Geogil Boseniryo says: "you are the one i am looking for my life"
Hello, I am Miss Young. I received this story from a friend. Let me call him Tarik. Go to the homepage to see more stories.

Hi Miss Young,

I find your site very interesting.In fact I stumbled on the site.

I do have a girl from Senegal inherited lots of money.

Ill attach the information

Hoping to hear from you soon




From: bosenriyo geogil []
Sent: 16 August 2006
To: Tarik
Subject: From Geogil


Hello  my dear ,

                  I am happy to meet your mail,   how is your life over there? i hope you are well sounded in good health   if so may thanks be to God Almighty,

My Dear; i saw your beautiful mail and all the informations about you which you stated in your mail,  now i will like to introduce my self under this canoppy of contact with my view, which i know that God will help us, i am miss Geogil Boseniryo a 21 years old girl from rwanda daughter to late mr Jean Boseniryo, a once minister in rwanda who was later killed during the problem in rwanda with my only brother' now i am in dakar senegal under refugee with my mother' because after the death of my father my uncle started to persecute us about my fathers properties ' which he later snatched from us under treathning. now there is nothing we can do than to run for our life' which is very important to us' now i am in critical condition with my mother ' some one to be under refugee with her mother' to compare with senegal where things are very hard' every thing is high. now i have desided to get married by this my age' while i supose to be in school by now' but nothing i can do'because i can not deside to go for prostitution' is over my dead fact you are the one i am looking for my life' which i know that you can not disapoint me in the only thing that makes me tofeel happy at times is that my father left the sum of 4.900'000 us dallar in the finance house which i am the only person that is aware of it' the next of kin' and the whole documments and contacts is with me' because my father loves me very much that was why he gave me every information about that money. now i have called the finance house and they told me that unless i have some body who will represent me with all the documments that is requared' that the are not going to release the money. so this is why i am looking for whom will go for it' who is my body and my if you are intrested in me' feel free to reply'so you can go for it' and tranfar it to your account' then it will be for us instade been in the bank   because i want   immiediately after the transfer you will send me some money to prepare my traveling document and meet you over there to carry on my education careier,    while my mother will start a very good business here.

 thanks and be blessed.
yours lovely Geogil

Geogil Boseniryo

From: bosenriyo geogil []
Sent: 28 September 2006
To: Tarik
Subject: From Yrs. Geogil


Hello my Dear Tarik.

  how do you do today?,  i hoped that you are well sounded in good health,  if so may thanks be to God almighty.

My Dear  Tarik,   i am so thankful for your concern and good concience towards me,   i got your mail and so much appriciated your sweet words,       now  you are the only one i told this matter,  no one have ever heard about this issue,  you are the only one i told this,          now before i got up to look for my helper,  i praid to God almighty and asked him to provide to me a helper,  a man who will help me with all his heart and truth,  and as i woked up to join the dating site,  you are the only person that catched my mind to contact,   infact i can not tell how i got you in contact but i belive that God is the only one that directed me to you,   and i have the trust in you that you will surely help me because God can never mislead me,   the trust i have in you is because i contacted you through God almighty in faith and belive because i belived in God almighty who made me to contact you for this matter.

so feel free to help me, 

my plan is after the transfer you will send some money which me and my mother will use to proccess our travling documents to meet you in your country and start a new life over there because we have suffered here in the refugee camp,    i also need you mostly on how to invest the money in a very good and profitable business in your country because i don't know any thing about business or investment,  i only want to go more further in my education level.

so please i need your help,  do not allow my dream to die off.

i will like to give you the contact informations of the finance house were the money was deposited  here so that you will contact them and ask them the possiblity on how to help me transfer my fathers fund in your account as my trustee due to my refugee status,    then we will hear from them and start from there,    i have all the documents that related to the fund,   but i need your sincerity and trust,    i will release every thing to you but before that i will need to hear from you,  and i will also like to have your informations, Such as your Full name, Your residential address,   Your Phone numbers ,  I will also need your pictures as well to know how you look like,   so i need your response,        Bellow is my other picture. 

thanks and may God bless you.

have a very good day.

yours lovely Geogil.

Geogil Boseniryo

From: bosenriyo geogil []
Sent: 30 September 2006
To: Tarik
Subject: From Yours Geogil


Hello My Tarik2.

   How do you do today?,  I hope that you are well sounded in good health,  If so may thanks be to God almighty.

My Dear Tarik,  I really thank you for your recomendation,  But i am not a sex lady,   I am only a very responsible girl from responsible family,   I thank you so much for your good heart.

Now i will like you to do as you said,  You said that you will send to me your informations,  So please try to do so   Ok.

i am hoping to hear from you so that i will send all the contact of the finance house to you and you will contact them on my behalf.

My mother greeted you.

Have a very good day.

Yours Own Geogil1.



From: bosenriyo geogil []
Sent: 02 October 2006
To: Tarik
Subject: From Yours Geogil

Hello My Dearest Tarik.

  How do you do today?,  I hope that you are well sounded in good health,  If so may thanks be to God almighty.

My Dear Tarik,  I so much thank you for your response and the pictures and informations you sent to me,  I am here now to give the contact of the finance house were the fund was deposited so that you can contact them on my behalf for the transfer,   Please try to contact them   Ok.

Email;  or
or you contact the manager through his personal
email address
Phone: +221 499 53 33. 
Name of the finance manager is; MR  CHEIKH  FALLOU  .
please i will like you to contact them immidiately you got this mail and tell them  that you are my trustee, and you want to know the posibility on how to transfer this money to your account,
this is the account informations of the fund:
 Account  Holder............Mr Jean  Boseniryo
 Account  number...........215/2155669985
i am waiting to hear from you because i can not wait to remain in this situation;   if you wants to call me , just call me with this phone number, 00221 472 90 57.  it is the phone number of our lawyer who is care of the refugees here,  his name is barrister Creg Abu,    if you call just tell him that you want to speak with miss Geogil then he will send for me and we discaused;  

Thanks and be blessed  .
yours  Geogil1.


From: bosenriyo geogil []
Sent: 04 October 2006
To: Tarik
Subject: From Yours Geogil

Hello My Dear Tarik2.

  How do you do today?,  I really hope that you are well sounded in good health,  If so may thanks be to God almighty.

My Dear Tarik,  Now i saw what they finance house requested from us, i have almost the Documents they Requested From My Side  such as the deposite certificate which my late father used to deposite the fund and the death certificate of my late father which the hospital in Kigali issued to us after his burial,   i also have the WILL writen by my late Father but they did not mentioned about that,  so all this is what i have now but the POWER  OF ATTORNEY is what i explained to the UN lawyer who is incharge of the refugees here,  because the manager refars to a senegalaised based lawyer,   so i have discaused with  the lawyer today and  he told me that  he will process it for us,   mean while that he want you to contact him so that he will tell you what you will provide for processing the POWER  OF  ATTORNEY,  and your information's will  be needed in processing of the authorization  Letter ,  because he will first of all get authority From the Senegalise Federal High Court and legalize it , and also Verify the charges involve,   he said that he need your immediate responce so that he will negociate it  as soon as possible to the Federal High Court Of Senegal  tomorrow  For approving and also to tell you   the exact amount of the fee For Authorization,     he said that this power of attorney is the Documents that will give you power over this transaction,  to act as my full trustee,  so that the money will be fully transfered to your account without any questions,   Now you don't have to make me think negative,   I hoped on you with all my heart,  I have told you that the confidence i have in you is God almighty,  I did not contacted you by my own power after all i did not know you are saw you before,   But God gave me the confidence to contact you,  When i saw you i have all the feelings to contact you,   So i did not contact you by human immagination but i praid to God almighty before i contacted you,    So please if you know that you will not do according to the will of God ,  Just let me know,    So do not tell me the words that will make me to think that you are not a genuine person.

So here is the Lawyers contact informations,   His Name is Barrister ( Creg Abu  or 
phone number is 00221 472 90 57    so try to write a mail to him or call him and discause with him about it,      i am waiting to hear from you,   Thanks and be blessed,   My Mother extended her greeting's to you, 

yours Own Geogil1.

Jean Boseniryo

Jean Boseniryo


From: bosenriyo geogil []
Sent: 05 October 2006
To: Tarik
Subject: From Yours Geogil

Hello My Tarik.

  How do you do today?,   I hope that you are well sounded in good health,  If so may thanks be to God almighty.

My Tarik,  I am here this morning to know how every thing is going on,   I am expecting to hear from you ,  I gave you the contact of the lawyer here who will issue the power of attorney on our behalf but i have not yet hear from you on how you discuses with him,   Please write to me and let me hear from you about that,  I am hoping to hear from you so that i will know how the whole process is going on.

Please write to me because i am so anxious to hear from you   Ok.

Thanks and may God almighty bless you.

Have a very good day.

Yours Own Geogil.


Tarik had realized that it was a scam, and stopped writing to Geogil.

End of story.

game over
. 6 months later, my friend M.G. received the following:  

From: geogil_22 boseniryo <>
Date: 02-Mar-2007 11:07
Subject: honey   this  is  my  full  life  story

Hello  my dearest ,2
                  I am happy to meet your mail,   how is your life over there? i hope you are well sounded in good health   if so may thanks be to God Almighty,
My Dear; i saw your mail ,  now i will like to introduce my self under this canoppy of contact with my view, which i know that God will help us, i am
miss geogil Boseniryo a 23 years old girl from rwanda daughter to late mr 
Jean Boseniryo, a once minister in rwanda who was later killed during the problem in rwanda with my only brother' now i am in dakar senegal under refugee with my mother' because after the death of my father my uncle started to persecute us about my fathers properties ' which he later snatched from us under treathning. now there is nothing we can do than to run for our life' which is very important to us' now i am in critical condition with my mother
 ' some one to be under refugee with her mother' to compare with senegal where things are very hard' every thing is high. now i have desided to get married by this my age' while i supose to be in school by now' but nothing i can do'because i can not deside to go for prostitution' is over my dead fact you are the one i am looking for my life' which i know that you can not disapoint me in the only thing that makes me tofeel happy at times is that my father left the sum of  $ 5.7 m, us dollars (five million and seven hundred thousand us dollars) in the finance house which i am the only person that is aware of it' the next of kin' and the whole documments and contacts is
 with me' because my father loves me very much that was why he gave me
 every information about that money. now i have called the finance house and they told me that unless i have some body who will represent me with all the documments that is requared' that the are not going to release the money. so this is why i am looking for whom will go for it' who is my body and my if you are intrested in me' feel free to reply'so you can go for it' and tranfar it to your account' then it will be for us instade been in the bank   because i want   immiediately after the transfer you will send me some money to prepare my traveling document and meet you over there to carry on my education careier,    while my mother will start a very good business here.
 thanks and be blessed.
yours lovely geogil.22

Geogil Boseniryo

Geogil Boseniryo

Geogil Boseniryo


. This time Geogil was 2 years older, and the stolen money increased to $5,7m wink  

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