Mrs. Mand Johnson says: "are you taking us as fulls?????"
Hello, I am Miss Young. This is the 2nd part of the story about Mrs. Mand Johnson. Here is a link to part 1.  
I decided not to send any more money, and I sent an email to Mrs Johnson with this message. I did not get any answer, but 3 days later:  

From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: March 25, 2005
Subject: from daniel johnson.

dear mr bond, my mother sent me to chk her mail box today to know if you have wriiten her. my mother is very sick and he told me that that you do not want to help us again. you know that i love you and i want to you to be my brother because i have no any other brother as i live in this world.
i deceided to sent you the real content of the box because i want you to do anything posible to help me and my mother. it is very dificult to get money here from people and since my mother contacted you she has been runing around to make sure that the box gets to you.please mr bond do not tell my mother that i have sent you the real content of the box because right now she is liying down in because of her sickness. as i am sending you this photo i will delete it from the sent mail so that my mother will not know that i given you the photo. why i deceided to do this is that i asked my mother if he did send to you the photo of the box and she know that she does not want you to see it till the box gets to your position. now my mother is very sick no money to even feed we have spent all the money we have. my mother told me that the only thing that is holding this project now is you because you do not want send the remaing money to her. please mr bond send the money today so that my mother will ok, i don't want loose my mother she is the hope i have today.
please you call us yours brother daneil johnson.

I tell Daniel that I am sorry for his mothers illness that I did not know about. I also tell him that my decision on not sending any more money is firm.  

From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: March 25, 2005
Subject: from daniel johnson.

dear mr bond,

my mother said that you should call her. UNITED NATIONS refugee camp here in abidjan cote d' ivoire and here is the ADRESS Abidjan UNITED NATIONS REFUGEE CAMP BP 1 AGREE.


please call us. yoursbrother daniel johnson.


From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: March 25, 2005
Subject: from daniel.look attachements

dear mr bond,
sorry that i did not tell you my mothers sickness. doctor said that she is having highblood pressure. and that she needs rest. please brother bond do not tell my on phone that you will not send the money because she will die, i told her that you are making everithing possible to send the money to the security company. please my mother always shed tears because my father died living us when need him most. please try and understand our condition. attachement is the death of my father and when my father was signing a contract with some investors in liberia my country. my father was a rich man and alos a good man but the enemies does not want him to live. that is why my mother does not want tell any body about this project in here africa
yoursbrotherdaniel johnson

I ask them to pay the money that mrs johnson collected, to the security company. I would also like to know if the security company has a website.  

From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: March 26, 2005
Subject: from daniel johnson to brother bond.

dear brother bond,
i and my mom is just coming back from the security company rigthnow because i printed your mail of yesterday for her to go through it and she read it we arrived that we will go to the security company do as you have said in your of mail yesterday. we have given the money to the security company but what we gave was 1400euros because my mom have spent some money from the money in by drugs for her sickness. so you have to send to the security company 232euros because they are waiting for you, my mother told them that you will complete it. please brother i want you to start looking for a good school for me because i want to be very educative and i want you to find a big house where all of us will stay before our arrival in your country. please you know my mother is an aged woman some time the way she reasons is diffirent from my own. but i love her so bond please immedaitely you receive the money i want you to buy me some good shoes and shirt and send to me with that our address so that i will have to wear as we are coming to meet you because i love the way you dress in that your picture you send to us. you said that you need the website of the security company, ask the security company to give it to mom is very tried she would have been here with me as i writing you. the doctors said that she needs more rest.thanks
yours brother daniel.

I have only seen pictures of Mrs Johnson and Daniel. They could be fake, so I call Daniel and ask him to send me their identity papers.  

From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: March 28, 2005
Subject: from daniel johnson.

dear brother bond,
thanks for you call. yes you are right because we supose to have id. i have seen the camp controler after i spoke with you. and he promised to relaese our lassier passer id to us so that i scann it and send it to you and after that i will return it to him, he said it will be tomorrow.
yours daniel johnson.


From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: March 29, 2005
Subject: our id's to you. from daniel johnson.

dear brother bond,
i have collected our id's please try as much as you can to finish this project. my mother is a little bit ok today but she said that she is not happy with you that you are delayed this project. do send the money to the security company so that before 12.00p.m today our time here for them to move to deliver the box to you before friday evening. please call us. awaiting your reply.
yours brother daniel johnson.

The pictures on the identitypapers are identical to the ones sent earlier, so the identitypapers could be homemade. I ask for their passports.  

From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: March 29, 2005
Subject: why have you chosen to treat us like this?

dear bond,
now that i know that you do not have feeling for us upon all that i have expalined to you about our condition presently. the id i gave to you is the only id that proves us as refugees here in abidjan with that id you locate us very easy and it is been done by a human being like me and you. even the passport that you are requesting is still human being that does it. so i do not understand you. now i do not think that i will waste more of my time with you because my mother is almost half dead, 1) she said does not trust you anymore,2) she said that you might betray us after when you receive the box. all i am doing is to convince her so that we will finish this project soonest. before i started writing you all this now my mother and i have concluded that we cannot lose our lifes because of your negetive thinking. that we will pay you all the money that you spent so far in this project including you telephone bills. what we want from you now is to send a POWER OF ATTORNEY to the security company and tell them that i and my mother can bring in some one else of our choice to secure the box onbehalf us. you have to prepare the POWER OF ATTORNEY immediately you receive this mail and send to this security company so that we can carry on our life. as you writing the security companydo not make to know we are having problem just write every thing our favour, after we receive our money we will pay you back. because of your negetive thinking you went and full victim of a lottory that you never played my mother told me this and you also said it in your mail to me. now you are bringing the negetive thinking to our only life. we cannot continue with this that you are doing. did you played the lottory???? i am very angry with you, you do not what i am facing and what i have faced since i lot my only father who loved so much. my father is very wealthy man and educated. please hold your money we do not need it again and please do not send it to the security company again. what you mean??? you cannot insult me and insult my mother because you have just spent 150euro.
please i am writing you this mail to make sure that you distroy all the informations that i and my mother have sent to you concerningn this project. my mother told me that you metioned in one of your mail that you can kill somebody and if any body fucks with you , you will kill the person. look my mother is a devoted christain mother must of your words she tells me and always tells me that she is dubting your capabilty of handling this project. but me as a young man who wants a good life i always tell her to forget that your country and africa is not the same thing that you peolpe have your own way of life. very urgent reply we need from you.
from daniel

I tell them again that I think the identitypapers are fake and that they made them themselves.  

From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: March 29, 2005
Subject: getintouch with us it is very urgent that we know what to do next.


i have to come back to the internet to check your mail. WE NEED THE POWER OF ATTORNEY from you because i and my mother have concluded to go the security company first thing tomorrow morning so send the POWER OF ATTORNEY to them we do not need to waste our time with you.
also my mother that i should tell thanks your effort so far in this project that we will send your money back to you and that you should check the amount that you have spent and write it down for us. you call me if you like. you are such an on greatful and inpatient person. we are tried to be beging and pleading to you. you cannot sit over in your country and know what is happing here in abidjan. the same id is till the id that my mother used when she traveled to cameroon and it was accepted from her, she traveled with it and stiil came back with. now that i know that you are not a good person. how can you say that you can do sometihng that belongs to united nation by your self. i do not know that all my dreams about you will just die like this. my hope is to come over to your country and life a good life again with my mother but see how you treated us. the trust we have in you has lead us backwards. so please and plaese do our request so that we can move foward with our life.
i have to write you all our heart as it is now. we do not need your money any more. we have seen that you are more intrestrested in the money than our lifes. you do not even have pity for my mother and her condition. you are supose to be calling us every day to see how we are doing . my question now is have you ever seen a refugee id before in your life ? or have you ever being in the refugee camp before or have ever visited africa before. why do'n t you come down here and stay with us so that you will see things youself. all i need now is a caring one around us not someone that will bring betterness to us, our life needs caring. let me say that both of us are the same age but can you see how the nature is treating me. i am an under graudate student of university of liberia but we my condition i cannot help my self living in the refugee camp is it a good thing. if not bad people my life would have been so wonderful because my father has all it take for me to become very educated. do see me as a full? OR DO YOU SEE MY MOTHER AS FULL?
getintouch with us it is very urgent that we know what to do next.

i am still waiting for you. from daniel.

The following day Mrs Johnson is back on the scene:  

From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: March 30, 2005
Subject: Call me Immediately. From Mrs Mand Johnson.

Dear Mr Bond,

Thanks for all that you done and you effort. since my son told you that i am sick you did even want talk to me on phone. I have seen all your mail and response. We don't need to going back because I believe that this day as I am writing you now is a Good day because I am fine today and I want to go to the security company and the possition of things. Get back to me Now so that I can know where we stand inregards to this project. Call me Now

Yours Mrs Mand Johnson.

I tell her again, that she will have to come up with some more money and ask for their passports as proof of their identity.  

From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: March 30, 2005
Subject: Still waiting for You.

Dear Mr Bond,

I have just received your mail right now. Honestly you have betrayed my son he told me that he trusted you and that hs is willing to give you anything as a brother but your command to him does not give him the right sense of believing you any more. Well as an aged person I have gone through your mail of today. The question my son asked you about a Refugee camp, It is not just a Question but it is an Experience which he is passing through this day. Do you know how long it will take you to get a dime from a Refugee camp. Here in Africa Nobody gives the people in the Refugee camp any money. We are just there in the camp to safe guard our self and to plan very well with out anybody knowing our mission here in abidjan. Now I have gone through your mail. The only money we have now as I am writing you now is 30euros and it is the remaining money that I have from the 100euro that I used in buying my drugs and we kept it for our feeding.

If you can send the remaining right now in Daniels Name he will go and collect so that will move Immediately to the Security Company and give them the money and also wait to know their movement about sending the box to you today. as soon we have the money from you now we are going to be with Security Company till they finish this project and to make sure that the box has left from here to your country. We need to work hand in hand to see that everything is well perfected.

Once again I swear with my life and the life of my son concerning this project. Lets settle with the Security Company and see what will happen. DO NOT BETRAY US I REPEAT.

Call me Now we are still in the camp waiting for you.

Your Mrs Mand Johnson.


From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: March 30, 2005



I call Daniel on the phone and repeat my point of view.  

From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: March 30, 2005
Subject: very urgent that we move foward.

Dear Mr Bond,

Daniel just told me that you called now. Ok the solution now is that you have go quikely and send the 130euros in name of Daniel so that i will add it with 30euro that i have in hand and move Immediately to the security company now and do as you just directed. This is the best way for us now than to be wasting time. I believe that will agree with me as i will plead with them.

It will not be adiveable that you send the money to the security company when it is not complete.the security company cannot because of 100euro and leave to send the box to you.i will go rigth away and plead with them.

call immedaitely you send the money so that Daniel wiil go and collect the money fastly.

4 minutes(!) later:  

From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: March 30, 2005
Subject: still wating for you.

Dear Mr Bond,

I am waiting for you to move Immedaitely. Call me as you send the money.

Your Mrs Mand Johnson.

I decide that the only way forward is to send the 130 Euros to Daniel. 150+130

From: Fexion Security CI-Abidjan <>
Sent: March 30, 2005
Subject: Official Protocal. FSA-CI.

Attention: Mr Bond,

Inrespect of Part Payment of your FEDERAL GOVERNMENT STAMP DUTY SEAL FEE which was brought to Our office today being 30/03/2005 by your Late Partner's wife Ms Mand Johnson has acknowlaged by Our Account Unit.

Remember that this Security Agency is not a Charity Organzation. We cannot go aganist the Rules and Regulation of the Ivoiran Security Net work. Note that upon the Delivery of your Consignment that in any lose or Damage that this Security Agency will be held Responsible because it under the Agreement between us and your Late Foreign Partner that we should deliver the said deposit Consigment safely.

Note that we are making it clear to you that if you fail to send the balance of your FEDERAL GOVERNMENT STAMP DUTY SEAL FEE which is 110Euros this Security Agency will not futher the delivery conclution of your Consignment tomorrow. We do bring this to your understanding that if you wish to send the Remaining balance to us directly. Updately we have been calling your Telephone line to give you Our Official Instruction but it was all failure responce ringing and no Anwser.

This Security Agency hereby bring this to your knowlaged to advice your Late Foreing Partner's that the Legal binding of your Consignment is between you Mr Bond and this Security Agency. She does not have Right to come to this Office and be Pleading us to go against Our stipulated law.

Anticipating Yours Co-Operation.

Your In Service,


From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: March 31, 2005
Subject: To Mr Bond,

Dear Mr Bond,

After all my pleading to security company director he told me that he cannot do anything that we have to follow their instructions and that it is only you that have the right deal with them not me. I was very sad that is why i did not write to you yesterday.

I want you to know that there is no place I can borrow money from. I gave the security company the same amount that you sent to me because the 30euro I told of is the only money we had and I told daniel about it what does he suggest that we do, which he told that we have hold the 30euro for any expense like our transportation to the company and our going to the internet to write you. it is the only money we have and if we give out to the money security company it will be difficult for us. since you cannot send any money for here for our daily expenses. now the ball is in your court you have to find any means to send the money to the security company so that they will release the box of money to you. we cannot becuase of this little amount waste our time and effort so far. you are in europe you can borrow from some one and lets finish this matter with the security company.

i cannot make any borrow because i have borrowed from many people here in my church which is the only place I can borrow.

Yours Mrs Mand Johnson.


Mrs Johnson, It is verry dificult for me to make another barrow right now, for today. It's imposibil for me to do this Today. You're asking me more that I can do. I have debts for more then 1000 euros untill now ( that means 7 months of wages here in serbia!), money barrow'd from different places and persons.

So it's up to you. I did more than my best so far in this deal I had with you, you know that. You have to find someone there to give more 110 euro, tell them that you need for feeding or maybe for some medicine. Tell that you're verry sick and you need urgent money for some drugs.

It would be better to send it over to me, so I pay the company as they want, even if we lose 15- 30 euro for transaction. If you send me atleast 100 euro i can get 20-30 euro from my uncle. GO NOW and get some money if you don't want to waste another week!!

I'll come back to check your reply in 3 hours when I get out from work. till then send me over the money on my name and give me the information i'll need to colect it from wester union/money gram ...


From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: March 31, 2005
Subject: To Mr Bond,

Dear Mr Bond,

I have told you that it is not possible for me to borrow any money. It is not easy to borrow money here in the refugee camp. we do not need to waste more time as you have said. I cannot do any thing as it is now. you cannot tell me that you cannor find that little amount of money from any of your have to make sure that you send the money today to the security company so that they will suspect us because if we have to be delaying just because of 110euros it will look somehow. my dear if have this money with me or i have some one to give me that money i will not be disturbing you for that Ok. you still have the strength as a young man to move around and get the money so do it. today is thursday you have to any thing necessary to send the money to the security company so that by friday the box will in possition.

repeated i cannot find the 110euros money. reason this by yourself just 110euros is delaying us from receiving our money. try your possible best my dear. noting good comes easy.

awaiting your reply it is very urgent that you finish this today.

yours mrs mand johnson.


From: Fexion Security CI-Abidjan <>
Sent: March 31, 2005


Sequel to your letter of Today being the 31/03/2005 FEXION SECURITY AGENCY - CI has been acknowlaged your request in delivering your Consignment Immediately we receive the Remaining Balance of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT STAMP DUTY SEAL FEE which will enable Our Diplomats deliver your Consignment to you through Our Diplomatic Immunity inless than 72 Working Hours.

Note that you are to send to Our Office any of your National Identity Attached with Our Agreed Promissary Note that Immediately your Consignment is in your care you will Refund the Remaining balance of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT STAMP DUTY SEAL FEE which is 2182.5Euros as we have Agreed with your Late Foreign Partner Wife Ms Mand Johnson on your Behalf.

Immediately we confirm from the Stated Instruments from you this Security Agency will Foward to you your Receiving Identification Code Number that you will use to Identify your self upon the arrival of Our Diplomats in your Country as the Bonafide Owner of the Consignment being with Our Dilopmats to Avoide Mis-Identity upon delivery.

Note: That this Security Agency have taken all Legal Step and We are waiting for your comfirmation. You are to send the Requested Fee 110Euros in the name of Our Receiving Officer, MR OBINNA NJOKU, abidjan Cote D' Ivoire West Africa. Via Wester Union Money Transfer with the Transfer Informations.

Updately, Our Web Page Address is under Construction Due the Current Laws holding this Security Agency Inconjunction with the West African Security Network (W.A.S.N) that all Security Organizations in this Sub-Region has been subjected with the Decree 147 Act 11 Upgrading Rules of the West African Security Network (W.A.S.N) Web Sites . We do apologise for any Inconvince this might have cost you. Our Web Page Address will soon be Online as soon as we are through with the Re-Construction..

Note: Your Consignment has been given "A PASS OK" Result from central Verification Unit and We are waiting for you to carry out Our Instructions Immediately so that we can Programmed the Shipment of your Consignment among the list of Consigments that will be leaving this week to Arrive Next week in Europe for handing over delivery to Our International Clients.

Anticipating Yours Co-Operation.

Your In Service,


From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: April 1, 2005
Subject: still waiting.

Dear Mr Bond,

you have been doing your best of which i did understand. 110euros is very little money to be holding this project as it is now. i am not happy about the delay of this project. Mr Bond you know quite well that i have tried best in this project which you should understand. now because of all that i have gone through i am now having a heart problem which has been given me many thougts. you have to find any means and send the money to the security company so that we can celebrate that the box is now in you possition. work hard my dear.

still waiting.
Mrs mand Johnson.


From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: April 1, 2005
Subject: still waiting for you.

Dear Mr Bond,

You have to send the money to the security company so that you will the next step. you have to pay the money because it was reached between me and them that you pay the balance when the box is in your possition. send the mail they sent to you so that i can go through it and also keep it for my records. do not waste more time today is friday i want us by next week i will be with you in serbia with my son daniel. send the money to the security company.

still waiting

yours mrs mand johnson.

Once again, I ask the security company to bend the rules.  

From: Fexion Security CI-Abidjan <>
Sent: April 1, 2005


This Security Agency will not in any way go against the Rule and Ethnics of Our Law Governing Body.

You are to follow up Our Instructions being given to you in Our previous letter.

Your Consignment will still be here with us untill we have a comfirmation from you that you have sent the Balance of 110Euros before we can proceed in delivering your Consignment to you.

Note That your Late Foreign Partner's wife Ms Mand Johnson has no right to interfer in this matter. Your profile has been recorded into Our Digital Central Computer Unit as the Bonafide owner of the Consignment which is in Our Custody. We do bring this to that we cannot afford to entertain any more pleading from your Late Foreign Partner's wife Ms Mand Johnson.

Updatedly, The last batch of Our Consignments will be leaving this Sub-Region to Europe Immediately it is 21.00 Gmt Our Local Time here in Abidjan Cote D' Ivoire, We are still stand by to give you the best of Our Services Immediately we comfirm the Western Union Transfer Informations of the 110Euros From you.

Anticipating Yours Co-Operation.

Your In Service,

... and once again I tell that I cannot raise the 110 EUROS.  

From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: April 1, 2005
Subject: what do you mean???


look we am sick and tried of your comments. the only solution to this project now is for stayback because we cannot believe what you are saying and doing. we are to receive 3.5million u.s.a. dollars and what you are telling me that you cannot raise 110euros to concluded this project, i am real dissapointed with you and your attitude. the best option now is for you to kindly send us a power of attorney so that we can carry on with this project because you are taking i and my mother as can you write such an email to the security company. making them to believe that you are you the class of my father when he deposited the box with them and how they take him.I TOLD MY MOTHER THAT YOU ARE JUST A FAILURE. DO NOT MAKE THINGS TOO TIGHT FOR US.the last time we visited them the way they attended to me and my mother was not good to me because they said that you are the one that they are supose to be attending to not us.

we cannot go to the security company to plead with them about this little amount of money 110 it will look some how to them and they might start to suspect something from you.

2 days later, Mrs Mand is back to discuss the 110 Euros:  

From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: April 3, 2005
Subject: Mrs Mand Johnson to Mr Bond,

Dear Mr Bond,

After my son daniel told me all that you wote and your telephone conversation with him, I am very suprise to read the content of your mail. we are supose to be one as we have started in this project. the problem is that you do not understand daniel and dabiel him self does not understand you. i am an aged person and i will not like to be pushed by problems as it is right now concerning this project because i believe that we are through already., but in this case you have to understand that our hopes is in your hands. daniel my son is not happy with you because of your delay in concluding this project. i have made him to understand that the way it is in europe for some one to borrow money is still the same way here in africa. borrowing money from someone is not easy any where.

i told you that i cannot borrow money from anybody here because if it is possible for me i would have done that. i want you to understand that you are the only one that knows all about our condition that is why we are very open with you.

i want you and daniel to coprate and understand yourselfs like brother because we are just at the end of this project the next thing that we should be talking about now is how to live as one family with peace and love. just because 110euros the devil wants steal all our effort so far. My Dear Mr Bond please do not let the devil to trap us down because of 110euros.

all i want here from you by tomorrow that you havev finished with security company that the box will be in your country. it will the happiest day of my life. but plaese mr bond do not use our condition to cheat us or betray us. i want you to call us so that you and daniel will talk and say sorry to each other. let past be the past so that we can face our future.

awaiting your urgent reply.

Yours Mrs Mand Johnson.

I still have second thoughts, and ask if it is a scam. I can not (read "will not") raise the 110 euros.  

From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: April 4, 2005
Subject: awaiting your urgent reply. from mrs mand johnson.

Dear Mr Bond,

Very very very bitter for me to read all you have written. it is not just a mere computer is writting you but it is someone that has been writing you all this while. it is still unbelievable to me that uptill now you are still alow the spirit of negetivetly to carry you around but in thoughts and otherwise.

i will not in any form cheat you and put you into problem for God Sake. i have feelings for humanbeings like me. i have given you all the my life hope and information just to see that you and i will make out something good for us in future. believe me I am in short of words as i am writing you this mail.

let me put it this way. since you do not believe me and my son why did 'nt you make it clear to me from the on set of my contact with you than to be saying all at this, this time that i am expecting good news from you. honestly i am still confused because i cannot understand you anymore. or is it the way you want to rob us our life hope. why did'nt you tell me all this in the first time. than to be telling all this now when i have given you all of our life hope.

i would'nt like you to have problems with me or any person inregards to this project. it will be good that we settle this now so that i and my son will go on with our fake life as you have said it open to us. But it is only God Almighty knows if i have done anything bad to you.

what can i say to you now, that you will believe me? all you have to do now for us is to write down the power of attorney to the security company directing them to wellcome any body that we bring to help us secure this project. that is the only thing you will do for us now. i do not want to talk about the lottory game because i asked you this in the first time but you did not want to open up to me, now are you bringing it our project? please i beg you not to put this project in that same spirit that is all over you now. people can be fake yes i know that. but in my case i and my son daniel is real will not involved our selfs in any thing that is fake because our life means more to us.. you can move foward and do what ever you think that is best for. but try and understand me. we will pay back all that you have spent concerning this soon as we finish it with a capable hand that will not chaet us or tell us lies. Mr Bond, you have failed me and betrayed my trust in you. the more you delay is the more we are facing more critcal time here in abidjan. so do as i have directed you. send the power of attorney to the security company and inform me. that we did not end this project very weel does not mean that our relationship will cut off. i also asy many thanks to you and your effort so far in this project, i feel for you because i know what it is for one to be lonely.

awaiting your urgent reply.
still remain yours mrs mand johnson.

I suggest that they try to get the money elsewhere via the internet.  

From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: April 5, 2005
Subject: if don't send the power of attorney to the security company. do not write to me again.

Dear Mr Bond,

you are now taking this project to be a joke or childs play. you cannot keep us in the dark just like that. i do not have anywhere to get the 110euros and i and my son cannot go online as you have just said. because going online here require a lot of money here is africa it is not the same like western world like europe.

I cannot go futher in explaning more to you because at this stage we are not supose to be talking about trust we have built the trust from the on set of this project. i am not convincing you as you have just said in your mail. all i am doing is for you to be more relaxed . i am not covincing you, you have to understand that our life is at stake. not to talk of my heart condidtion. Mr Bond, you don't even feel for me this is why daniel my son is very angry with you because you are only intrested in the money.

look let me ask you for the last time. are you paying the money to the security company? if you are not paying then kindly give me the power of attorney so that we move on with our life. i swear with the life of my son and my life that i will send to you all the money that you have spent concerning this project. let me ask you? HOW MUCH HAVE YOU SPENT THAT YOU BEHAVING LIKE THIS?

The power of attorney is what i won't from you so that i will save myself from this of your insult.

for your information i will be going to the security company tomorrow to inform them about our development and i am going to tell the director that you will be sending them a power of attorney to give me the power to move with another person . i am warning you for the last time do send the power of attorney to the security company because i am sick and tried of this exchanging of your mails from you without moving foward to finish this project. you are asking me to raise money. go to your english dictionary and find out yourself what a Refugee means and how they feed and do other things.

i am tried of explaning to you.
mrs mand johnson.


From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: April 5, 2005
Subject: From Mrs Mand Johnson. Very Urgent. Call me very Important.

Dear Mr Bond,

Look I am not in the possition to anwser your question. ask the security company any thing you feel that is not clear to you. I want you to be very open to me. are you sending the money to the security company today? Because why i am asking you this right now is that i and my son daniel have already prepared to visit the security company concerning the power of attorney which we are demanding from you like i told you yesterday. once again i am sick and tired of your delay in this project. today is thuesday and i want everything concerning this project to be concluded to today.

if we are moving foward i will know today and if we are not moving foward i will know.

Mr Bond, I want you to understand that i am taking the highest risk in this project but as an advanced person i do not want that to take up mind. the box of money will be deliverd to you and honestly i do not know you capability of receiving us when we will meet with you in your country and what is your in mind about us. Yes in one of your mails to me you said about something going on the internet. what do you real mean . Because i must tell you this i am not free again with you.

send the money to the security company if you are willing to move on with us. or you forget it and send the power of attorney immediately.

from mrs mand johnson.


From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: April 5, 2005
Subject: From Mrs Mand Johnson.

Dear Mr Bond,

I have received your mail. you are the one that will receive the box from the security company you have the right to ask them anything that is not clear to you to avoide mistakes so that anything that you do not understand they will tell you. because why i am saying this is for you to be sure about any step you are taking with them.

I told the security company that you pay the remainig money when you have the box in your possition which they agreed with me so what you will do is when the box is in your possition you will pay them after seeing the content of the box. you will only tell them to excuse you so that you can open the box take the money from there and pay them.

all my dreams now is to meet with you face to face because i am tired of this condidtion that i and my son have been since.

I await the good news from you.
Yours Mrs Mand Johnson.

The following day, the fruitless discussion goes on:  

From: Fexion Security CI-Abidjan <>
Sent: April 6, 2005

From:The Desk of Dr Ray Prince,
Fexion Security Agency,
11 Joseph Anoma Platueax Abidjan, Cote D' Ivoire.
Telephone:+ 225 07-18-19-43
Fax: + 225 07-75-82-12


Attention: Mr Bond,

Inregards to your letter Dated 05/04/2005, Note that you are to Balance up Our Remaining Fee upon the handing over of your Consignment to you by Our Diplomats.

Immediately we comfirm the Payment Informations of the 110Euros from you, This Security Agency will Proceed Immediately to Include your Consignment in the list of Our Consignments that will leave this Sub-Region today being 06/04/2005 to Europe.

Note, This Security Agency will be sending to you, Your Identification Code Number which will enable you Identify yourself as the Bonafide Beneficiary of the said Consignment which belongs to you upon the arrival of Our Diplomats in your Country, This is in line with Our Legal Protocal to avoide Mis-Identification upon the delivery of your Consignment to you.

Any Telephone call from you to this Office will be taken Legal.

Anticipating Yours Co-Operation.

Yours In Service,


From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: April 6, 2005
Subject: the time is here rightnow is 13:03pm

Dear Mr Bond,

The time here in 13:03pm the does not wait for any body. all i am expecting from you now is the good news that the box will be moving from here to you serbia today.

try and finish with the security company and getinouch with me.

i am seriously waiting to hear the good news.

your mrs mand johnson.

They finally stop the discussion of the 110 euros, and instead they try to threaten me by replacing me with "Susan" with a Power of Attorney.  

From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: April 9, 2005
Subject: see the attchedment the second time. i am tried of your trash. i am not hear for jokes.

Dear Mr Bond,

I am very upset with you. i have sent to you more than five mails but in your reply i cannot understand exactly what you mean.


I am tried with you mails. and which address you are talking about? i SENT MY MAIL THROUGH YOUR MAIL ADDRESS. THERE IS SOMETHING I MA SENCING. YOU WANT MADE AWAY WITH OUR MONEY.



They don't need a Power of Attorney from me, but by threatening me, they think that they can make me realize that it is easier to pay them, than prepare a Power of Attorney. However, I don't care about their threats.  

From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: April 9, 2005

Dear Mr Bond,

I cannot understand why you are delaying and keeping us horrowfull condition. getintouch with me I am very serious. you cannot handle this project and it is not must that you will handle it. so kindly send the power of attorney to the security company as i have directed you.

still waiting for you.

From mrs mand johnson.

Mrs Mand, We have a problem!! About the remaining payment of 2200 euros, I contact the company by mail and they reply me that I have to pay them untill the deliver gets here, in serbia, so your agreament with company is not at any use!! How am i suppose to give them 2200 euros BEFORE having the box??
So i haven't sent the money because it will be at no use if i'll have pay them 2200 euros BEFORE HAVING THE BOX!!
You have to go to company and convince them to give us atleast 24 hour to make the remaining of 2200 euros AFTER I'LL HAVE THE BOX, not untill.
You solve this PROBLEM and then get back to me. ...

From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: April 9, 2005
Subject: SO WHAT DO YOU MEAN!!!!!!!!

DEAR MR BOND, the last mail you sent to me. and i told that the security company said that they will only give TWO HOURS SO WHAT DO YOU MEAN. are you taking us as fulls????? ...

I am about to give up. So I keep silent for 2 days. Then this arrives:  

From: Mand Johnson <>
Sent: April 11, 2005
Subject: very important. from mrs mand johnson,

Dear Mr Bond,

Since you have deceided to keep silence for all the mail that i have sent to you.

I will like to inform you that I do not have any other alternative than to proceed with you because the security company cannot futher with me till they have a prove from you that you have instructed them to proceed with Mrs Susan.

In this case i do not like the way you treated me. now go and send the money to the security company so that they finish this project with you. you are making things to be very difficult for.

then if you know you are not willing to move futher with me kindly send the power of attorney to the security so that i will move futher with Mrs Susan.

today is monday and i want to conclude everything inregards to this project with you.

awaiting your speed reply.

your mrs mand johnson,. call me immediately.

... the story continues on page 3 ... Read about a murder attempt. I have to warn you for the mature language used ... Also read about the true identity of Mrs Susan ...  

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