Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.

Mr Perez Ami <perezami2@aol.com> wrote:
Attn: Sir/ Madam

I am Dr Perez Ami, Former HRM Manager. During my last audit with the company before I was sacked, I over invoiced the normal budget and made an excess us$100,000, 000.00 (One Hundred Million United States Dollars) which I intend investing your country/company.

Presently this fund is in a security home from where it will be transferred to you after our agreement.

Sir, your assistance is highly needed in this business and I have agreed to go into a joint venture with you and will also share the proceeds in a ration of 60:40.

I hope to get your positive response via my personal email address  perezami@fsmail.net or perezami2@yahoo.com and as well send me your full names and address, your age and occupation, so that I can ascertain your capability of handling this business.

Dr Perez Ami
From: PEREZ AMI [mailto:perezami@fsmail.net]
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: URGENT


I acknowledge the receipt of your mail and willingness to help me in this transaction. Note that this fund is already in a diplomatic security company from where it will deliver to your address as a diplomatic consignment. The fund is already packed in 10 boxes tagged diplomatic consignment to avoid questioning during shipment.

I will now go on to finalize my arrangements with the diplomatic security courier services with your information, so that they will contact you on their arrival at your country of residence.

Please prepare your self to receiving them and also to receive the consignment and keep in a safe place for proper investment into your company and other establishments in your country.

I will advise you not to stock this money into one account only, please deposit it into different accounts, so that it won’t look suspicious. I want you to invest this money carefully; I will always inform you about my arrangements until I finally conclude the movement of the consignment.

I am preparing to come to your country, but I want to put things in order here in my country before I will come over. Main while receive this fund and start depositing it into accounts bit by bit and also invest in buying properties prior to my arrival. You will not forget to buy a good home for me and my family so that will move in on our arrival.

Finally, forward your complete information’s to the diplomatic courier security company for onward delivery to you and for proper guidance.

Contact Person: Hassan Edward
Email Address: undiplomat@diplomats.com

Dr Perez Ami

 +4470 319-597-80

Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 4:57 PM
To: perezami@fsmail.net
Subject: Re: URGENT
Dear Perez,
Regarding to your email. Could you make a draft of our agreement in this bussiness? USD100M is a lot of money.
Please send your full name, Pasport scan, Driving Licence or ID with photograps in scan, your origin, list of your family with photograps, boxes content and boxes photographs.
Thank your for your trusty to me but I must sure this is no risk 100% for both of us.

From: UNITED NATIONS DIPLOMATIC MISSION [mailto:undiplomat@diplomats.com]
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 5:28 PM
Subject: Re: courier security company

Attached are some of the required documents you listed, Dr Perez Ami will forward you his family pictures e.t.c.
Diplomat Hassan Edward
+4470 319 08413
money man
From: PEREZ AMI [mailto:perezami@fsmail.net]
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 5:57 PM
To: Sentarinja Group
Subject: RE: Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

Attached is a copy of my family pic. Other items will be sent asap.



Mr From: PEREZ AMI [mailto:perezami@fsmail.net]
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 1:36 PM
Subject: RE: Handling and process

Sorry for the delay in responding to your email. Attached is my ID and some relevant documents. Regarding your request note that the source of this fund is from an over draft I made while I was working before I resigned to enable me invest this fund which has since been kept in a diplomatic security company. Attached also is video clip recorded with my phone during counting and some photographs of the box containing this fund.

You can easily contact me with my direct telephone number +447031959780. My account has since been disabled by my company because they accused me of stealing from them, so the hope of my family strictly depends on this fund.

Like I also said that I am willing to give 40% of the total sum to you for assisting me while 10% for expenses and 50% for me.

Finally, there is no formal agreement to be written for now all I seek is for your assistance to help invest in your country, maybe in real estate or in the mining or oil sectors.

Dr Perez Ami

4470 319 59780



  To: perezami@fsmail.net
Subject: Process Suggestion

Dear Perez,

This is acknowledging receipting your emails.

Thank you for trusting me but you must keep carefully include to me too.

Send huge fund is suspicious in operation and not safe for both of us, we must try in minimal risk for your benefit. I hope you are comfort with my suggestion below:

  1. You send your family copy passport in clear to me.
  2. Send USD1,000,000.00 only to my account.
  3. 1. I will keep USD500,000.00 (50%) for you in cash, this fund will be invest after you or your family arrive in my country follow your agreement.
    2. USD100,000.00 (10%) for expenses include you and your family expenses in first three months in my country.
    3. USD400,000.00 (40%) for my fee arrangement.
  1. You arrange your family trip to my country by own. Your wife and daughter should saving account each minimum USD1,000, 000.00 for her and daughter deposits and cash on hand maximum permissible limits for they emergency causes.
  2. I will take care your family in my country before your arrival. They will stay in my apartment on my country capital for easy to investment access and I will guard them. All of apartment rent and transportation one, accommodation, communication, and living cost will be deduct from item c.2.
  3. You arrange your trip to my country by own as soon as possible after you send your fund boxes to your wife or you send to your own name and use the apartment as permanent address. Just you or your wife can be open that boxes.
  4. If you are late to come to my country, under your wife supervisory I will distribute your fund include item c.1. in USD account to some saving and checking account, time deposit for safely.
  5. I will take care you and your family while we distribute your fund to permanent deposits as registered participating bond, special mortgage, share, stock exchange, fix assets, real and work capital.
  6. Not more than 3 months you and your family can live anywhere while I will arrange your treasury under officially agreement.

I think this process above more safely, low cost and full supervise by you.

So, you are not need to open saving account in your country, just transfer USD1,000,000.00 to my account. You can use The Western Union.

I hope to hear from you for your agreement.

Mr On 10/05/07, PEREZ AMI <perezami@fsmail.net> wrote:

Dear Partner,

I acknowledge the receipt of your mail. Listen my friend, Like I said in my previous email that this fund is already insured, packed and sealed in ten boxes ready for delivery and cannot deduct and remove anything from it, so wonder how all these can be possible for us.

I have agreed to personally incur my flight/family ticket from United Kingdom to your country, as well take care of the cost of shipment of this consignment and handling charges to Indonesia which is almost us$23,000.00, while you only take care of the International custom clearing charges in your country.

I have already arranged with this diplomatic security company and with their immunity, this consignment can be delivered to you in Indonesia without any hitches. We may also decide to deliver the consignment bit by bit if you suggest.

Finally all you have to do is send me your full information's, to enable me finally with the United Nations Diplomatic Courier/Security company for onward delivery to you, now am in a very tight corner and need to move this consignment as fast a possible.

Dr Perez Ami

Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 5:26 PM
To: perezami@fsmail.net
Subject: Re: Process Suggestion

Dear Perez,

Unfortunately, I can not help you except you are follow my email May 9, 2007.

Your procedure will make me a chance to greedy.

Thank you for your trusting me.

From: PEREZ AMI [mailto:perezami@fsmail.net]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: Process Suggestion

i dont trust you as well

Perez stopped answering.

If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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