Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.

Mr On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 5:40 AM, Barrister Morgan Mawuto < barristermorganmawuto3@gmail.com > wrote:
Greetings ,
My name is Mr. Morgan Mawuto , a deceased client of mine, that shares
the same last name as yours, Mr.  A.  Young, who died without a NEXT
OF KIN in Lome / Republic of Togo . I have an urgent need to
communicate with you concerning the USA$10.5Million deposited in the
bank here for transfer, before his accidental death. Reply for more
detail in my private email address ( mawutomorgan@yahoo.com ).
From: Morgan Mawuto < mawutomorgan@yahoo.com >
Date: Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 9:50 AM
Subject: Mr. A. Young Estate / More Details

Dear  Mr. Miss Young,

Thank you very much for your mail received, the contents were understood.
As I had previously informed you, I contacted you in this transaction for our mutual benefit and for a lasting business relationship with; having made unsuccessful attempts upon my several inquiries to locate any of my late clients extended relatives. After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to contact you as you have the same  name with him.

Let it be mentioned for the sake of record that this our mutual benefit transaction is absolutely legitimate and all the necessary documents needed in a transaction of this nature will duly and legally be issued and obtained in your name and favor. Please understand that I am an adult with a family and I am only thinking of how to establish the legacy for my children and that is exactly why I am contacting you in this business. Let me go straight to explain more on the event that led to this before I expatiate on the project proper. Mr.   A.  Young  was a big customer of the Bank. He operated a coded account with the Bank before he died on a motor accident on the 21st of April 2007, along with his wife their two daughters.

You must understand that in the banking industry opportunities like this are common but not heard. People put their monies in banks or financial institutions and some of these accounts are either coded or confidentially operated. Therefore, when such people die what do you think that happens to these monies when nobody comes for their claims? Well, this is one of the numerous avenues monies are made within and amongst the financial institution management or bankers.

Mr.   A.  Young was one of my best clients and I did not mastermind his death and I did not operate or manage his account. I did all I could to locate his real relatives but was unsuccessful. It was after the unsuccessful attempts to locate his real relatives that I then came to remember his informing me of his early live and experiences.

To explain myself properly, I am not a board member and of course, I am not part of the Management and I do not work with the Bank. I am not rich, therefore, if I have this opportunity and throw it to the wolves, then I must be the " stupidest " the most " foolish-man " that has ever lived. I have fully put everything in place and since this is an opportunity open to anybody, I do not see anything wrong in what I am doing as long as I am not hurting who should not be hurt period. I can only tell you that it is just destiny that brought us together.

I am quite sure of what I am doing that is why I am committing myself in this project and that is why my life and entire career is involved in this transaction in making it a success. The procedure of establishing the next of kin would be taken care of.

I am a legal Practitioner and the principal partner of  Mawuto Chambers & Co  with registered office address at 20 rue Seko, Baguida, Lome, Togo. I was the Mr.  A.  Young  personal attorney as earlier informed you. Like I had earlier mentioned, it was after unsuccessful attempts to locate the real relatives of my late client, that I resorted to independent search and by divine inspiration I got your contact. The truth remains that you are not the real relative of my late client, but for the fact that he has the same last/surname like you, you can with my aid as his personal lawyer be approved by the Bank as his next of kin because I have all the secret information that are contained in this security file jacket with the Bank that will facilitate that. It is only I that knows that you are not the real relative. Unfortunately my late client did not have any Will before his sudden death. Although he had earlier notified me of that in the near future.

It is therefore with absolute confidence that I wish to inform you more of the details of this transaction of great mutual benefit. Now be advised my friend that in line with my operational master plan for the success of this our mutual benefit business, what you are required to do now is to tender an application to the Bank as next of kin to this deceased customer putting claim over his balance with the Bank. This application will be written on your letter headed paper or otherwise, then fax to the Bank for immediate action and processing to start.

As soon as the bank receives the application, documentation for the claim will automatically start. It will be tendered to the Board of Directors of the Bank for approval.

As soon as the approval is obtained, you will be issued an approval letter, approving your application as the next of kin/sole beneficiary to the deceased. Business starts from there. You will also notify the Bank in your application that you wish your deceased cousin' s fund inherited and transferred into your designated account that you will submit at the time of funds transfer.

For being involved in this transaction, I have therefore resolved to offer you 40% of the total sum as gratification in helping me champion this business. 60% will be for me, please, understand that I put so many things into consideration before offering you this 40% and I do hope that it will be appreciated.

As soon as you give me your hands of co-operation, I will send to you the specimen of the text of application you will send to the Bank and this transaction will commence immediately.

Please reply back to me and let me have the following information if you make up your mind to co-operate with me for our mutual benefit.

The information are :-
1.  Your full names:. . . . . . .
2.  Your date of birth. . . . . .
3.  Your full contact address. . . . . (Home and office)
4.  Marital status. . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.  Tel/Fax numbers:. . . . . . . . . . . .
6.  Your Occupation :. . . . . . . . . . .

Attached is my photo and my family photos with my ID Card.

For further clarifications feel free to call me on my direct number: +228-9085-1971 .

Best regards.
Mr.  Morgan Mawuto (Esq)

Morgan Mawuto
Morgan Mawuto
Morgan Mawuto
Morgan Mawuto
Miss Young

If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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