Miss Young


Lies, lies, and more lies ...

Did you receive a letter from a complete stranger promising you millions? Or did you receive an offer for millions of dollars while you were dating on the net?

I have received a lot of these letters, and they are all filled with lies. I have grouped some of them according to sender. There are celebrities, dying persons, widows, rich sons and daughters, bankers, lawyers, work-at-home, stranded girls, dates and others. Maybe your letter was similar to one of mine?

Maybe you received a letter telling you that you won in a lottery that you never heard of? - or did someone want to donate a major amount to you? - or did a stranger offer you a loan?

If scammers failed to get you as a victim, they might try again with the use of a compensation letter.

Miss Young


Updated July 22, 2024

Here are some of the letters I received in 2020:



Use the search facility in the upper right corner to locate information from the email you received. Search for names, telephone numbers, security companies, banks, or phrases like "foreign partner", "deposited in a trunk box", "receive this fund" or "few months to live".

Copyright © 2004-2018 419.bittenus.com. All rights reserved. Updated July 22, 2024