Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following "work-at-home" email. Be aware of these offers. In most of these offers the real deal is that they send you a false check (that may be honoured in the first place) and you return 90% of it by Western Union. When the check after a while bounces, you have lost all the money you sent.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.

Mr > From: infoalertma2009 <infoalertma2009@netcabo.pt>
> Subject:
> To:
> Date: Friday, October 17, 2008, 3:53 PM
> Morgain Medical (UK) LTD
> Hampshire,
> SO51 0HA,
> England
> (c) Copyright Reserved 2008
> Job Available In Your Area Ref : { AF72JSJSK }.
> =======================
> Dear E-mail Owner,
> A Free part time work from home and get paid without
> affecting your
> current job.You will make nothing less than $4000 monthly.
> All we
> want you to do is just for you to receive and process
> payment from
> our clients in Europe and North America and south America
> and Canada.
> Why we need a representative is because of our increasing
> rate of customers there. The company website will be
> detailed to view
> more on the job and scope. Please make sure you do fill
> your contact
> address properlly.
> Name:
> Age:
> Contact Address:
> City:
> State:
> Zip-Code:
> Occupation & Position held:
> Fax/Tel No:
> Country:
> Reply Strictly on Email- { infomorgainmedical@gmail.com }
> To get sterted
> Best Regard,
> Rose Scott (Recruit manager)
> Morgain Medical Limited England.

If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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