Miss Liz Benson says: "I wish this transaction should be concluded with urgency and transparency"

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received this story from a friend. Let me call her Mary Kate Miller. She was contacted by Liz Benson that offered her $6,500,000. It was hard to resist such an offer.

Mary Kate sent me this:

Go to the homepage to see more stories.
MIss Young,
I am glad that I found your site. I would have cost me $3850.00, if I had not. I am attaching pictures and documents to help you help other people who could be scammed like me. Though it would have cost me the amount stated, I am glad that Money gram began to question me when I wanted to send this money to this person. I thank them for helping me out. Maybe with this information, nobody else with get hit with it. Also, I went to your 419.bittenus.com site and noticed a pattern, my documents that I am sending to you were not there, but are similar and the stories seem the same. I hope that it will help.
Kate Miller


Liz Benson <l_benson101@yahoo.fr>


Urgent Reply


Dec 8, 2005

Dear Mary,

Thanks for your mail respond to me through CyberPersonal and also your wiliness to assist me in this noble transaction may God guide you and leed you well in accomplishing this noble transaction amen. Dear Mary, I well received your mail respond to me with open heart and I must confess to you, that I am sincere and honest with you that is why I solicited for trust and confidence between us in this noble transaction, because in a transaction of this nature whereby huge amount of fund is involved, there is need for trust to exist. God bless you for your acceptance to help an orphan child like me, after reading your mail today I went straightly to the bank and met the bank president Mr.Jack William and informed him my readiness with you, according to my discussion with the bank president Mr. William this morning, I want to inform you what I discussed with him and what he said that the bank requested from us in order to facilitate the fund transfer to your destination bank account for investment purpose.

Mary, what the bank president Mr.Jack William said that the bank request us to submitt are the following informations below:

1. Your banking details where the funds will be transfering into, Bank name and address, Account number, Routing number and Account holder's name.
2. Your direct telephone, fax and mobile numbers for prompt communication and for paper works.
3. Certificate of administration issue from the probate registry in Ministry of Justice here in
Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire.
4. Certificate of sworn affidavit of trust/claim issue from the High Court of Cote D'Ivoire.
5. Official Lodgement reciept issued to the original depositor which was my late father.

Dear Mary, I will not delay to inform you that I am in possession of the number (5)document which is the Official Lodgement reciept. So therefore what remaining are the number (1), (2), (3) and (4) requirements we need to submitt to the bank for the fund transfer to be effected immediately. I asked the bank president how possible we can get the number (3) and (4)documents, He said that we can use the services of their financial Lawyer attached to their legal department.

Mary, I will be going back to the bank again tomorrow, please immediately you receive this my mail contact and ask the bank president to direct you to their bank lawyer who will help us to secure the number (3) and (4) backup documents, so therefore as a matter the requir urgency you're advise to go ahead and contact the bank as soon as you receive this my mail OK, I have well introduced you to the bank director as my late father "Mr. Benson" foreign business partner in Cocoa Import and export, therefore go ahead and contact the bank immediately either by phone or email.

Below here is the bank contact as followings..

Pariba Bank CI
Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire
Telephone      : 00 225 0857 9377
Fax - line       : 00 225 0857 9477
Email            : pariba_bank_ci@ny.com
Private Email : president_jackwilliams@yahoo.fr
Contact Person: Mr.Jack William  President Inter.Remittance Department.

The bank will transact with you directly with do respect due to my age. I am still young and would want you to handle everything on my behalf.  I've already informed the bank president Mr. William, that you are my late father's foreign business partner, so he will recognize your name when you call him or write him via email. Dear Mary, you will acknowledge the requirements which they requested from us, and also request him to give you the contact of the Lawyer who will assist us to secure the two backup documents the Bank requested which will empower them to transfer the funds ($6.5 million US dollars) to your destination bank account for investment purpose.

Please go ahead and contact the banker to enable us proceed further without any hindrance, because I wish this transaction should be concluded with urgency and transparency so that I can leave this country and fly to meet you over in your country for better of my life and to continue my educational career as well in medicine and also to spend this christmas with you and your entire family.Please you should maintain the secret of this noble transaction between (Me and You) only till we come to accomplish and I come over to your country OK. 

My regards to you and may God bless you for your kind efforts to assist an orphan child like me.

I look forward hearing from you soonest after communicating with the banker.

With love,
In God we trust...

Note: Below of this my message I attached to you my picture so you see me and know who you're dealing with, please I want you to send to me your's pic too in your next reply OK.  Thanks once again.


Jack Williams <president_jackwilliams@yahoo.fr>


Funds wire Transfer Requirements


Dec 12, 2005

Attention : Mr. Mary Kate Miller

Funds wire Transfer Requirements 

Dear Mr. Miller,

I acknowledged the receipt of your email message you  forwarded to this honorable office on Fri, Dec 9th 2005, the contents were well noted and clearly understood. However, I want to inform you the rules and regulation of this institution demands these approval Certificates from the High Court of Cote d'Ivoire, these Certificates will empower us to carry out the wire transfer of this funds($6,500,000.00 US dollars) to your destination without having any problem between our Governments here and yours over there in your country as you can understand that this funds is a huge amount of money, and with my past experience in funds wire transfers as the bank general president, I must inform you that these two important Certificatess this institution required are very important for endorsment.

Nevertheless, inconjuction with the discussion this institution held with your partner Miss. Liz Benson, you're to be informed  to forward your banking particulars for the onward transfer of the deposit funds the sum of $6,500, 000.00 US dollars to your destination bank account as you and your partner Miss.  Benson desires. 

Sequeance to the process of obtainning the two Certificates  this institution demands before the immediate transfer of the funds to your destination bank account.  These two important  Certificates shall be issuing from the Panel of the Chief Magistrate here in the High Court of Cote d'Ivoire, and our legal department Attorney have enquired the cost of these Certificates, and that will cost YOU the sum of  US$3,850.00 dollars only for acquiring them from the High Court of Cote d'Ivoire accordingly.

Gentleman Mr. Miller, you're advise to send the Certificates  fees via "MoneyGram" with the below name and address of our Bank Casher Receiver to enable our legal department Attorney to help YOU to obtain the Certificates on your behalf and then submitt them to the bank accordingly to enable us proceed with the fund wire transfer to your destination within 48 banking hours.

Name     : Mr. Solomon Eze

Address: 114. BP Rue 7, Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire West Africa.

Immediately you make the payment, forward the payment information to this office via this email address, so that on confirming the payment information we can proceed without any hindrance understand!.

We're always at your service as we do serve our clients the best of services. Note, you advised to fill the attached form below of this message with your banking particulars and sign it properly, then return it back to this office via this email address to enable start the process for the wire transfer.

Thanks for your co-operation and have a nice day.
Best Regards,
Mr. Jack Williams  (President)
Pariba Bank of Abidjan - CI.

Telephone : 225 0857 9377


The pictures of Liz Benson have been used in several other scams. See some of them in the Cynthia Sankoh story.

The documents are all fake. The telephone numbers do not belong to the bank, they are all mobile phone numbers.

3 months later R.S. informs me that her picture has been on the dating site http://rencontres.abidjan.net since october 2005.

Here she uses the name Koaussi Floriane.


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