Miss Young

Hello, I am Miss Young. I received the following email. It is a socalled "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for my assistance. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner or later I will be asked to pay a fee. If I pay, another fee will quickly come up, and it will continue that way until I give up or run out of money. I will never see the millions, because they never existed.

If you received a similar email, you should go to the homepage to read more about 419 fraud.

From: Tina Baby tina_edwin02@yahoo.com
Sent: Fri, 2 May 2008 1:38 am

Dearest One,
I know this mail will come to you as a surprise since we have not meet or had a previous correspondence please bear with me,i will really like to have a good relationship with you, and i have a special reason why i decided to write you because of the urgency of my situation here...
It gives me more joy because i do believe that we both have to be open-minded and sincere as to know each other deep down,share our loneliness and thoughts,before i proceed further let me introduce myself fully to you,

I am Tina 24 years old girl from Liberia, my hobbies are,reading novels,jogging,listening to music,cooking,listen to music, tv and movies.Iam the only daughter of Late Mr Wilson Dabor ,before my fathers death he was a very well know merchant in cocoa, kola-nuts, cashew nuts, arts works and land developer,my father was killed by unknown gun men no one know why he was short but before he died he is being taking to a private hospital where he stay and died but before he died he told me everything about this money since am the only child he has.

I am constrained to contact you because of the maltreatment I'm receiving from my step mother,She planned to take away all my late father's treasury and properties from me since the unexpected death of my beloved Father,Meanwhile I wanted to escape to Europe but she hide away my international passport and other valuable traveling documents.

Luckily she did not discover where I kept my fathers File which contains important documents. So I decided to run to the refugee camp where I am presently seeking asylum under the United Nations High Commission for the Refugee herein Dakar, Republic of Senegal.

I wish to contact you personally for a long term business relationship and investment assistance in your Country,My father deposited the sum of USD$6.7 million Dollars in a Bank with my name as the next of kin. However, I shall forward you with the necessary documents on confirmation of your acceptance to assist me for the transfer and investment of the fund.As you will help me in the investment, and i will like to complete my studies,

As i was in my first year in the university when the crisis started in my life. it is my wish to compensate you with 10% of the total money as soon as the transfer has being made if maybe you do not find good enough to be your life partner, This is the reason why I decided to contact you.Please all communications should be through this email address only for confidential purposes.

As soon as I receive your positive response showing your interest I will put things into action immediately. In the light of the above, I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to handle this transaction sincerely.

You can call me with this phone number +22176-1209670,this is Rev Joseph Adams phone number who is taking care of us in the camp here in Senegal,because i have no phone here but if you will like to speak to me on phone, it is the Reverend fathers Number here in the camp, call and tell him you want to talk to miss me ,he will call me because i am staying at the female hostel.

I attached here my photo,
Please do keep this only to your self please i beg you not to disclose it till i come over , once the fund has been transferred.
Yours truly,
Mrs From: Tina Baby tina_edwin02@yahoo.com
Sent: Sun, 4 May 2008 1:29 am
Subject: My Dear kindly contact the Bank for the Transfer

Hello my dear

Thanks for your mail today.Iam happy for your kindness and sincerity to me.
I really appreciate it.
I will also like to assure you that this is not going to affect you or your family in any way.Please dont be worried or affraid of any harm.
Actually my Mum died alongside with my father and My step Mum is still alive in my home country.But she never want my success in life.
I will also like to continue my nursing study in your country as soon as the transfer is completed
It really gave me joy hearing from you ,i became very happy after reading your last mail indicating your willingness to assist me,Actually i introduced you to the Bank as my trustee and representative,that the fund should be released and transfered to your bank account in your country.I assure you that this is legal and for you to know if this is legal,kindly contact the Bank and verify from them.
I have my father's deposit certificate and his Death certificate all with me as i told you,all the same am going to be there with you very soon when the transfer is over so that i can be able to start my education then you can invest the money with you in a good business.
All you need to do is to either call the bank on phone or you send an email requesting for claims, closure and transfer of the fund on my behalf to your account. Tell them by email that you want to know their requirements to enable you claim my father's fund that is in their Bank on my behalf. It is their duty to let you know their procedures.

Here are the contact information of the bank which I feel you might need. In order for us to proceed now, please contact the bank either by phone or through e-mail to find out their protocols. When you contact them, these are the information you have to give them to indentify me. Please if you need any information more, just ask for it so as to move this process fast enough. The name of the bank and contacts are stated as below:

Direct email :bankofAfrica@mybestmail.com
Contact person: DR.Charles Diop (DIRECTOR FOREIGN OPERATIONS)
Direct tel : +221777107986

Information about my late father & his account details are as follows.

Name of depositor :Wilson Dabor
Nationality : Liberia
Account number:HBM743483002
Amount deposited :USD$6.7M
Next of kin :Miss Tina Dabor

Inform me as soon as you contact the bank.i will be waiting to hear from you soon.
with love and warm regards
Mr From: Bank of Africa <bankofafrica-plc@mail.md>
Sent: Mon, 5 May 2008 3:31 pm
Subject: Bank of Africa ( Transfer Requirment )


Foreign RemittanceDepartment,

 49,Av.Leopold Sedar Senghor,
Dakar Senegal. West Africa.

Tele/fax. 00221-777107986



(No part or whole of this document is permitted for transferrence or
reproduction as it is the sole property of the Bank of Africa, Dakar
Senegal and must be for the rightful recipient only.You are to make all
your correspondences with this bank through the customer email service
address above. We received your emergency application and decided to
act swiftly knowing that you have applied under that condition
according to our rules.)
 I have directed by the directors of foreign operations/remmittance
to write in respect of your mail which we received.Actually,we have
earlier been told about you by the young lady, Miss Tina Dabor  that
she wishes you to be her trustee/representative for the claim of her
late father's deposit with our bank.
Late Wilson Dabor

was our late customer with substantial amount(US$6,700,00.00) of deposit
with us.Hence you have been really appointed as a trustee to represent
the next of Kin.However before our bank will transact any bussiness
concerning the transfer of the fund with you , we will like you to
send the following documents:

(1.)A power of attorney permiting you to claim and transfer the funds to your
bank account on her behalf.This document must be prepared by a
Senegalese resident lawyer since Miss Tina Dabor is staying in Senegal.

(2.)The death certificate of late Wilson Dabor (Her deceased father)comfirming 
his death

(3.)A copy of deposite certificate issued to Late Wilson Dabor by our bank.

(4.)A copy of your international passport,driving license or any of your 
Identity Card
(5) Your account information where this money will be transfered after our 
that the above are compulsory,

And are needed to protect our interest,yours and the next of kin after the
claims. These shall also ensure that a smooth, quick and successful
transfer of the fund is made,We promise to give our customers the best
of our services.Should you have any question(s), please contact our
foreign transfer director Dr Charles Diop.on telephone number
Yours Faithfully,Dr Charles Diop.
Transfer Director
Mr From: Bar Repheal Johnson <barraphealjohnson@lawyer.com>
Sent: Tue, 6 May 2008 10:58 pm
Subject: Bar Rapheal Johnson


Compliments of the day

Sequel to your email to my noble law firm on how to prepare an
authority letter( Power of Attorney)for you and your partner Miss Tina Dabor
which will permit you to stand on her behalf for the transfer of her
late fathers Money to your account in your country.

The Rev father Joseph Adams and your partner Miss Tina Dabor
was in my office this morning to discuss about the preparation of the document..

Before my noble law firm will proceed with the preparation of the
document,i would like you to send me your full contact details

(1) Your full names
(2) Your full contact address and phone number for easy communication
(3) Your present occupation.

All these informations are needed in the course of preparing the document
So that first thing Tommorrow morning,i will go to the federal high
court of senegal for the registeration and also enquire about the cost
of authentication and validation of the document.

I shall give you the feedback after due consultations to
the federal high court tommorrow.

Yours sincerely in service,

Bar(Dr) Rapheal Johnson

(Principal Partner)..(ESQ)

Office tel(+221 77-7806052)

Mrs From: Tina Baby tina_edwin02@yahoo.com
Sent: Wed, 7 May 2008 1:37 am
Subject: Hello My Dear

Hello my dear
Its good to hear from you once again.
Iam happy to come in contact with you and your wife but iam here as your own daughter who have been living in sorrows and pains for a long time now.i will love you to take me as your own daughter because i dont have any bad intention for you.I was born in 1st may 1985 in my home country liberia.
My future plans is to continue my nursing education as well as invest this money with you on a good business as soon as the transfer is completed.
I believe you can recieve this money i n your country because i have every document of my father which might be needed in the course of the transfer.
Iam writting this mail for you and your lovely wife to kindly understand my present situation here.
All i need is freedom from this horrible place where life is so miserable.
Well let me stop here until i hear from you again.
Have a nice and sweet day.
My regards to your wife
Mr From: Bar Repheal Johnson barraphealjohnson@lawyer.com
Sent: Thu, 8 May 2008 4:21 pm
Subject: Bar Rapheal Johnson


Sequel to your email on how to prepare an authority letter( Power of
Attorney) for you and your partner MissTina Dabor which will permit
you to stand on her behalf for the transfer of her money
From Bank Of Africa to your account in your country.

From my enquiries from the high court, the cost analysis for the
preparation of the power of attorney are detailed below,

1).950Us Dollar:For Authentication/validation of the power of attorney at
the federal high court before it becomes valid,which will be paid at the High court.

2) . 250 Us Dollar: for notary stamping at the notary office which will be paid at the High Court

3) .200 Us Dollar :My chambers legal processing fee

Total:1,400 Us Dollar (One Thousand Four Hundred Us dollar)

To speed the process you are to send this money 1,400 Us Dollar to me through
the Western Union Money Transfer with my name bellow

Bar Rapheal Johnson
Address: plot 231 paccel assanes Dakar senegal

Also send me the information to collect the money here as soon as you send the money.

You can also call me on my Direct number +221 77-7806052 for more enquiry.

I have acknowledged the receipt of your full data which shall appear
on the power of attorney.

On the receipt of your payment,it will take 2 to 3 working days to
prepare the power of attorney .

Note that i will only prepare the document as soon as i recieve the money from you,this is according to the (section 29 of the 1979 constitution of the Lawyers Union here in Senegal)

Yours sincerely in service,

Bar(Dr) Rapheal Johnson

(Principal Partner).(ESQ)

+221 77-7806052
Mrs From: Tina Baby tina_edwin02@yahoo.com
Sent: Thu, 8 May 2008 6:43 pm
Subject: You are my Only hope

Hello my dear

Good to ready your mail again.
I thank you alot for all your consern and support on me since we meet.
I just read through the mail you got from the Lawyer about the preparation of the document and i understand that he needs some money to tidy up the document.
My dear from the first time i meet you i made you to un desrtand my present situation here in the camp.Iam really suffering here with good food and no good living.
I do not even work to earn money.I only depend opn the God to free me here one day and i know that you are Gods sent to liberate me.
I dont have silver or gold to offer ,so my dear try and understand my present situation.
I will like you to kindly comply with the lawyer by paying him the required money to prepare the document.As you can see that this is the only remaning document we need to transfer the money to your account.
I promise that as soon as the transfer is completed ,you will take back all that you have spent on this.
So please do me this favour and i await your responce soon.
Have a nice and lovely day

If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Do not answer it. If you do, you will end up on more of the mailing lists used by the criminals behind this fraud. Read more....


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