Miss Young

Diana Vaseneva says: "City in which I live, is called (Cheboksary)"

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received this story from a friend. Let me call him John.

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Hi Miss Young,


This person is also working under this email address:

Here are all the emails she has sent me.

Best regards,

Mrs Date: Sat 20 Jun 2009
From: SayDiana@rambler.ru

I have received today your letter, and I am happy. I so wish to learn
About you it is more. But I do not know from what to begin. I have seen yours profile, and you
To me has liked. I hope, that to you too to like.
I as wish to tell about myself more. My name Diana. To me
Now 25 years and I live with mum and my brother in one apartment.
I was never married and not to have children. I to live in Russia,
City in which I live, is called (Cheboksary).
I work as the seller in shop lady's wear.
It not the big Salon. My work is pleasant to me.
To me like, when I to see their happy persons.
I have started to use Internet recently.
I at first did not think of it. But has decided to try.
That you would wish to learn about me??? Ask me, and I am obligatory
To you to answer. I hope, that you will send the photos also. I
Would like to receive more them. I send you the photo. I hope, that it is pleasant to you.
Tell to me. What it is pleasant to you in women? What character? That
She should be able? I very much would wish to know.
How your full name?
I hope, that tomorrow I again will receive your letter and your photo. I will be
Very to wait. You will not forget to write me the letter? I hope, that
I very much wait......
Your new girlfriend Diana

Hi !!!!!!!
As you feel? I hope, that all is good. As has changed
Your mood when you have received my letter? I hope, that my photo
It was pleasant to you.
I wrote me many guys from Russia and as other countries, but to whom not
To answer, you represent they to ask me my naked photos, but I when
I will not send naked photos, I hope that you will not ask me about it?
I to wake up in 7 mornings what to make toilet I to have breakfast in 8 mornings.
The shop to open in 9 mornings.
I do not know why, but I to trust you. I do not know you,
But I trust. I do not understand why. You know?
I will tell more about myself. My growth of 166 centimetre, weight nearby 50
I to appreciate in people kindness, sincerity, honesty and the good relation to
Another. It is pleasant to me, when it is pure, cosy. When I come home I
It is always glad, because at home always purely. And you love cooking?
I simply adore. The grandmother has learnt me and now I always and all I do
Itself on kitchen. And what it is pleasant to you? What dishes?
I asked you about what women to you like. To me, for example,
Men who are quiet like, sincere and do not deceive.
Which I love, and which loves me. As you think, you
You can be it? Or not? I think, that we will soon know it. When
We learn one another better.
Than you were engaged today? I hope, that when you receive my letter,
It warms you and does your day successful.
I hope, that at you all is good. I will wait for your letter tomorrow.
I hope, that I will receive answers to all questions and many your photos.

Hi my friend !!!!
As you? How your day? All that was today bad in my bottom,
At once was gone, remains only good after I have received yours
The letter. I am very glad, that you have not forgotten about me and have written to me.
I would want that you knew and believed me, that those people which
To ask me naked photos, I not to write any more to whom.
I to work in shop female clothes, to sell the bottom
Linen and top.
I said to you, that I love cleanliness in my house.
I wish to tell to you about the family more. I wish to inform you about
Volume as I grew and who brought up me. The grandmother brought up me and
Mum. Mum Elvira, grandmother Evgeniya and my big brother Aleksey. I live with mum in
To apartment in ours a city. The grandmother lives in other has sat down, it name Znamenka.
I know nothing about the father, mum, and the grandmother do not speak about it. Mum
Cries or leaves, when I ask it about it. On it I of nothing
I learn. I would not want that mum to cry.
The grandmother at me very kind. I at it a vein everyone summer and me
Very much it was pleasant. At it it is good. We with it often walked together in wood,
Went to bathe and went behind berries.
I wish to explain to you why I cannot find the man of the dream in
To the country. At us to have men, but many drink or beat the wives.
And others already for the husband. Therefore I have decided to get acquainted with you. You
You like to drink much? only tell, the truth. I hope, that was not present. I
At all I do not drink and I do not smoke, only for holidays I allow to drink a little
Fault. I not against, that the man would drink, but it is not a lot of and not often. I
I wish to tell at once that I do not like to shout and quarrel. I love
To laugh and I want, that would wash love always was happy and never
Longed. And I will do all for the sake of it. I am ready to kiss constantly
It if it does its happy. I want, what we with it
The passion and tenderness enjoyed our love.
I wait your letter. Where it? You yet have not answered?
I will wait for it tomorrow.
With impatience I wait.......
Yours Diana

Hi my friend!!!!!
I am glad, that you answer my letters. You like me more and more and
It is more. I wish to learn you more and more. The more I learn, the
You are more to me like.
I when was not for limits Russia and I very much am afraid
To fly aboard the plane, I when not to fly, but nevertheless to me it is terrible.
Would be pleasure to visit Italy and France to me very much
These beautiful countries like.
I sit in the Internet of cafe and who not to listen music.
I can freely speak on English language, but my written I am not so good and for some words
To use the translator.
My brother to work in a city police.
Today I went on street and looked that surrounds me. I earlier
Much that did not notice. you represent? I go along the street where went
Not the first year also I notice a lot of the new. At all I do not know how to describe it.
After has got acquainted with you, it seems to me, that in my life
There were changes. And only the good.
And at you how are you doing? How you feel? You had a successful day?
What the new has occurred?. you love cinema? What?
You like to go to theatre? And to dance? Danced earlier?
Likely you are good to dance.
I like to look films. Especially about love and comedies. as you
You like to have a rest? We with girlfriends went several years ago in Sochi. On
Rest. I never to forget the sea which so is fine. If you
The smog is with me I think that it would be much better. How you think?
I send you a photo.
I all time think, I am pleasant to you or not? You very much like me also I
It is glad, that has got acquainted with you. And you?
By the way, my girlfriend asked to think up a name for its cat. I at all do not know
What to tell. You can will tell to me? How you think?
I will look forward your answer tomorrow.
I wish, that your day would be successful and full of happiness.
I with impatience wait your photos and letters.

Hi mine !!!!!!
Likely you have a lot of pleasure when you to travel.
I too very much wished to travel, but now I not to have
Such possibility.
It is good that wash the brother to work in police, it to protect me and our family.
I would like to learn from you about your friends. at you it is a lot of
Friends? And the presents? Not simply familiar. And people whom you can
To trust in all???? And they will always give to your advice, is as though sick it
Was not. Which does not want to you a pain. Which in all help you.
At me only one present girlfriend from whom we can
To speak about all. It with it I went to the cinema. You remember, told?
We with it grew together and, studied together, together
Went on dances. Now it works the teacher at school. It
Teaches English. We with it together well studied English at school.
And what friends at you? At you it is a lot of real friends? Tell,
The truth.
All is interesting to me also I wish to know all about you. Likely I to do
It is a lot of questions, I hope, that you are not offended on it.
I already miss and I check mail. Your letter suddenly will come? I wait, very much
I wait.....
Yours Diana

Hi , sweetness !!!!!!!
I so am glad to receive your letter. I am glad, that I am interesting to you.
I have got tired today very much. But the weariness has passed after I
Has received your letter. Tell to me about the work? That you
You do? Than you are engaged? You can is more detailed? You work everyone
Day? I every day, except Saturday and Sunday. But sometimes
To have to work and these days. I work and consequently to me
It is necessary to work some times in weekend. But
Usually in weekend I to go to the grandmother. At me the most good
The grandmother. It has learnt me to all. I am able to erase, iron, look after for
Clothes to repair it, to prepare fine dishes. The grandmother
To say, that has learnt me to the best. And I am very grateful to it for
It. You would like to try a pie by which to do we with
The grandmother? I am assured, that to you would like. They very tasty.
And which dishes you would like, what I would prepare? Or has learnt
To prepare?
I would like to send you my home address also. There can be you, want to
I to send a card or the letter is simple. I would be very glad to it. I
Know, that, in Russia there have separate people who have stolen packages. It
Is simply disgusting. I wish to give you my home address and my full

My full name - Diana Vaseneva.
And my home address:
The Russian Federation
The postal index 428012
City Cheboksary
Street-. Nikitina 19

I do not know, during what time of days you precisely receive the letter? In the morning? Or
In the evening?
I will wait for your letter.
I hope, that you will answer at once as soon as you will receive it.
Your sincere Diana

. When John realized that it was a scam, he stopped all further contact with the scammers.

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