Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.

2024년 6월 24일 (월) 오전 11:35, Olga Jean-Louis < jeanlouisolga6@gmail.com > 님이 작성:

Dear Sir,

Good Morning and the blessings of the day to you.
Please Can I trust you? to assist me to invest my inheritance fund in your country? and to help me to come over to your country for the betterment of my life and to continue my education. Please Can you help me?

I am waiting for your kind reply.

Best regards.

Miss. Olga Jean-Louis
보낸사람: Olga Jean-Louis < jeanlouisolga6@gmail.com >
Date: 2024년 6월 25일 (화) 오후 12:34
Subject: Please read my letter very well and with understanding.

Dear ,

Greetings and the blessings of the day to you.

Thanks so much for your reply to my letter. Please I want you to know that it takes me time to write you an email because I was thinking who I will trust, like I asked you in my previous email, if I can trust you?.

But as I got your reply I am happy and I know we have not met before nor do we know each other before. The one word my late father always told me when he was alive, that before I move on in life, I should know how to trust and also be careful of people I meet on my way.

My full name is Miss. Olga Kadiatu Jean-Louis, I am 19 years old. I am a citizen of Sierra Leone, but I am staying in Ivory Coast as a refugee now due to my present condition.

I have finished secondary school and left to enter university.

Please as I told you I need your help and assistance to secure my inheritance funds and invest it in a profitable business. The funds my late father kept in the bank here on my name before he died. The total amount of the funds is (US$16,750.000.00) and the funds are in a bank here. And this fund is 100% genuine, clean and risk free.

My father was a very rich cocoa farmer and he dealt with other minerals like gold, crude oil and diamond. He' s a very hard working man but he was poisoned to death by his evil relatives because of the big contract he won.

While he was dying in the hospital, he told me everything and advised me to run out of Sierra Leone and seek a foreigner overseas who can help me, before his evil relatives would get me and kill me too. This is how I ran down to Abidjan here, where I am presently staying in a refugee camp.

I want you to stand as my guardian before the bank and receive the money in your account and invest it in a profitable business on my behalf in your country, at my age I cannot handle such matters and I do not want to risk my life, because this place is full of desperate people. I went to the bank here with the deposit document the bank had with my father and they confirmed it was clean and OK. And they are ready to transfer the money through bank to bank wire transfer as soon as you stand as my guardian.

Please, I would like you to reply to me so that I will give you all the information about the bank, so that you can contact them.

And after that you will arrange for me to come over to your country and start a new life and continue my education.

Note: Please permit me to ask these few questions:

1. Can you really help me invest this money into a profitable business in your country?
2. Can you honestly help me as your daughter and keep this trust?
3. What percentage will be good for you after you have helped to transfer this money to your country?
4. If you agree to help me please send me your full details.

I have the original copies of deposit documents in my possession and I am ready to send it to you immediately, I confirm your sincerity to assist me.

Attached are my refugee camp ID card, my photo and photo of me and my late father.

I am waiting for your kind reply.

Thanks and remain blessed.

Yours faithfully,

Miss. Olga Kadiatu Jean-Louis

Olga Jean-Louis


Miss Young

If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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