Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.


On Monday, December 14, 2015 1:07 PM, WESTERN UNION < ministeyoffinanceofficeinbenin@yahoo.fr > wrote:

Dr.Allen Smith , 17 Avenue De l'Independence, 2nd Street, COTONOU. BENIN REP.

Attn: Beneficiary,

This is to inform you about the latest RESOLVED by the Board of Directors in respect to your (UNCLAIMED) Inheritance; Lotto won which have been in our custody for a long period till date. We learnt that you were asked to pay some certain amount in order to receive your (FUNDS) of which you could not then, due to one reason or the other. Now Western Union (Department) here is offering you a (SPECIAL BONUS COMPENSATION) to help you in receiving your total (FUNDS) in our custody. In other words, we are now need ($48) only from you for RE-NEW AND RECONFIRM FEE YOUR OLD PAYMENT FILE which was expired to enable you start receiving your (OUTSTANDING UNCLAIMED FUNDS) left in our custody.

Meanwhile, this is the last opportunity for you to receive your (FUNDS) and you are advised for your best interest to comply immediately with this resolution and you will start receiving your funds ($9,000) per day 2x1, totaling ($850,000.00). Note that after (4 DAYS) of this notice and you fail to make the renewal payment as required, then we will convert the funds to Government account as the law stipulates here which will result to a cancellation of your payment. Also Note that after (3 weeks) of this notice, we shall enter for a new project for the year and that is our reason for offering you this help, so do not to fail to comply.

You are hereby advised to contact the paying officer as directed and send your details as stated below and also pay the ($48) immediately, so that we can key in your payment in our PAYMENT DATA BASE to enable you to start receiving your payment from tomorrow After the payment of ($48) you will start receiving your money every day ($4,500 X 2) either through Western Union or Money Gram preferably by you ($9,000) until the full payment of ($850,000.00) is completed. The total sum you will be receiving per day is ($9,000) in two payment ($4,500 X 2)

Now re-confirm and forward the below required information to the Paying Officer

to avoid wrong transfer:

(1) Beneficiary Name- - - - - - - -

(2) Country and Address- - - - - - - - - -

(3) Direct Tel- - - - - - - - -

(4) Attach of your ID or driving license- - - - - - - - - -

Contact Person: Dr. ALLEN SMITH

Emails: bonsdeptwesteu@gmail.com

Receiver Name: Ralph Emekam
Country:Benin Republic
Answer :Days

Yours Faithfully.
DR Allen Smith
Board of Directors
Department Association

Miss Young

If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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