and now at the Charity House were i'am right now.

After getting your contact from the internet, i strongly believe that you are the right person for me,I am giving you the telephone number of the Pastor incharge of this Charity House,his number is (+221-764-874-936),and his name is Rev.Moses Baye,Please any time you call, just tell him that you want to speak with me, and he will send for me to come and answer your call, Life here in the Charity House is very stressful and i honestly prays to move out from here as soon as you help me, here we have two hostels, one for the Women and the other for the Men, if you call i will go to his office and answer your call.

Please listen to this,my late father of blessed memory deposited the sum of Six Million five Hundred Thousand Dollars at the 'Royal Bank of Scotland Plc' in Scotland, with my name as the next of kin, However, I shall forward you with the contact informations of the bank as soon as you accept to assist me for the transfer of the funds to your bank accounts on my behalf, As you will help me in an investment and i will like to complete my studies in your country like i said earlier, as i was in my 1st year in the university, when the crisis started. After the transfer you will arrange for my trip joining you over there for us to share this feelings face to face.

I tried all my possible best and explain my conditions here to the bank in europe but they told me that my refugee status in senegal does not permitt me to such transactions, unless i look for someone to help me, and i prefer a partner, Someone that will be sincere with me, i prefer telling my secrets to a stranger because he/she will not have a mind to cheat me or betray me,not somebody here,if people here know that i have such funds i tell you my life will be in a total danger and risky, because here is not my country home, that is why i am disclosing this to you with all my hearts and confidence that you will keep this confidential for my safety reasons and life purposes, i sincerely want to let you know that We will invest the fund together me and you, or if you don't intend staying with me then It will be my pleasure to compersate you with (15%) of the total money for your services and the balance shall be my investment capital.

I have the Fund Deposit Certificate and the Death Certificate of my late father here with me, I have forwarded the Papers bearing my name as the next of kin to the Bank in scotland, I will be waiting to hear from you soonest, God bless you as you respond positively to this proposals, help me out from here, it will be good for me, thank you very much with love and trust,

Your love,

Mrs From: Suzanan Cooper <suzanan.cooper@yahoo.com>
Date: Thursday, December 10, 2009, 11:20 AM

next of kin.

Infact honey,this place is more of a prison and my hope is for you to assist me transfer this money to your position so that i can come over to start a new life with you. My dear i fasted and prayed to God when i got your contact and it was reveled to be that you are the right person that will assist me in this transfer.I send and receive e-mails in the office of Rev Father,He has been so kind to me since i became close to him during one of his visitation to the clinic in the camp when i was sick. I trust you before i made this contact with you i ask God to provide to me a man that will lead me to the right Chanel some one that will not betray me.Honey but can you believe that since ever i came in contact with you my mind tells me that you have been given to me by God listen i will do every thing to make you happy However,i will like you to contact the bank where the money was deposited by my late father for confirmation and possibilities of transferring to your account in your country.

The contact information of the bank is as follows.

EMAIL : (bankofscotland@mail2expert.com) OR (rbs_banking@inmail24.com)
Telephone:(+44-703-182-0706, or +44-703-182-1738).
Fax : (+44-702-409-4221)
Transfer officer: Mr Norman Cardie McLuskie.

All i want you to do now is to please make sure that you contact the bank either by e-mail, or telephone immediately on how to transfer the 6.5 million dollars deposited by my late father Engr Williams Cooper of which am the next of kin. We will map out 15% of the total sum for your assistance and 5% for expenses if there will be any.

Moreover, i will need your assistance to manage the money on my behalf since am young to handle such Amount,God bless you and take good care of yourself for me and also have a nice day as i wait to hear from you.The account holder is Engr Williams Cooper and the account number is (RBS-766254999744).

Yours love,
Mrs From: Suzanan Cooper <suzanan.cooper@yahoo.com>
Date: Thursday, December 10, 2009, 11:24 AM

Dear Sir,

My name is (.................) a citizen of(..............).I am a foregn trustee of Miss suzanan Cooper who is at the refugee camp at the moment in loveth .

Please Sir, i want you to help us get A power of attorney and affidavit of oath from the federal high court loveth that will permitt me to claim and transfer the funds of Miss loveth Cooper in to my account here in my country which her late father Engr Williams Cooper deposited in the royal bank of scoltland london before his death.

Honey here is the lawyer Email addres;(barr_cheikhfall@operamail.com)or

I will be grateful if detailed informations will be given.

Yours sincerely (........................)

If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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